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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. I have visited an air show in Styria today. Took some pictures of European fighter jets:
  2. Rumors are going around about new Lego Star Wars sets in 2023. If the rumors are true there are some interesting sets in there mainly: A Tie Bomber and a Endor Speeder Chase diorama. The Tie Bomber is more important since I don’t have that as a vehicle. Still can’t believe we will get a new Tie Bomber before the much more prolific Tie Interceptor. The Endor diorama might be good for minifigs and the Speeder Bikes. Promobricks seems to the rumor source.
  3. Thanks for the heads up. I probably won’t be able to watch it because will be on assignment. Maybe that is a good omen for a successful launch.
  4. The Artemis 1 launch is scheduled for today at 8:33 AM ET: https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/#public
  5. I don’t know about the sculpt of that Cammy figure. Her bangs just don’t look right to me and something is off with the face sculpt.
  6. There doesn’t seem to be any deco changes on the Strike Rouge so maybe I will skip it and wait for an add-on set with only the pink Aile Striker and the Grand Slam?
  7. A new hat maybe? From Gabriel Contreras over at TFW2005. Metal Build Dynames: Now in green with sniper rifle. Source: https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/bandai-metal-build-discussion.1115253/page-294#post-20551447 [edit:] Added a video
  8. It seems like Mononga continues with his „fake it till you make it“ path to world domination in Overlord S4. Since I’m not watching anything else from this season I‘m looking into older anime. Additionally I‘m planning to visit the ocean this fall, I know nothing about snorkeling and I’m giant weep, so I decided to watch an anime about diving. I’m currently going through Amanchu! season 2 to find out more. I already learned some interesting things.
  9. To me Metal Build is the of a higher quality than the GFFMC line. The GFFMC line only caught up in terms of quality with the RX-78-2 from Gundam the Origin. So this, the Zakku and the Wing Zero Custom. The Zakku feels the most like a Metal Build toys. From reviews I saw of the older GFFMC toys are lacking, especially the Unicorn ones and the Z Plus. I don’t know much about the Psycho Gundam. It probably helps that none of the Metal Builds transform.
  10. I wonder if I should buy the Red Dragonics head add-on set to make my Red Frames more diverse. Do we know for which release this set is meant to be? The initial Red Frame release?
  11. I appreciate the offer @mikeszekely but I hope it will either show up on Pulse Germany or it will be released in Japan and I can lump it in with my bimonthly shipment. I can’t imagine that some of the Velocitron toys won’t be released in Japan. I would rather have an RiD accurate version of Scourge but this would be a fine addition to my Nemesis Prime collection.
  12. Looks great. I have the SHF Freya and Mikumo and hoed Bandai would release the rest of Walkure as TWE but that will never happen. So I need to get those because I too want to have them displayed with the Valkyries. Are they hard to find on Mandarake?
  13. So Velocitron Scourge is available for preorder on Pulse but already sold out on the UK site and not available on the German one. Meh…
  14. Scyla

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    For me it needs more definition on the head turret. Like painting the face plate in a darker green. The green color doesn’t pick up light the same way as the white of the VF-1 head turret for example, resulting in a loss of definition.
  15. It is hard to believe that this car converts into that robot. Where are the hood, front fenders and cockpit in robot mode? And where are the bulky legs in car mode? I‘m not gonna buy Drift since I have two of the K3 ones but it looks damn impressive. It will be interesting to see if the company can produce a solid and well built toy.
  16. Since the Strike Noir has unique molding I assume it will be released later in a different color scheme as a general or TWE release. Maybe the show exclusive one is in Deactivated Mode? To me it seems unlikely to put the money into new tooling and use it only for an event exclusive release.
  17. Yeah, I need to be careful putting them on in the correct direction once I get mine. It would be obnoxious to struggle to attach one just to find out you put it on the wrong side. The connection reminds me a lot of the ones on the Yamato/Arcadia ARM-D carriers for the SDF-1. I had a hard time attaching mine. Thankfully it has only two. With my two Hi-Nus I have 12 Fin Funnels to attach…
  18. I think the Strike Gundam is probably the best toy in the Metal Build line. While I’m not enamored with the base design it is a pretty dope figure. And the lack of accessories makes it fun to handle since he is no overburdened with stuff you have to attach.
  19. That’s why it is super convenient to collect the whole Metal Build line. Just buy everything, so you don’t have to care about all that Bandai release nonsense.
  20. Sweet, didn’t notice the new color on the Strike Rouge backpack before. Makes me wonder if the Grand Slam will come in a set with the backpack or bundled with a redeco of the Strike Rouge.
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