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Crazy Canuck II

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Everything posted by Crazy Canuck II

  1. Does anyone have any pics of the Yamato 1/48 VF-1 CAD CAM drawings? I dug through the magazine section, but I couldn't find any. I'm looking for both battroid and fighter if there are any. If anyone has them or could scan them and post pics I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hey all. I'm thinking about making a simple hangar diorama to display some 1/48's but I want to make something that is at least somewhat on show style. The problem is I have almost no reference. I tried doing a search on MW but most of the good threads ended with dead links. If anyone has line art, screen caps, other dioramas, or whatever, please post them. Thanks in advance.
  3. Yeah... I missed the "fiasco". I know MW was on Yamato's black list for a while, but never knew why. To this day I'm still curious as to what happened, but figure it's better to let sleeping dogs lie. Still my point was, I know from experience being "in the know" is not always as much fun as it seems.
  4. Yeah that was me, but to be honest I kinda hope I'm not right. As much as I'd like to see Bandai try and one up Yamato with an even better VF-1, at this point I'm so invested in 1/48s (currently have 6) the idea of something better coming out and having to start over is a little scary. Problem is I have a feeling I might be right. The last time I got this kind of funny feeling was when I guessed Yamato was going to make a 1/48 scale VF-1 months before it was even close to being announced. Even back then, Graham was dropping a few hints hear and there, nothing concrete, but I just had this feeling. I had this big long Thread I was going to start, but on a hunch I PM'd what I was going to post to Graham and while he did not confirm I was right, he politely asked me not to post it, so I pretty much assumed I guess right. Man that was a painful few months not being able to say anything. Sometimes it's not as much fun being in the know when you can't talk to anyone about it. Graham deserves props for holding so many secrets for so long. Having said all that, if a SOC VF-1 was perfect transformation and was about 1/60 scale, I'd get a few to display beside the Yamato Mac+ and Mac0 lines.
  5. Crazy Canuck II

    1/48 GBP

    Yeah, I know. I've seen several 1/48 Enigma schemes made by various MW members, but what I was talking about was the original which was actually published in Oct 2001 Model Graphix. So far Yamato has only used published schemes on their own products not random fan customs and as I said, the original Enigma was on a hasegawa. Sorry about that, should have made it clearer.
  6. Crazy Canuck II

    1/48 GBP

    As much as I would love a 1/48 Enigma scheme, I have to wonder if it would or even could happen. So far other than the LVII and Stealth which were Yamato creations, the only non canon paint schemes (LV1 and now this Enigma GBP-1S) Yamato has directly "Borrowed" From fan creations have been repaints of Yamato products. Unfortunately the VF-1 Enigma scheme was on a Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1. I'm speculating Yamato can, or is only willing to "copy" schemes that have been done to one of their products. I hope I'm wrong, but it makes one wonder.
  7. Anyone heard any details about this?
  8. Really!? When I look at the Ghost/VF-0 combo I see a smaller jet humping a larger one.
  9. Crazy Canuck II

    Graham's Sig

    Hmmm. Part of me thinks the whole "may or may not refer to a Yamato product" is your attempt to put us off the trail, but the other part thinks what's the point. Even if someone guesses it, we won't know until it's announced. Having said that and taking what you said in account my guess is..... Soul_of_Chogokin_VF-1 So what do I win?
  10. Ha ha.. Well truth be told, I didn't put it in all one suitcase. I did have one large suitcase empty, but I did unpack the remaining 3 suitcases and distributed the booty between all 4, because I wanted to insulate my new additions with cloths and junk. But now that you mention it, the empty suit case did fill up quite quickly. Thank god I was able to make room in the others.
  11. Sorry I don't, but HLJ has some good pics: http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN941676 http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN941677 I must admit these things are cute. I wouldn't have concidered them if it wasn't for the girlfriend. She thought they were great and I was more then happy to encourage any intest in anime robots and/or the Fix Figuration line on her part.
  12. Curse fix figuration! I had no intrest in this line until my trip to Japan last month, where I picked up several. The Kampfer looks awesome and will be the latest addition to my budding collection. *sigh* Looks like my collecting will have expand beyond Yamato Macross offerings. Oh well, best not to fight it.
  13. Sorry guys, but I can't help myself. I have to show off my score from my trip to Japan last month. I was only in Akihabara for one day, but what a day. If you've never been and have the chance to go, don't pass it up, you won't be disappointed. Unfortunately I don't have any pics of my trip there, I was far too preoccupied with finding my score to stop and take pictures. Top on my list was the 1/60 VF-0A, 1/48 Stealth and stealth fast packs and MP starscream. Once I had those, the rest was gravy. Probably the most surprising for me was falling for the Gundam fix figuration line. I had no intention of getting any gundam figures, but as you can see ended up with several fix figs. Even the girlfriend couldn't resist the fix line and bought the #0029 God/Nobel set as well as the cutesie, #6001 Keroro Gunso and #6002 Giroro Gocho. Looks like my collecting will have to expand beyond Yamato's Macross crack and include gundam Fix Figuration. When all was said and done I probably spent somewhere in the neighbourhood of 100,000 Yen for toys alone. I could have easily spent more, but only had one empty suitcase to fill. P.S. Sorry for the bad pic, I'm just not a camera guy.
  14. One mod that I'd like to try, but most likely never will, would be to add more range of motion to the hips for battroid mode. As it is right now, the tips of the angled intake housing hit the side of the cockpit which limits how wide the legs can spread apart. I thought maybe the angled section of the intake could be hinged so that it would angle allowing the legs to pivot more. Taking it a step further, if the housing was free floating with some kind of spring so it can move and pop back in place, then it could angle when it hits the cockpit or even the back allowing the legs to pivot forward without the use of the ratchet joint below the hip, which IMO while accurate and functional looks ugly. Here's a pic to help illustrate what I'm talking about incase none of that made any sense.
  15. Never seen these, but they look interesting. From the name I'm assuming these are rubber and have some kind of inner wire skeleton. Could be a pain to paint, but might be great for posing. http://www.hlj.com/product/PROPK-1
  16. 1. 1/48 diorama/playsets. Something nice to display your 1/48s in. Maybe a few different ones specifically for battroid, fighter, GBP-1S, etc. Comes with ground crew, vehicles, and launch arms to hold fastpacks, accessories and junk.They could be 12" x 12" and connect together for one big display and have some kind of lighting system to show off your 1/48. Somtheing like this: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...-1310-97box.jpg 2. 1/1 VF-1 HUD (Heads Up Display). Clear Plexiglass with animated graphics. Could be a nice display piece. For those that don't know what a HUD is: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/CrazyCan...lkficockpit.jpg 3. 1/? line of capital ships. Nothing big, something like trading figures so you could afford to collect them all. That's all that comes to mind for now.
  17. 4 votes for "1st (I'm a Sith I know the QC is fine )" I was hoping to bait Graham into telling us the 19 is going to be QC free, but instead all I caught was a bunch of wise guys
  18. Ok, who voted for "1st (I'm a Sith I know the QC is fine )"? I hope it was Graham. either way, whoever it was, please back it up.
  19. I have a problem... I'm worried about QC issues on the 1/60 YF-19 and can't decide if I should get the first run or wait for a second release... If there is one. I don't care about being the first kid on the block with one so that's not a problem. What I'm worried about is either there won't be a second run, or if there is, it will be that blue version from the game, or by the time Yamato does get around to a second run the price will go up. On the other hand the QC issue really bugs me because if you ask me it's a load of BS that QC may even be an issue with a $200 collectable. I really don't feel like having the experience tainted by floppy joints or other unexpected surprises. So I thought I'd put it out there and see what the rest of the community is thinking.
  20. Damn! Yamato has come a loooong way since the toycom days. I don't know if it's CAD, different designers, experience or all of the above, but the difference is quite astonishing and very very welcome. BRING ON THE YF-21!!!!
  21. Wow!.... Very impressive. They've done a great job balancing the three modes. The wing size seems perfect in these pics. I wonder if it's the angle or if Yamato made changes. The gunpod still seems a little on the small side and the legs seem too wide apart, but both are far from deal breakers for me. I think I'll be getting two of these one initial release and one after the inevitable QC problems are fixed. Plus that way I can display both fighter and battroid modes. Now that I've seen what a good job yamato has done with the 19 I can't wait to see what they come up with for the 21... If they make it... Which we all know they will.
  22. Looking at the MP SS I have to admit the colors are starting to bug me. Not so much the base color, but the blue and fusia are too bright. If the colors overall were desaturated I think it would make a big difference
  23. I know there were pics of the D"StancE YF-21 instructions on the boards ages ago. If anyone has them, can they please post them? It might be interesting to see how the D"stancE deals with the shoulder/arm transformation.
  24. Some very good points. Even if Overtechnology was not fully understood or developed in the VF-1, in the very least I think we can agree there had to be some major leaps in materials technology. The VF-1 must be made of some impressive materials to withstand the stresses of transformation in mid flight. That alone seems like enough to advance fighter design. If todays aerospace engineers had access to the types of material the VF-1 is made of I suspect they would be able to advance fighter design leaps and bounds. Which still begs the question, why did the VF-1 designers decided to go with such a traditional fighter design. I suppose another explanation other than my original idea that it was for security reasons, is that the VF-1 designers knew they would have their hand full with the transformation and battroid mode and elected to keep the fighter design within their current realm of understanding. Perhaps it was a combination of both security and design/financial reasons to keep the fighter simple.
  25. I was looking over my 1/48 Low Vis II the other day and it got me thinking. Why is the VF-1's fighter mode so contemporary? Granted in the Macross timeline the first variable VF-1 prototype won't have it's first flight until Feb. 2007 so it makes sense it would look like todays fighters, but if U.N. Spacy had the Overtechnology to make a variable fighter you'd think they would also make some major leaps in fighter design. Then it occurred to me, perhaps the VF-1 fighter was designed to look like an ordinary fighter to disguise it's use of Overtechnology from the general public. That way the VF-1 could be put into wide service without anyone knowing about it's variable abilities as well as it's roll to protect against possible attack by giant aliens... Anyway, just thought I would share in the hopes of sparking an interesting conversation.
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