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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. Have you tried to reach out to Cobi directly? I would try to send them an email and see if the can get you sorted at: customerservice@cobi.eu
  2. So when are we expecting preorders go up the reveals at the Metal Build Festival? Directly after the show, or later? I‘m tempted by the new MB Strike Freedom but I already have the two previous releases, so a new mold would have a higher priority.
  3. @mikeszekelyI ordered it from Hasbro Pulse Europe directly. Yes it is impressive that they retooled Mindwipe into Squeezeplay. To me he is ok. With regards to Tarn he is the Legacy version which is even worse because the one from the multipack can actually hold up his arm. Aesthetically he just looks like a thin cuboid, especially from the side lacking any body definition. The transformation is unimaginative, not very smooth and boring. The exposed hands and jutting out kneecaps look unfinished. The articulation of the arm has to work around the a cannon and feels clunky and not well thought out. The proportions of his legs is super off to me with the long thighs. And finally he has fake wheels on his treads that end up on the front of the toy which looks terrible and serve no purpose other than give the outside of the shoulder treads enough space so that the tank sits evenly on the ground.
  4. I‘ve got the Prime Universe Cliffjumper against the rest of the world multipack. Cliffjumper (which is the figure I bought the set for) is fine but he has color differences in the red plastic, an odd weapon and weird shoulders. Squeezeplay is fine as a retool of TR Mindwipe but the pieces that suppose to look like the alt mode legs are hindering the handling of the toy a lot. Tarantulas is probably the best toy in the set even if I‘m not a big fan of beast mode toys. Nothing to complain about. Super nice looking alt-mode. Cyberverse Tarn: trash, trash trash. Probably one of the worst looking, worst engineered figures in recent years. Looks nothing like the character he supposed to be.
  5. Are we sure the live-action Turtles are not using plateau shoes or stools in this shot in order to satisfy their inferiority complex?
  6. Nice review @mikeszekely. I think the size confusion comes from New Age released their Turtles as a retool of the Brawn mold and we just collectively assumed Hasbro would do the same. Plus the Turtles are always depicted as being smaller as a regular human, so it would make sense that the Crossover toy is smaller than the other releases of the line.
  7. I‘m excited for Metroid Prime, the Brothership and Zelda game. I‘m a bit worried about the gimmicky nature of the Zelda game which already greatly disliked in TotK. I just want Zelda with the Master Sword hitting enemies but I guess that is what the ALttP Randomizer is for. No Silk Song though? Buuuh! Dragon Quest Remake might be a buy as well but I have no time to play it.
  8. I‘m surprised that Legacy Deluxe Optimus Prime is so close to G1. I would have expected the Evergreen design. And to be honest, not having a lot of nostalgia for G1 Prime, I think that looks quite bad and not aesthetically pleasing. I can understand why people are raving about Missing Link Convoy because they have that nostalgic link to the 80s toy design but to me that is missing in the Deluxe. Why not use it as ab opportunity to update the design of Prime to make the Legacy line more appealing to younger people.
  9. @mikeszekely it‘s good to see that these early 3rd party figures are not crumbling to dust almost 15 years later. It gives me some hope for the longevity of my collection.
  10. If I remember correctly from MP Lambor, Lamborghini was super particular about the red paint used and Takara had to create a new paint to match Lamborghini‘s license requirements (on the other hand the Technic Lamborghini Super Car looks nothing like the original). Also Jang mentioned in his video that red is already blocked for Ferrari models. Looking at official colors for the Countach yellow seems an option which would make it stand out on a shelf with other Icons cars (personally I‘m not a fan of yellow). So white might be the easier/saver choice. Shame that the Icons Porsche is also white.
  11. Yeah, the recent Fallout show made me realize that I need a Power Armor for my Pop Culture Smash themed shelf.
  12. Are there any announcements/rumors that ThreeZero will shrink down their 1/6 scale Fallout Power Armors to 1/12 scale? Akin to the MDLX line for their Transformers line or the half sized Metal Gear mechs.
  13. Images for the Lego Icons Lamborghini Countach are out and the set is available for preorder: https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/lamborghini-countach-5000-quattrovalvole-10337 Not a fan of the color (will yellow) or the shape of the hood but I don’t know what you could do with lego bricks to get it right.
  14. It’s available now at AllTheAnime: https://www.alltheanime.com/products/macross-plus-ultimate-edition-blu-ray £99.99 with £15 shipping cost to continental Europe ($147/€135). Crunchyroll store: https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/macross-plus-movie-ova-blu-ray-ultimate-edition-5037899090312.html $189.99
  15. Is there a reference how big Overlord would be compared to God Ginrai? really want a good looking G1 Overlord but the original toy is so damn expensive. I don’t know if Takara is able to produce what I want though.
  16. Decided to place an order with amiami since it was still available for preorder in Europe this morning. I really want Tamashii Nations to make more Build Fighter Try suits.
  17. Preorder link for the SoC Tryon 3: amiami (06/04/24 11 am JST ¥38800): https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-170912 [edit:] sold out again
  18. @M'Kyuun right, and even Hasbro is trying to unify even different universes into the G1 aesthetic and style with the main line. But somehow the premier collector line, the best Transformer possible is this hodgepodge of different elements.
  19. @Seto Kaiba to be fair every major event in Star Wars takes place on the same 5 planets so I assume those people are quite used to Jedi shenanigans while the rest of the Galaxy far far away has never seen nor heard of them.
  20. I think Takara missed a big opportunity to give their collector line a unified style and scale. The Masterpiece line was a mess in terms of scale, style, approach and quality all the way from MP-01 to MP-60 and should have been rebooted several times (MP-10 Optimus Prime, MP-29 Laserwave, MP-32 Optimus Primal). And it housed some of the worst toys in my collection. Yet with MPG, the first release, Raiden, was a special design to incorporate as accurate as possible trains, with realistic details that are in scale to one another. MPG Super Ginrai is a super toon accurate version, that doesn’t fit together with Raiden and now they are releasing the Ironhide mold that doesn’t know if if wants to be full toon or follow the old MP-10 style and an obscure repaint of Trailbreaker. *sigh* Most of the other collector oriented lines I collect (like Metal Build Gundams or Kuro Kara Kuri Transformers) have a coherent vision and style even if they are long running lines too. With Metal Build being released since 2011 (the year MP-09 and 10 where released) and they all look good together on a shelf. But the MP line (and all the 3rd party companies following their lead) never had something like that and it is a shame that Takara let that opportunity pass. Maybe I‘m an anomaly as a collector but I always imagined that consistency in a collection was key for most other collectors (otherwise why would you collect a line of toys). For example this is the reason why I don’t want the Lego Minifig to change so all my Lego sets are consistent.
  21. A picture of the toy I took at the Tanashii Nations showroom:
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