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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. I’m happy that you are enamored with the Blacktron set. I decided against it. I have a lot of nostalgia for Blacktron since the era of visor helmets starting with Futuron was my classic space world. Plus the Invader was the inly Blacktron set I had as a kid. But a combination of the high entry price, the stickers and the updated design I felt I don’t need that (not for $190 that is) especially since I have the original. I feel like the new Cruiser design is somewhere in the middle between not faithful enough to the original and not modernized enough to be it’s own thing.
  2. The colors look fine. However, the dark green of Suiken hides the kibble and bulk of the backpack better, making it looking it not as elaborate as it actually is. With the bright beige color it is front and center. For me Getsuei is still the best. The arms don’t look fun to handle with all the kibble and the detachable backpack.
  3. Yikes, the lighter color is not doing the design any favors. Train mode looks stunning as expected but I feel they should have gone with tinted windows (on all of them) to hide the internals a bit better.
  4. BSF reviews and transforms the Wonderful Trans Ronin. He is doing an admirable job with the transformation but sheesh it looks like a fiddly nightmare. If you don’t plan on transforming it I think you are better off with the Kuro Kara Kuri Drift (even if it has that annoying wobbly midsection).
  5. I think one of the problems with modern Gundam is that season split because that gives Sunrise the opportunity to tinker with the plot depending on what feedback they got during the first half. Which in my opinion is detrimental to the story telling. So the development in the second half will be whatever feedback Sunrise is getting from the viewers now.
  6. One of the reviews I read afterwards summed it up pretty well: "the movie thinks it is much smarter than it actually is". While I liked the opening of the movie (yeah seeing Daniel Craig in the tub playing Among Us is pretty funny) it is already super dated now. I mean who will remember Among Us and Covid vaccinations in 2028? I don’t know why Rian Johnson felt the need to make it that way if if has almost no impact on the plot, other than a bit of foreshadowing.
  7. When talking about previous Ocular Max releases I meant the likes of Sphinx, Backdraft and Terraegis who all feel very different from the Compaticons and Protectobots. I don't necessarily think that this is a bad thing either since it seems like a fine niche for MMC to operate in. I can't comment on Saltus since I sided with the FansToys Apache in the Springer wars. Regarding the end of the Reformatted line, I have high hopes for the Infinite Finity line as a replacement but besides Eris: Kultur and Eris: Armada Megatron they haven't shown any new molds besides a rumored G1 Drift. Eris: Kultur was excellent (sans the swirly plastic) so once they release anything besides Eris:Transformer with a tank alt-mode I think it will be a fine replacement for the Reformatted line. [edit:] Totally forgot Omne, which is another good example. Yeah, MMC did an MP Cosmos (which I actually own).
  8. Over New Year’s I watched the sequel to Rian Johnson's whodunnit Knives Out: Glass Onion. And I’m sad to say that is a movie with massive plot holes, terrible pacing and useless and nonsensical characters, stupid gimmicks and plot strings that lead to nothing. However, it is masqueraded by good actors, dialog and cinematography, which is tricking critics into thinking it is a good movie. Just like another Rian Johnson movie… Anyhow, since Knives Out received so much praise and I hadn’t seen it, I watched it the next evening and I have to say it is a perfectly good movie that has none of the issues of Glas Onion but all the positive parts. So Rian Johnson seems to be capable of putting out movies with a wide array of quality. Maybe anytime he gets praise for a legitimately good movie he botches it the next time.
  9. Witchcraft Works is great. Killer ending too. I also want to be princess-carried!
  10. I finished that too. And I have to say it is no wonder that Japan has a problem with the birth rate. Even with in a show where the premise is putting people into a forced relationship to train for real marriage the show runners can’t come to any conclusion for the love triangle. If young people believe this is how it is going to be your society is doom. [remark:] I recognize that this is a gross oversimplification of the problems the Japanese society has but it was just something that came to mind
  11. Great review Mike, I think your observations regarding the fun of the transformation is spot on. Ever since the ex-Takara designer AK took over the transformations across the board of MMC products (even characters he didn’t design) are bare non in the industry. Even Takara's own Masterpiece line can’t keep up with them. What is funny is that no one talks about how the build of the OX robots changed since the Assaultus releases. Before that the MMC bots had die-cast and thin panels. Now it is more in line with what made the Reformatted line great: thick, high quality plastics and no die cast. Also the aesthetic changed to a more blocky, less intricate look. For my MP collection I prefer the old approach more but these new release are a joy to handle.
  12. @M'Kyuun thanks for your input regarding the shuttle. What I really want is a new UCS version. Like you I can’t stand the nosecone shape of the old one. I had the MPC/ERTL model kit as a child and lots of fond memories attached to it. So I have a certain image in my head how the shuttle is supposed to look. I like the UCS SSD but it is expensive on the aftermarket. I don’t think Lego will redo it so at some point I have to make a decision about it.
  13. Yesterday I built the first Lego set of the year, the new Tie Bomber. I'm excited to finally get a new item in my collection of mostly Minifig scaled OT Star Wars vessels. I just need a Tie Interceptor, some Endor Speederbikes, an Imperial Shuttle and a SSD to reach completion. Overall I’m contempt with the set. However, it looks a tad on the small size next to the Han Solo Tie Fighter I have. I also wished for a more evolved bomb dropping feature. I don’t understand why there is no rotating bomb drop mechanism like on the Y-Wing that didn‘t result in an ugly opening on the top. There is a rumored two pack of a Tie Interceptor and Mandalorian Fighter so maybe I will get another piece closer to completion this year (two if the Endor diorama is not too expensive). I worry that this new Tie Interceptor will look too awkward next to my Tie Fighter since it will probably not have the same fuselage as the one I have.
  14. I’m usually the same way with pose and display, because I have too much stuff. However I prefer toys that you can easily handle. So all accessories should stay attached, you need to be able to easily hold and manipulate the toy without the fear of damaging it and it should be able to put the toy in the poses you hand in mind for display. My favorite lines at the moment are the Kuro Kara Kuri Transformers and the Metal Build Gundams. And while some of those violate the requirements I stated above (like the Full Cloth Crossbone Gundams), they usually check a lot of those points.
  15. While I recognize that these toys are not for me I’m curious what others think about them. So please give a short review while you had time to fiddle with it.
  16. For $190 I think I’m out. I only want the Tie Bomber from the January 1st wave and I have a hard time coming up with sets to buy to justify the GWP. I find the original much more endearing and the stickers are a real downer. The Forest Men GWP had two printed shields I believe.
  17. It seems like all the Blacktron logos have been realized with stickers which is a bit of a bummer:
  18. Oh, no doubt about that. I think that is another issue I have with the Metal Structure line: I would prefer if all the part count goes into articulation instead of these busy hyper detailed gimmicks. But clearly this is not what Bandai is trying to achieve. I will be much happier with a Metal Build Sazabi.
  19. Hacchaka's review of the Metal Structure Sazabi: https://hacchaka.net/archives/52090036.html While this looks cool, I don’t think these are for me. To massive and big and not pleasant to handle. They lend themselves for great pictures though: Being a fan of the Katoki MG designs this looks a bit off to me. [edit:] What I found really fascinating in Hacchaka’s review was the notion that the Sazabi in maintenance mode looks like the Nightingale, which has to be on purpose.
  20. Hacchaka's review of the Hyper Mega Bazooka: https://hacchaka.net/archives/52089904.html What we really want to see: Really wished the Amuro coat of arms was red.
  21. I will try to get this. I had the original set as a kid and rebought it last year. Funny that the original Invader set had less than half as many pieces (148) than this new one. I've never bought from the official Lego store. Do I need to sign up for the VIP program to be eligible for getting the GWP?
  22. I will just redirect my funds to something else. Maybe a Lego Space set I still need or a Metal Build Gundam to complete the collection. I will keep an eye out at the Japanese aftermarket, maybe I can snipe a Victory Saber from there. I have to say that was probably the worst "crowdfunding" campaign I participated in. Sure, I lost $100 in the Maas Toys Seekers but there it was clear that it was a scam early on. With Victory Saber you had a good amount of hype behind the release for more than a year.
  23. That was also the thought I had… Still, I believe that Zavvi messed up. The person ordering from Hasbro either didn’t undertake the way HasLab projects work, or they expected a certain number of people cancel before release so they ordered less than orders received on their side (like overbooking of airplane seats).
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