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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. When is the Hellhound due for release? Thank in advance!!!
  2. Yea No kiddin, I wish I had the talent like that, even if I could just to make my own model kits. Too awsome!!!
  3. I have the 1/100 and it is a beautiful kit, just want a couple of fully detailed 1/72 to go with my 1/72 scale stuff. Rob had stated before that he planned a detailed cockpit 1/100 scale but something came up though.
  4. I hope that there will be a inspiration for a Resin 1/72 scale Fighter pod with detailed cockpit and pilot. If any of you wonderful talented sculpters are pondering one, I will take 2. I think there are just not enough enemy kits out there that are nice in detail.
  5. laroy

    1/48 dream

    I would really like to see the VF-2J from Macross II. This was a awsome Mech without enough recognition I believe.
  6. Please put me down for one kit. Thanks, La Roy
  7. Depends where you look. HLJ only has one of the sets left but I've seen Hobbyfan carry all 3 from time to time, plus they sometimes popup on evilBay as well. Good luck. Thanks friend, I found the 2 sets that I wanted on Hobbyfan. Have a great day. La Roy
  8. They are great kits, I also like some others do not like the rubber/cloth. I bought gray materiel and fashioned for a more realistic look and easier to pose. Instead of painting after I put on the decals I sprayed clear gloss coat on.
  9. Sorry Rob.
  10. Hi, I went and watch a few episodes, you guys are right, no clear canopy its a hatch. It would be cool to have a opening hatch though with detailed pilot and instrument panel, although again there was no pictures of the inside, it would be guess work. Thanks guys, La Roy
  11. I have the 1/100 scale resin kit which is a beautiful kit, but I was wandering if there ever was a kit with full cockpit detail,pilot and a clear canopy? Thanks, La Roy
  12. Thanks Noel, Have a great evening.
  13. I was wandering how many different sets of optional decals were made, and are they still available?
  14. I had to go looking for it myself. Here you go: Okay, I did the same thing, always jumping the gun, thats why I have so damn many models now. I voted the GBP1, but I would also buy the Thunder Hammer.
  15. laroy

    VF-0A kit

    Thanks for the info and pics guys, I ordered one for myself. Have a great day, La Roy
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