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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. Yeah that Shin Getter is really awesome. It lights up and has a shiny red finish. Watch that preorder happen! Nothing to see here!
  2. I transformed mine from Fighter to Gewalk mode and no CG issues showed up. But I can understand why people don't like this walk. Those damn cockpit support strut oh I hate it so much. After several WTF moments trying to get the chest into place it now sits peacefully in my cabinet pointing in anger at me *cough* I mean at the Vajra on the other side of the room. I really dig it and I like the color but I wished it had the blueish hue like it had on the promotion pictures.
  3. Hm so can I pretend that the "women" in the VF-25S is Cathy Glass?
  4. That is pretty cool. I hope it's not a VF-171 stand with the generic launch hatch detail. Although I think it fits the CF version more then the Alto one because cannon fodder doesn't need fancy stands for their <0.5 seconds screen time.
  5. I hope they do. I would love to sea a stand with the Macross Galaxy logo on it. I still miss the New U.N.Spacy kite on the stand of the VF-171CF
  6. My VF-171CF arrived finally. Fortunately no missing boob-lasers, cockpit support struts or other breakage. One of the little filler piece on the underside of the shoulder was so tight that I was afraid of breaking if I'd pushed it further into the body of the Valkyrie. I unscrewed the part to check if anything was blocking the way but apparently the screw was screwed in with to much torque so that there was not enough clearance to push the part in smoothly. Other then that I'm liking it so far. Also my first order from NY and everything went fine so I'm definitely ordering more stuff from them.
  7. My VF-17S arrived today from angolz and I could play a bit with it and I'm liking it so far. I noticed a very tight canopy, chest plate and front landing gear doors and a loose left arm. So far so good. The toy as a minor scratch on the underside of the left arm in Battroid-Mode but nothing major. It is fun to transform I think on par with the VF-19S. I thought the gap between the backpack and the back of the toy would bug the hell out of me but in person it is a minor nuisance. It looks massive in Battroid-Mode so I fear my biggest con of the toy (that it does not blend in well with the Excalibur) will still be present. However I didn't hat the chance to compare them together because I'm rearranging my cabinets at the moment. It is a great toy even and I will probably try tor sticker it with the markings it had in the show if I can trim them so they don't dive me crazy when I look at the toy. Another downside of the toy is that I'm now crave for a VF-22S Max Type. I'm eagerly awaiting the VF-171CF so I can compare them both.
  8. I had never problems with ordering from HLJ. They always where able to deliver my stuff to my doorstep unlike many other import shops. However, their deliveries tend to take longer then other shops. They have a really good customer service so if you're worried just send them an email.
  9. Good thing I have to work early on Wednesday so I might be able to see the preorder happen. Securing a preorder is out of reach of course. But It's gonna be the last of the Frontier Valk so I'm happy if I can secure a unit even from NY and even for the steep asking price from Bandai. Bring it on!
  10. Does this version of the VF-27 has the same shoulder mechanism then the Renewals. From the pictures I saw I would say it does. Sorry if someone mentioned this before. I was just wondering because I thought the peg on the shoulders of the first Lucifer release was kinda neat and I missed them on the Renewals. I assume that Bandai went for this specific shoulder design on the Version 1 toys because the should allow a transformation from Fighter to Gerwalk without detaching the intakes from the main body. I like this design (although I can clearly see the shortcomings) because it feels like a "real" transformable fighter would go for a design that includes minimal parts movement while transforming. Since I didn't own any of the V1 toys I can only assume thats the case but it was the impression that I got from watching the V1 videos on YT.
  11. Did you order from NY Mommar? All this reports about missing parts and tiny scratches makes me really nervous about my copy (which is stuck in customs which means that I probably have to pay sales taxes and custom fees ). So the nerve wracking continues *nibbling on my finger nails* MacrossJunkie you really bring out the best sides of the Valkyries. The VF-171 looks almost like the promotion pictures.
  12. Off topic but I hope the don't release the drones for the RVF-25/VF-27/RVF-171 in stupid bundles like the last time. Drone and drone controller for the Super Parts are enough in my eyes. For me the clip on missiles for the VF-25s are not worth buying because they didn't use them in the show. The drones look cool though.
  13. I like small premium toys just because the engineering gets crazier and crazier. For example the TF Alternity line is awesome. There are just so many small parts. It's fun to mess with those. Especially since they are small enough to hold easily. Larger toys are sometimes more difficult to handle. But those small TFs (I use them as an example because I don't have 1/72 Valkyrie Plamos from Bandai). have their shortcomings. The moving parts have to be a certain size otherwise it would be impossible to manipulate them and they are not as sturdy as bigger toys due to thinner material tolerances. If those shortcomings can be overcome by a toy developer I would buy one to test the scale.
  14. Be careful while transforming there is a reported breakage on the small filler pieces between the chest plate and the shoulders (the one that are being pushed inside the chest revealing this fragile locking curve on the underside of the chest. Apparently there can be some excess material on those two parts that will break the hinge when pushed to strong. So if you feel resistance when pushing the filler pieces inward better stop and check is material that prevents a smooth movement.
  15. Well you had 3 years of enjoyment at least. Some toys lie disintegrated in their boxes after that period of time. Plus the first release was a huge improvement over the V1 VF-25.
  16. There are a few int the Macross thread on the TFW2005 Toyark board.
  17. I have to admit I was kinda kidding when said next Monday. Somewhere on this message board was a plan how the timeline for Bandai preorders is but I forgot. Compared to the previous releases the preorder started shortly after the announcement. You can also check amiami since they have a date when the preorders are starting. So the safest bet is to check the thread and see when amiami is updating their site.
  18. I want Mirias VF-1J from Macross7 that black stripe on the wings is so sexy!
  19. Yeah it's basically the same thing. But it's bugs me less there because they are from different shows, have a different design aesthetic, etc. The VF-27 and VF-25 however are from the same show so that's that. However I'm willing to preorder this release within the second it opens up because it's still a beauty.
  20. Hm, is it time to announce a hat eating bet about the Battle Frontier/Galaxy release? Wishful thinking might get us the S.H.Monsterarts Vajra and a web exclusive perfect transformation DX YF-30. It's not just the height it's everything. In the picture the VF-27 in Battroid looked like a 1/65 when the VF-25 Renewal looked like a 1/60. It just looked off. I have the same issue with the VF-17 and VF-19 from Yamato they both should be the same scale (I bet they are in Fighter-Mode) but in Battroid the VF-17 looks to big and bulk compared to the VF-19. It looks off. Every time I look at them I have the feeling that I should protect Docker otherwise Gamlin will come and molest him because the Blazer looks so fragile compared to the Nightmare. I don't know how do describe it better. It's absolutely possible that this comes due to the fact that something is wired the wrong way inside my brain so that can't be helped. As I said I'm eagerly awaiting comparison pictures.
  21. Can't wait to see some images of the weathered Valkyrie MacrossJunkie. If you make one that is.
  22. True but I saw a picture once that compared the two toys in Battroid-Mode and the VF-27 just look like it's scale was to small. Maybe that changed with the new placement of the hips so I'm eagerly awaiting comparison pictures. It just looked wired to see the Renewals and the Lucifer together as if something was a little bit of. Hardly noticeable but still there like an itch on my back. But I have to agree with you the improvements the VF-27 had with the V1 Messiahs and the added improvements with this release make it equal to the renewals on paper. Only the size of the crotch might be off to much for some tastes. I can understand why but I'm just excited about the amount of improvements Bandai made with this release because like David said the could just molded in the attachment points for the packs. So thank you Bandai now all that I need is the possibility to preorder.
  23. After looking at the images I realize how awesome the mold changes are. It has the articulated hands of the Renewals which indicates that the ball a the wrist is now attached to the hand and not to the forearm like before. It also has the metal finish on the feet so it should blend in well with the Renewals. Let alone the additional details and tampo printings. I'm in love!
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