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PC Valkyrie

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Everything posted by PC Valkyrie

  1. PC Valkyrie


    Graham's probably asleep right now in HK.
  2. Push the "head door" all the way in till it snaps in place behind the two little "nubs" you speak about. It will "snap" in place and the backpack will be very sturdy. Use the white supportive piece as well.
  3. PC Valkyrie


    I never expected this figure to be anything but a relatively stiff statue done in accurate paint and detail in 1/60 size to match my 1/60 VF-1's. If I had the skills, I would purchase and build accurate models instead. As long as it can stand on its own, I'm happy, as I only want this as a display piece along side my valks. Face it, all the Yamato products are basically expensive display pieces.
  4. Time to express my love for DYRL again.... Watching DYRL is the MOST EFFICIENT way of enjoying all that is Space War One in the Macross universe. The BEST traditional non-CG animation, superb background music, a more mature take on the Hikaru/Misa/Minmay love triangle, and all done within 2 hours. Can't be beat.
  5. Nope. Running out of space. I already have 4 1/48's and 2 are in boxes in my closet. I'm just going to wait for the 1/48 GBP 1 armour (OH PLEASE MAKE IT YAMATO!!).
  6. I have a 2 year old. I keep my valks/gundams out of reach by placing them on desks/shelves where he cannot reach. He often ask to touch them, but I always say "no". Gotta stay firm with that, because one you let them touch it once, it's game over. As a compromise, I give him my Doyusha YF-19 and YF 21 for him to hold once in a while.
  7. THAT's PERRRRRRRFECT!! Great job!!
  8. Update for me. 1/72 = 1 1/60 = 6 1/48 = 4
  9. Takatoku 1/100 VF-1J (Hikaru)
  10. No, the low vis is a scheme thought up by a customomizer in Japan. Yamato loved it so much that they produced a limited edition 1/48 version for sale. However, there is some speculation that the low vis VF-1A might show up in the upcoming Macross Zero episodes, but this is not confirmed at all.
  11. Welcom to the boards. As you can probably figure out, this board is dedicated to Macross. You may find some members a bit harsh about Robotech, given its history with Harmony Gold. To answer your questions: In the Macross TV series (roughly the same as the Macross Saga in Robotech), Hikaru pilots 1) his fanjet 2) VF-1D 3) VF-1J (white) 4) VF-1S (Roy's yellow stripe) In DYRL, Hikaru pilots 1) VF-1A (red stripe) 2) VT-1 3) VF-1S (red stripe) Keep in mind that DYRL was originally (in 1984) intended to be a "retelling" of Space War 1, as depicted in the TV series. It was a high budget motion picture based loosely on the events from the TV series. Some events are altered. Later on, (in the early 1990's), it was deemed to be movie within the Macross universe made in 2031, as many fans complained about the inconsistencies between DYRL and the TV series, along with Macross 7. Think of DYRL as the VISUAL reference of how things should LOOK like (characters/mecha), but think of the TV series as the reference of the events that happened during Space War 1.
  12. In the distant past, I was happy to own the DVD's of various anime, (Macross + Gundam being the most sought after). However, ever since joining this board in Dec. 2001 (exactly 2 years ago), I have spent a lot of money on Macross toys. I think many others will attest to that. MW will make you bankrupt!!
  13. I scored 8% - poser. I made my wife take the test: she scored 9% - geekish tendencies. Guess we match up pretty well!-- on the edge of cool and geekiness!
  14. Yup. For me, the 1/48 VF-1A Hikaru is the original 1/48 yamato VF-1. Despite the more recentl releases, I have a strong desire to keep Hikaru as mint as possible. I did transform it a couple of times (I think less than 10 times) at the beginning, but I now keep him and the low vis in the box in fighter mode. I "play" with my other 1/48's, namely VF-1S Roy and VF-1J Hikaru. I love my 1/48 VF-1A Hikaru. A truly breakthrough Macross toy.
  15. Just chill. Yes, these M7 threads come up often. However, they are harmless, (other than take up bandwidth). They are probably one of the most entertaining threads to read. I for one love reading Keith's, Duke's and Agent One's posts. Ridiculous interpretations to justify one's points, excellent use of sarcasm, and stating opinions bluntly with disregard to anyone's feelings......I LOVE IT!! This is the most entertaining active thread during this Christmas week.
  16. Oh come on. You do know that Kawamori loves his DYRL designs. Given the big budget of the movie, he was able to redesign/reanimate the key mecha to his liking. Just accept it, DYRL is the VISUAL reference of Space War 1, with the TV series being the STORY reference. Back on topic: I think the toy looks pretty good. I hope the final paint scheme is not as "shiny". Definitely going to get this enemy mecha piece in Millia bright RED! Will go well with my 1/60 Max.
  17. Heh, Heh. Agent One. I don't post that much, but I just gotta say: YOU DA MAN!! I love your attitude; it livens up this board and your posts ALWAYS make for an interesting read. By the way, I also think DYRL is the absolute best and M7 definitely spirals in the wrong direction.
  18. Hi all. HLJ has got the first 2 Zeonography figures in stock. Both are Zaku II's, (red or grey colour). Anyone have their hands on them yet? I personally look forward to getting some bad guys to display with my FIX figures.
  19. Ahhh. Bandai 1/144 FIX figuration figures and Yamato 1/48 Valks. These are are my current favourite toys that I collect. As to which one I like more? Well...I have to say that the 1/48 VF-1 is probably the superior piece, in terms of quality. It can also transform through an ingenius sequence into 3 modes without removing any pieces. Even though it is far more expensive than most FIX figures, I would recommend buying the 1/48 over the FIX Deep Striker, if you had to choose between them. Ideally, get both!! I personally have 3 1/48 VF-1's, with a 4th coming. I keep saying each time that it's going to be my last one, but I always cave in because of Macross World reports and pictures. I think they are the most beautiful rendition of the VF-1, ever. With regards to FIX figures, I don't have the Deep Striker, but I do own GP-01, Nu Gundam HWS, EX-S, GP04 Gerbera, and most recently the Red Zeta Plus. I also love these figures, as they are the best rendition of Gundam, 2nd only to Master Grade or Perfect Grade models. I don't model, so the FIX figures make great display pieces for me. As many here have already said, you can't "play" with them very much, but they look damn good! Bottom line: In my opinion, get the 1/48 VF-1. You get to "play" with a fully transformable toy that looks great and is huge.
  20. Didn't go throught the rest of this thread, but I don't particularly like the colour scheme.
  21. PC Valkyrie

    1:48 VF-1J

    I preordered one with fast packs. As many here have indicated, I don't have to actually put the fast packs on the valk if I feel like a "canon extremist" type of mood. I'm not a major fan of the TV series colour schemes, but I am really hoping for a 1/48 GBP armour in the future (Graham has previously stated that he thinks Yamato would be stupid not to make one in the future, so I'm hopeful that the Sithlord thinks there is a fair chance they will be made). Plus, gotta love those hands......
  22. WOW. Absolutely the best 1/48 Strike VF-1 I have seen EVER. WM Cheng, you have definitely made a great looking toy look stunning in every mode. To all the 1/48 bashers out there.....I challenge you to make your 1/60's, chunkey monkeys, or MPC's look this good, even with customization. Great work, fellow Torontonian!
  23. Actually, Misa started loving Hikaru when they were stranded together on the Protoculture island, especially after they had that wonderful mock dinner scene and they started hugging/kissing. ....ducks promptly away from those insisting that DYRL had nothing to do with what REALLY happened
  24. Wierd to quote myself. But I just have to say that I've broken down and pre-ordered a Yamato 1/48 Super VF-1J. Which means I'll be a proud owner of 4 1/48 VF-1's and I'll have even more problems finding space to put all of them. I must admit that I am liking the 1/60 line less and less.
  25. I've only got one 1/55 Super VF-1S Bandai reissue. I got it just to see what a genuine chunkey monkey looks and feels like, as the original toys from the 1980's were out of reach for me. I must admit that it is far more "playable" than any of my Yamato's. Perhaps, I should rephrase that: I feel far more comfortable playing around with it than my Yamato's because I am not afraid of breaking something. I definitely think it is superior that way. However, my main priority is still accuracy of appearance, so I haven't bought any more of the Bandai reissues. Been wasting money on the Yamato 1/48's instead.
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