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Everything posted by Lezt
or all the 8 machine gun spits and huricanse in the RAF....
also to speak, the gun pot is a good melee weapon already, just take the ak47, u cna bash in a skull or break a few bones with a few butt smacks and wacks
Er.... Mach is unitless? Mach 1 equals a specific speed at sea level, which happens to be the speed of sound at sea level. Depending on teperature, the speed of sound at sea level is about 776 miles per hour. This changes as you change altitude, so Mach 1 at 60000 feet is different than Mach 1 at 0 feet. Also, concerning the matter of escape velocity, you simply must have more energy than gravity. Here's one website for that: Escape Velocity The reason why jets can't leave the atmosphere is because they require air (duh!), and currently, you need a rocket to supply enough thrust long enough to leave Earth. To lift a Jet into space requires much less thrust than a space shuttle. that is where i come in, remmeber GMm/r? ( i am going to be an engineer by the way) if u luanch an aircraft form a high place; for my case of saying that u dun nescessary need that 11km/sec to get out of earth; i will chose first everest. hieght of everest = 8850m radius of earth = 6378136 m Grav constant(top of my head) = 6.67259E-11 M earth = 6E24 kg m = canceled (1/2)mv^2 = GMm/® for surface of earth v = 11204m/s if R = Rearth + Reverst v = 11196.69m/s if R = (Rearth + RSr71(assume 20km) v = 11186.93m/s now applying to aero space, we should check the fundemental methold which the constant escape velocity is calculated from. it is a energy type calculation thus it assumes that no energy will enter the system once the system is set in motion (just like a bullet out of a gun, once the bullet is out of the barrel nothing is pushing it cept the restive air flow). but a rocket is constantly supplying energy along the process. and also when fuel is burnt the m of the rocket~ decreases so therefore it is capable of reaching space without going 11km/sec iirc the space shuttle and apollo series do not even reach that speed untill the very end of the launch. and that is only because they are in space. and mach num iirc is a ratio aka without a unit. (m/s)/(m/s) = 1
you do not actually need to have escape velocity to get out into hte atmosphere if u are not in rocket launch mode. and mach speed is not a good tell as it does not state the attitude, u know that mach is unitless rite?
some one find the specs for a tokyo living complex, a tight one in hk will be: 500m*100m*100m complex living (50~floors, 25 flats per floor, 4 person per flat) =5000person per that... i dun even know if the sides of the building is actually 100m long... but then again we dun havbe park and things included in that...
That explains the reason for the Meltrans....unless I'm missing the point of the thread. hummn that empphsis is that there are more zentrady fleats out there, my point is that the meltrans are used as a cover up for the supervision army, i.e. the sdf macross is originally supervisoion army then in the movie it was meltran's/
well those explantion do not interpred the disaperance of the supervision army nor the instatment of the meltrans as a seperate organization than the zentrans.
i am always under the knowledge that do you remember love is the official story for SDF macross and that it is supposed to be a movied made in the macross world for the population in the macross universe. basing on that, i think htat we can draw a line. that the SDF macross is the real event and that DYRL is just a perspective of that event. and for popaganda reason, the UNG did not want to scare the populance by introducing a new meneace which can destroy earth called the su[ervision army. so they covered the story up as a civil war between the meltrans and the zentrans instead of the supervison army against the zentradies. by this theroy we can kinda explane the direpecies of the series, comments? it is rather cunfusing in the macross universe....
well then agian the satilite should be quiped with gravity control and much less dense than the earth since it is mostly hollow as to allow for space docks, manufacturing plants etc...
The "backpack" thrusters were on. Animation error. Well....maybe they had limited hydrogen based fuel (the ones we use on space shuttles) to be used in an airless environment. or the heat form the thruster is so intense that it plasmalised the water and frred the O from the H2O......
Well, you're STILL wrong. That's not Gundam 0080 you're describing. Everyone knows SEED was a retelling of 0079, so there should be no surprise that there are quite a considerable number of similarities between the two. You have quite a knack for the obvious though. Bravo. If only now you'd get the names of the series right. opps i guese i messed up war in the pocket, stardust memories and MSG then again u can always throw Zeta zeta in.... same plot too...
WRONG on BOTH counts. well X and wing are a bit far fetch but 0080 and Seed, i am sure on that kira same as amuro finds a gundam and pilots it both series havea crew of kids in the warships same battle sequence, escape form coloney (side 7 and one of orb's) then space chace, then land in desert, then to sea and back to space, design of strike and gundam are very similar the final enemy superweapon is the same ( gigantic gamma ray in Seed and Solar ray in 0080) and same too, solar ray destroys first assault fleet, and gamma ray destroy first assault fleet. the idea of new type and coordinators? masked enemy? (char and clone guy) the ohysical story is the same, however the people part is not. but then gundam is a mecha anime so it is relitively the same.
i agree lok at gundam, seed = 0080, X = wing, and all gundam pilots are kids who suddenly get a chance to pilot a gundam... i dun want macross to be like that... ps dump Max in a Vf1j against Char on a Zaku, i think max will win...
would u by any chance have a wife named jane?
seem like alot of u are from HK, Aka me too, but i am currently studying in canada for engineering, just wondering.... u guys do make me want to be home hehe
well we could have force field renforced glass.... should do the trick...
destroids should get more respect... it is like the argument of tanks against fighters, the tank holds some advantages while the plane hold the other. as stated before, a destroid is cheaper to produce, the pilot is easier to train(less transformation), the armour could be much thicker(look at teh 200mm of armour on a mordern tank and 30mm in fighters), the same power geneator can povide more power to the weaponary systems as the destroid does not need to fly. therefore the destriod can pack more punch than most vfs. the only draw back is the lack of speed. but that does not make them weak at defending stragic locations or spearhead a planet bound assault. it is that vfs are glorified abit too much over the destroids...
recall "some one" in the Xmen series? i think his bones will be similar with the Zens
i am thinking if i can get maybe VF4, 11,14,17,19 and 21 in the game as the selection of planes are somewat limited after time..... thank you