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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. I think an updated version of the YF-21 is in the realm of possibility but since the sales of the VF-22S variants seem to have been lacking I don't seem Arcadia redoing them (Especially since I bought a VF-22S during the great Yamato decay; I don't want to buy it again and honestly the Blue Gazer is a great looking toy ). So I would get the VF-22S since a reboot of the Macross Zero toy line seems likely if Arcadia survives long enough. However, do take my words with a grain of salt because I'm a noop and I don't know what I'm talking about.
  2. I think there is a good chance that Arcaida will release a updated VF-0 after the release of the YF-19. The VF-0D miniature shown in the technical drawings of the YF-19 indicate that this is what they are planning to do next. If Mr. K is in the mood he might leak a few images after the first Valkyrie release from Arcadia.
  3. Does the reissue have hard plastic head lasers in addition to the PVC ones like the 25S and 25G had?
  4. Oh come on, we all have fun swiveling wings around. That was the coolest feature of the old F-14 model kits. To bad they cannot make them geared.
  5. In my eyes the leg delivery system would not violate the perfect transformation idea if the legs stay attached onto the chest plate panels until they have been snapped into the nosecone. No loose parts that fly around detached from the main body. Also in my mind a collector toy should aim at being as close to the "real" thing as possible. But as you said my mileage varies. If Arcadia does another iteration of the VF-1 they should do something different. For a long time the "Chunky Monkey" was thought of the best possible VF-1 toy until Yamato started to improve the design. I think Arcadia can improve in areas other than get rid of the priest collar. With new materials and improvements in the design many thinks can become possible that were unthinkable of in the past. However I will enjoy the hell out of the VF-1S when I have in hands so Arcadia can take it's time for designing a new VF-1. Oh, and release the Mirias VF-1J from Macross 7 already. The President needs a new ride! And with new I mean old!
  6. Ok I give up. I ordered one through HLJ. It will be my fist V2 VF-1 from Arcadia/Yamato. I'm really hyped after all the praise the toy got in the last few years. However I would love to see a V3 toy that picks up a few of the features Bandai packed into their 1/72 kit like the leg deployment. Hope the Super and Stripe Parts will be also available through HLJ. Does anyone know the exact release date? HLJ still states a release in August and amiami has November as estimated release date.
  7. From my experience I got served pretty late for paying a long time upfront. For other orders I got the shipping notice early when I paid after the invoice was sent to me. I've never heard that NY had to cancel orders because the received insufficient stock (in fact they seem to have plenty units in stock after release). However I can imagine that if they run into a stock shortage they will serve the people first who already paid for their orders. If we're talking about this specific item you will get your item because Bandai will produce your toy just for you if you place an order. NY will sell it to you if you still want it when it's released. Be aware that when you order in Yen that your credit card will be charged with the exchange rate when you pay the order. That means If you place your order know in Yen and in the next six month (under the assumption that the toy is released in six month) the currencies change you have to calculate this change into your budget. This can be either good or bad since it can mean that you pay less for the toy than you initially estimated but it can be also the other way round. Just keep this in mind when you place your order.
  8. In general I find it difficult to have such discussions when we talk in $$$ instead of Yen. A few things can happen before this toy is released regarding the exchange level so maybe the 30000 Yen *hint hint* will be below $300 or above.
  9. Bandai will keep the preorder window up until the deadline so you can oder five more units!
  10. I assume that the tightness of the joints will get loose with every release of the toy due to the molds wearing down. The sub standard paint application on mine not be a widespread issue so lets hope that the paint on this release sticks a little bit better to the surfaces. Especially on the metal shoulder bits and the nosecone. Oh and don't forget the issue with the shoulder pauldrons during transformation.... ... it is a good thing that this variant does not have the fin on the head so one less thing you have to worry when opening the package. Oh and on mine one of the hip-thingies his some kind of malformed because it cannot sit flush against the fuselage in Fighter-Mode. My version has so many issues that I cannot count them all. I guess that's the joy of collecting foreign toys. I really hope all your shiny new YF-29 Isamu Custom Valkyries come in pristine condition.
  11. I'm gonna pass on this release. The YF-29 that I have (the 30th Anniversary) has the worst finish of all my Bandai pieces. Loose joints, paint smudges and chipping paint all over the place. I will wait for Arcadias YF-19. (In addition I have an eye on the VF-1S reissue later this year). I hope for many orders though so that Bandai can gauge the demand for these toys properly. So go on and order a whole squadron of this one.
  12. Given how popular the whole super hero flicks are I would buy a Hot Toys Iron Man and put it in a prominent place where everyone can see it. They will recognize it and all the fancy jets will be forgotten. Since you don't care about the Hot Toys stuff they can touch it and break it. Best advice is to put a $3000 price tag onto the Iron Man so they know it is the most valuable thing in your house/flat. Camouflaging and deceiving is the name of the game. Don't forget no one is interested in 1/6th scale man dolls (they are creepy) only collecting transforming jets is a proper lifestyle!!! ... Honestly if you really have a problem with other people judging you just leave them in Jet-Mode they camouflaging themselves very well. Most of the people that look at my Transformers Alternity stuff think they are car models and its the same with Macross jets. However I always have to explain why I have a giant purple Ironclad Gunboat displayed. Just be careful when talking about prices. First people don't understand what it means to import stuff from a foreign market economy even if you explain it to them. Secondly toys, even the ones made for collectors, are no abstract art pieces so most people seem to have preconceptions about how much they should cost (other than abstract paintings ). That said in general I found that most people are cool with that stuff if you are not defensive about your hobby. Be offensive and you will see that most people collect some kind of stuff some of them might be as obscure as your Macross toys. Sharing pictures of my VF-25S with a friend of mine he told me that it's pretty cool and want to know more about it. In addition I now know that my friend collects Lego sets.
  13. So since Arcadia is planning to release a VF-1J (SDF:M) a VF-1S (DYRL?) and a YF-19 (M:Pluss) its save to assume that they have the licenses for those three properties. Now they have to reissue the VF-11C or the VF-1J from Macross 7 and we know everything is the way it was before plus and additional 20% MSRP on all toys. Please Arcadia re-release the VF-11C *beg*.
  14. I'm sure that the obvious explanation is something like fixing a surface problem and doesn't has anything to do with the final product but maybe there is more to it. The gray bits are on both tail fins and seem to have roughly the same shape (as far as I can tell) thus it seems like something that is their by purpose. We'll see what it is when the toy is released or more prototype images will be released. As I said it is very likely that the gray bits have nothing to do with the toy but the magnet idea was the only thing I could come up with. On a second thought it could be a molded in tab to lock them something because the off-white plastic is material-wise not able to perform testing the locking mechanism so the made it out of a different plastic.
  15. You mean the gray colored squares in the middle of the off-white colored tail fins? I have no idea why they are there. Maybe they will mold in a magnet so the fins can attach securely onto the fuselage of the Valkyrie for various modes (I think the tail fins are angled inwards for High Speed Mode don't they?) Other than that I don't really have a clue.
  16. The shoulder pauldrons look kinda angled in some shots and not angled at all in other but that may be due to perspective and not because the guy handling the prototype forgot to angle them on some shots or because the prototype doesn't support this feature yet. On the plus side the toy seems already fairly stable because it can hold the Gerwalk pose without any stand supporting it. Too bad you cannot see the ankle assembly on the pictures but I'm sure there will be more prototype images in the future. I'm a happy camper so far.
  17. I know my prayers are in vain but I hope that the included stand will look different (more like the launch arm ) in the final release since this thing is ugly. As a remark I have to add that I really like the Bandai stands (for their Renewal Valkyries). Don't know why but something in my brain must be weired differently. Come on Arcadia release the launch arm stands for a reasonable price and redesign them so even the biggest Valkyries can attach to them safely. You know that this thing is ugly. As a second remark I have to add that i would prefer a stand like the one that will be included in the 30th anniversary VF-1J.
  18. If this is official I might consider a buy. Especially since I don't have a V2 VF-1 from Yamato. I don't know if I prefer the DYRL? Skull Squadron or the SDF Vermilion Squadron. I like the gray color and the consistent markings as well as the Strike Parts better on the DYRL? Squadron but on the other hand the SDF Squad + Roy has a VF-1J whose head unit I adore and since the four planes include a VF-1S, VF-1J and two VF-1As you get more variations.... and no strike cannons. So I guess DYRL? yay!
  19. Mine is now in storage but the last time I handled it the chest seems to sit firmly once you lock the whole thing together. I think the crux for the Battroid-Mode is to tab the main body into the plate where you slot the gun-pod in in Fighter-Mode. I find this tab very annoying because if you fold the nosecone in the wrong way you cannot lock it together making the whole chest area a floppy mess. Once it's connected with the "spine" everything is nice and solid. The downside of this mold clearly are the die cast metal hip bars because they don't lock in position firmly and since the ball-joints where the legs connect with the hip bar are so terribly tight posing the legs is tedious because moving the legs always pops the hip bar out of position. This is really prevalent when posing the toy on the stand because there you always pop the toy out of the stand rest when moving the legs. Also transforming is scary because the legs have to rotate almost 180 degree and I fear that I break the hip bar one day if the joints not wear down quickly.
  20. Those are very useful diagrams Xigfrid. Hope to see more from Arcadia at the Wonderfest Event. I somewhat doubt that that the finished toy will sport hollow wings because they look very thin. Since the wing roots are looking very voluminous I assume that the wings will rotate differently in the wing gloves for High Speed- and Battroid-Mode.
  21. On the VF-19K the wing and the socket align to form a fluent hip-thingy. On the VF-19S/F they look not as slick due to the shape of the wings. The way it is implemented on the Yamato toy is accurate to the line art.The way the wings move in their sockets are the same for the VF-19K/P and and the VF-19S/F. They move at a rotational joint but I always thought it would look better if the wings align in a different way on the Excalibur. But that is just my aesthetic reception of the wing design.
  22. I always though that a system where the wing could move inside the wing glove (something like a key and slot joint) would help to make the hip wings on the VF-19S/F in Battroid-Mode look more streamlined like on the VF-19K (which is sadly not line art accurate). A system like that would allow although for wing movement in Fighter-Mode i.e. the High Speed mode. Depending on how such a joint is implemented it could be a save connection if it locks into place on the end points of the joint. If they do it that way I hope that the wings move in a fluent and intuitive way. Since you cannot see the joint moving in the wing glove things like a 90 degree turn can be quite frustrating especially if you have to do it in a small area. As for the price point of this release I'm throwing 30000 Yen into the hat.
  23. If this is really a widespread issue (and I'm sure it is based on the MW sample) maybe Bandai has to make a move. Since Macross toy products are pretty niche compared to other stuff that Bandai produces the issue might not be a big one in the global scale, at least not for Bandai. Besides that as foreign Macross toy collector there would be no way to get to the replacement parts even if they would exists. That said it would be awesome if they include a set of replacements with the Super Parts. Mine are not cracked at the moment *knock on wood* only having a fracture in the part between the two triangle pieces. I will see what happened to them when the VF-171 comes back out of storage. I heard a documentation about 3D printer yesterday and maybe in the future the technology is far enough to print us replacement parts that are indistinguishable from the factory made ones and include printed on details. It can only be a small step until that happens because they talked about printing living organs and a meat like substance in the (near) future. I should teach myself 3D modeling this summer.
  24. IIRC Bandai only replaces full units and does not send replacement parts (unlike Yamato did). In addition they don't have a customer support for foreigners (i.e. for products that are officially distributed exclusively in Japan). I think the only hope for us is a set of replacement shoulders that is included with the Super Parts. It would be awesome if you have success but I'm rather pessimistic about it. Please keep us updated.
  25. I don't have the urge to buy this one (maybe I should instead of the VF-25A) since I don't think it looks good. The different translucent color pieces make the plane look very busy. You have the blue canopy and fold quartz bits the purple lights on the wings and the green tinned clear bit in the nose cone/cockpit area (why are they not read since they are on the YF-19) and the green visor. The head only differs from the previous iterations only by the single head laser and for some reason I don't like the color scheme in combination with the glossy finish. It looks much better in the matte Yamato (and hopefully Arcadia) plastic. On the other hand I would like to buy it so I send a signal to Bandai so that they can estimate the demand for their products properly and I have already four VF-25 planes in my collection. I think I'm gonna cancel my VF-25A and buy none of them.
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