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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. Very nice, definite buy. I think Elecman was the first Robot Master I ever defeated when I played Mega Man for the first time on my Game Boy.
  2. I‘m disappointed in the Lego Artemis 1 set. The start ramp takes up most of the bricks (I read somewhere that it’s 22/27 bags in the set). The rocket is significantly smaller than the Lego Saturn V, even if the team rockets are almost the same size. And the set comes with copious small stickers that will be a nightmare to align. (images courtesy of Stonewars.de)
  3. I preordered one from HLJ, thanks.
  4. I thought the idea is that after WW2 they diverted from our reality by focusing their effort on developing better nuclear fission reactors instead of going the integrated circuit route our reality took. So it’s not like they were stagnant for a long time. All their electronics look a bit old fashioned (i.e. CRT based) but powered by mini nuclear reactors. It was how the game designers envisioned in the late 90s (at a time were the whole flat LCD screen in your hand aesthetic wasn’t a thing) to signify that the Fallout universe is different from ours but still familiar and the franchise ran with it
  5. I might have to get the Hot Toys Darth Revan. How much is the MSRP? HLJ has it for ¥40000 but I guess they have to import stock from HK so that might not be the best route to go.
  6. There is not much story overlap between the series and the game because the series takes place much later than the first games (that are also set in the California area Fallout 1&2 but start at 2161). The Bethesda games are set. Fallout 3&4 (2277 & 2287) take place in the North East of the US and Fallout 76 (2102) in the Appalachian area. The show takes place in 2296 so quite a bit apart from the first game. There are some location cameos like Shady Sands but I haven’t found a lot of overlap between the games besides general themes and the setting.
  7. That looks like an eclectic mix of materials and finishes. It doesn’t seem to follow any kind of pattern. Do we know why this is the case snd were Bandai is drawing its inspiration from? I think I couldn’t come up with something like this, even if I tried really hard.
  8. Some would say (like myself) that Powermaster Prime is the better G1 Optimus Prime toy. And I want a good version of it. Sadly Takara seems unable to produce good Masterpiece toys anymore. They struggled before, producing some of the worst figures in my collection, but especially some of the Carbots, Megatron and Optimus were quite good. I would say MP-10 till MP-22 was the golden age of the Masterpiece line. I will following the release of the toy and maybe buy a Nucleon Quest version if they do it but I‘m preordering this. However, after how bad MP-49 Nemesis Convoy turned out I not so certain on the Nucleon Quest one either. Oh well, FansToys will eventually run out of US G1 toys so they will come to Ginrai if you give them time.
  9. I don’t understand what is going on here. I might be sour because the MPG Raiden I bought is mostly terrible but this looks like another half-assed effort to me. Besides the arms that look like the designer just gave up I wonder whats up with all the mis-colored parts? The blue showing on the hinges in truck mode, the half and half colored chest block in super mode, the visible blue thighs in the cab chest block and the blue colored hinges on the shoulders in super mode. They all look out of place. I‘m not a line art expert but does the super mode backpack is supposed to look like that? Especially the area behind the head. Ever since Power Baser that area is of particular interest to me since man Power Master toys seem to struggle making the area look purposeful. Looking back I think Make Toys still made the best looking Power Master Optimus Prime. All the G1 versions seem to struggle to look cool to me.
  10. I’m sure the will do the new Desthwing Terminators eventually. It was just unfortunate that: 1. they didn’t release any regular Deathwing Terminator troops and 2. GW just released new Deathwing Terminators when JoyToy announced theirs. I wonder what the communications with GW sounded when JoyToy decided to release the Deathwing. I hope they do announce Sammael in his jetbike soon.
  11. So the front of the thighs are chromed and that’s what’s causing the shadow. The arms sticking up in trailer mode remain a mystery.
  12. So for me the he looks like his alt mode would fit right into an G1 MP carbot collection. However his robot mode doesn’t. For me the G1 design for the car bots are: 1. Simplified detail with regards to greebles and sculpt (since the toys and the cartoon were less sophisticated) 2. Chunky limb proportions, especially in the legs. 3. Large parts of the alt-mode making up sections of the robot-mode (like chests for Jazz or the legs for Prowl). Yes, Drift looks like Drift but I would preferred something more in line with the MP Autobot lineup. For example, the chest could be the hood of the car, the shape of the legs would be more simplified or the feet could be integrated into the lower legs. I‘m not criticizing MMC on that since it might have been a case of wrong expectation management on my side. When they announced an IF Drift this was not the robot mode I had in mind.
  13. I was looking forward to this one. But I'm taken aback by the disconnect between the 80s car alt-mode and the modern IDW robot-mode. Maybe it was faulty reasoning on my part but I would have expected and wanted a much more "G1" looking robot mode. I don’t know for whom this is for. We already had an IDW Drift (futuristic alt-mode and all) from MMC in the Reformatted line. We have the Flame Toys stylized one and the transformable knockoff one. So I'm confused. It seems like MMC's IF line is a continuation of Reformatted but at a larger scale without a consistent art style?
  14. I don’t know, I would have preferred the new Terminator and Deathwing Knights GW released recently than those old sculpts.
  15. Clearly the Hasbro one, since it is official. It is disappointing to see, that even with Swoop being the smallest Dinobot, being a Leader Class toy in the Studio Series and doesn’t come with any slug figures his wingspan is so tiny. It is my understanding that the Dinobots have been great so far so it is sad to see that Swoop seems to be lacking. Oh well, there will surely be an add on set with bigger wings and better legs for alt-mode so you can have a good Swoop for merely $49 more.
  16. Scyla

    Toys builder

    Here is a link to the Workshop section of the MWF boards: https://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/forum/23-the-workshop/ Hope that helps.
  17. Well, the first 6 six releases in the MPG line felt like someones first Transformer (engineering wise) so I don’t have a hard time believing that this is not mistransformed. However, I hope this is not the case. I guess we will find out on 04/10 when the toy is officially revealed. I wonder what the connection between MP-60 Ginrai and MPG-09 Super Ginrai is.
  18. @jvmacross new preorder HMR VF-19 Kai (WWM): https://tamashiiweb.com/item/14852 HMR VF-19 Kai Fire Valkyrie PO Date: 05 April 2024 Release: Aug 2024 Price: Yen 14,300, inclusive 10% domestic tax Available worldwide (WWM
  19. I think the thighs are chromed or painted silver and that is why they look fairly dark (which could be read as shadows cast by hollow bits). I don’t have a good explanation for the arms sticking up in alt-mode tough.
  20. I'm confused but I will wait for the final reveal. These low resolution images are not helping. If, what the images indicating is correct (hollow thighs, the arms bot folding down in truck mode). I will wait for the Fans Toys one or don’t bother at all. Again, need some officially product shots first.
  21. @Seto Kaiba: what @MacrossJunkie said. For the release of the Lion JoyToy wasn’t able/wasn‘t allowed to sculpt the Arma Luminis pistol so he only comes with the gun in the holster as it appeared on the mini. I sometimes see that they add different items than what the mini the toy is based on had. But I assume this is only the case were an official model from GW exists. So I assume a Demon Primarch Magnus will come with all the heads the mini had (maybe even cast of armor) while the Horus Heresy one will only have the one head depicted above.
  22. Interesting that it is not labeled as an MPG release, contrary to what the first rumors said.
  23. You and me both. At this time all I want is a copy of the despecialized cut of the original trilogy I saw as a kid. I guess this is not a singular sentiment which makes it even puzzling to me why they didn’t try to set the story earlier: new characters, new aesthetics, new story beats, less baggage. The only thing I can come up with is that the marketing people at Disney think, that the Prequel era is popular thanks to the success of the Clone Wars show so they want to capitalize on that. In my perception most of the fandom is burnt out on some aspect of the Skywalker saga timeframe so to me the key to success is abandoning that narrative altogether. The KotoR setting was chosen exactly because it was so far removed so that they didn’t have to deal with the baggage from the main media, but it was familiar enough to recognize it as Star Wars.
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