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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. Yeah I know I just want to know how they are on the V1 VF-25s. So if they do Renewal Tornado Packs I don't have to post the question again. From what I've seen the Tornado Pack wing extensions are monstrous but I don't know how they handle because I passed on the V1 Valks.
  2. I have a question regarding the YF-29 Super Parts. I don't own a YF-29 Alto Custom so I have to wait till May until I can fiddle with them. I'm transforming my Valkyries every month or so from one mode to another to get some play value out of them. . The question is if it's save to have the YF-29 in Battroid- and Gerwalk-Mode for a period of 1-2 month and displaying them on their stands? In Gerwalk the back is sacking down even with the built-in support strut so I assume that they must be stressing the joints judging from the pictures I've seen. In Battroid the pylons with the harpoons are fare away from the center of the toy so there must be some stress to. In fighter mode there seems enough support because they rest on the undercarriage of the fighter. This question is also for the old V1 VF-25 Tornado Packs but I didn't want to create two posts about the same topic. Also there is no announcement that Tornado Packs will happen for the Renewal toys. Tanks in advance.
  3. I thought in December that the exchange rate is good enough so I can order a YF-29 30th Anniversary Edition from NY just to see it reissued a few weeks later .
  4. Have you glued the tight armor in?
  5. Yeah, I have the same reasoning. I mean I have a budget for my toys and if the price is right I rather secure it for the price I find reasonable. If its cheaper afterward to bad but I got the toy for what it's worth to me and if it's more expensive I actual saved some money. These are luxury articles so if their is no major shift in the currencies I can deal with the fluctuations. But as Duymon said you might watch out for the plans of the Japanese and your local government if you plan ahead for more then a few month.
  6. So I'm not the only one with a Yum Yum diet?
  7. I don't know if it was mentioned before but the VF-171 CF has indeed a re molded canopy area so that it fits the show model The canopy of the VF-171 CF is much more ingested into the fuselage then the one on the EX version. I wonder if these are the only differences.
  8. I think the MSRP for these toys is reasonable. Yamato has the problem that they are not Bandai and their licenses are not as popular as Frontier so they can't produce runs in high numbers to beat don the price. And Bandai... well for some unknown reasons Bandai wont satisfy the demand for their Frontier toys so if your interested in one you pay "slightly" over MSRP and so you come closer to the prices Yamanto asks for. As I said the prices are worth it in my opinion. And at least with the Yamato Valks you can get some of them at a clearance. If you are interested in the VF-4 I would wait to acquire one. Maybe the will announce a reissue with a different color scheme mid February.
  9. I know what you mean. I decided last year that I will change my collecting habits so I could get the Macross stuff that I wanted. Now I only buy TF toys for specific characters. So no MP Soundwave for me. But MP-10B will soon be mine
  10. NY has them in stock the last time I checked. The Alto version might be less the $200.
  11. Man, the rents must be pretty low. Were I live you have the problem the the rents (even for a small single room apartment) are more than a normal monthly salary So it could be worse I guess. Something on the topic, something on the topic.... Ah yes! a M&M scheme would be nice. I love the red hue of Milias Valkyries in the M7 show.
  12. I don't know about that. I mean how many people played the game and thought: "I want one" I think the Valkyrie is widely known from FB2012 and that's the more popular color scheme. And the majority of VF-4 owners are not willing to customize a $350 toy. In addition word has spread that this is an excellent piece so people who passed on the first one will now order because they've seen it in a review and know what they are getting. So the FB2012 version might even sell better than the current one.
  13. It teases me like it teases you because I don't have the toy. If the reissue the YF-19 V3 in this color scheme I will buy it even if I have sworn to myself to collect only one line of Valkyrie toys.
  14. I don't know gluing is such a permanent decision. Maybe in the distend future you want to display the plain fighter and then you have to buy another... ...are you one of those collectors that have 10 VF-25S one for each mode and every triplet with no armor/super parts/armored Parts for display... ...and one MISB for storage in their Marcoss vault? If this is the case just do it and if you don't like it grab another Valkyrie from the dispenser. Joking aside I don't like permanent attaching optional parts because it was not intended (i.e. show accurate) and it reduces the play value. Maybe hark back to a non-permanent solution like earthquake putty.
  15. Hm... that weathering technique sounds intriguing. I might adapt it. But on the other hand.... ...a few years ago I disassembled all my Lego models and cleaned every single brick with water before I reassembled them... ...I'm not sure I can silence the Mr. Clean voice in my head.
  16. Thanks
  17. If you're interested NY has the Valkyrie in stock for $213 before shipping. Seems like a little bit less then the HLJ offerings.
  18. They love the VF-17 because Gamlin Kizaki is one awesome dude! GAMLIN KICK! *swoosh*
  19. I have a question that is puzzling me for a long time. I figured it would fit best in the OverTechnology Think Tank forums. Do the five dots on the shoulders of the VF-25 family (present on all Frontier Valkyries as well as the VF-17) have any use besides of a design choice?
  20. The pre-orders are up at NY again for $190 if anyone is still interested.
  21. Please don't there are not just enough for us around to buy! Glad you like it.
  22. Make sure the legs are extended all the way out in Gewalk-mode because when you twist the legs outwards you can scrap the pointy tips on the toy. That looks really bad because you have light blue stress marks on a really blue toy. If you plan to play with it that is. I hope you like it. I love the 25G with the bright blue color and the one eye (and the huge sniper rifle of course)
  23. You bought the V2 armored parts for Ozma but don't have the V2 Valkyrie for it so you took the VF-25G Renewal put the V1 Ozma head on it and dressed it up with the armor?
  24. The proportions of the fin don't look like as they could fit unter the plane in a way to allow the Vaklyrie standing on it's own feet. The fin looks even longer as the feet of the RVF-171 but in Gerwalk mode should be enough room to fold it away. In Battroid it should be no problem since the fin should be mounted to the plate that ends up on the back of the Battroid. If the do a release of the RVF-171 (Regular or EX) I assume that the fin is scaled down a bit or has some mechanism to colapse in it self. Maybe split it up in two parts were the fin can slide towards the body of the plane and rotate there 90 degrees to the tail. That would look a little bit to Transformer-esque though.
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