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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. Ok now that I placed a preorder I have the right to complain about this toy. So let the nitpicking begin! I don't like the lover leg swivel. It is the same that the VF-19 had and it just looks like it's a cut up figure not a high end toy. I don't understand why the sliders for the leg are black and not tan on the one hand I think that a pure tan underbelly of the plane would look good and on the other hand it is a nice highlight. Other that that... it looks great.
  2. I think Bandai doesn't send out replacement parts they only replace the whole unit. So I doubt that HLJ will be able to send you parts because they don't get them from Bandai. The breakage comes from a bad batch of plastic I assume. So for replacement parts that don't crumble again Bandai has to produce a new parts with new plastic. Loosening the screws on the parts (shoulder block and smaller triangles) and taking off the shoulder pauldrons while transforming it might help a great deal in the preservation of those parts.
  3. I've paid for mine but I'm not sure if I dig it. The promo shots where much more pleasing (yeah I know I shouldn't take them for granted) but I had the same experience with the VF-171 and now I love the NUNS CF so maybe that will change with the SMS CF in the same way. Regardless of what I think of it I still need the toy to salvage it for spare parts. The hip bar will go on my Alto and the painted stand on my YF-29 30th Anniversary.
  4. So does that mean no MP Galvatron from Takara in the next decade? I didn't like what Unique Toys did with their Predaking interpretation so even if i would love to have a Galvatron figure this is not for me until I saw a dozen reviews on this thing.
  5. If this goes live I might be in. I still have the original OVA on VHS. Even a numbered version of episodes 7 and 8. It has a special white chase with an AD-police logo on it. But I don't know if it came close to a magnet or what but the quality went down the drain very quickly. It was my first Anime that I bought though so it has a special place in my heart. Does anyone know if Animeigo has problems with shipping outside of the states due to licensing issues? Or if it will be region coded?
  6. The color coding is easy to paint if you're able to mix a matching color. The difficult part are the squadron markings since the CF unit has a different number then Michaels plane.
  7. Strange. Have to check my email account for an invoice. There was nothing yesterday and nothing inside the spam folder....
  8. Isn't the SDF-1 missing in this list or does the 7 + 1 rule only count for Valkyries?
  9. I loosened my shoulders as well. The shoulder block itself and the parts that hold the small concealing triangles. My shoulders don't have a cracked yet but one of the pieces that sits between the two shoulder triangles developed a fissure right through the U. I have no plan where that comes from. *shrug*
  10. I'm eagerly awaiting pictures of the final product and see how the intake lip looks there. The more I look at the prototype the more I despise it (I kid I kid) . On my VF-19 it looks o.k. but I don't think it is that pronounced on the Excalibur. Oh and can we see a comparison with a YF-21 or VF-17 pretty please. I wonder if this is bigger then the Macross 7 iterations of this Valkyrie.
  11. Yes RotF Leader Class Prime was awesome. But it was a bit hindered by the (in my eyes) stupid flame deco and the dull finish. It had lots of molded detail for though. I wish I had the time/money/talent to make a Scourge repaint out of it but oh well.... This looks awful and is getting a pass but I might pick up the usual suspects for my collection as voyagers depending on the design.
  12. When was this release scheduled? October the 10th? It kinda worries me that NY didn't send an invoice until now. Maybe I should check my spam folder.
  13. In my experience HLJ has the better customer service for people who order from outside Japan. They have native English speakers in support and are mostly fast and polite. Amiami was never bad but they have also a huge Japanese webstore so they mostly deal with Japanese customers. Packaging was o.k. from both stores but nothing too fancy most of the time. Delivery from amiami is fast. HLJ needs some time to get the items out of their warehouse so depending on how busy HLJ is you have to wait a bit longer. But for me delivery times depend on how long the package sits in customs. So that levels out differences in delivery times a bit. Since both stores are huge companies (unlike NY) their official policy is to declare the proper value for all deliveries. Depending on where you live this could be considered as tax-fraud so they don't want to deal with that. Smaller companies can fly under the radar. As I said that are my experiences so your mileage may vary. I'm sure (and know) that other board members had different experiences. I think its safe to assume that you can order from both stores without worrying that your order will not be fulfilled. I think there was one case where HLJ sold an item to another buyer while it was sitting in the warehouse of a different customer but since the YF-19 (yay back on topic) is build to order there should be no reason to worry about that.
  14. I'd imagine it would be difficult to see Isamu grinning in a 1/60th scale.... ...maybe if you put on some Joker-esque make-up it could work. Since the canopy is not tinned as dark as the VF-17 was you might be able to spot him. After checking the Fighter-Mode pictures again I spotted that the wing root hinges look like straight out of a 3D-printer. Hopefully the final product doesn't include that finish.
  15. Can you recommend it? I saw one statue form this series at hlj and thought: "this is a nice looking statue. Maybe I should check it out"
  16. I mean not the polygon graphics since there where other games before that even on the SNES (like Star Fox) but how 3 dimensional adventure games work. I mean when I play Uncharted it's basically the same. FF7 has those huge set-pieces of "epic" (with lots of cut-scenes) moments with ok gameplay in the middle (most fights during the story line where not that difficult) that can be found in many present games (CoD for example). You're right. Influential does not equals good but if you're interested in video games you should have played some influential games even if it's only to know what the buzz is about. I don't say anything about FF7 because nostalgia is a funny thing. I picked it up a few years ago and put like 80 hours in and I still enjoyed it. So that's that. OOT I pick up every once and a while and play it. Even for todays standards it is a fun play and I feel it is a great game. I also think that the best game of all times is something highly depending on the person playing. So for me it is and will always be Chrono Trigger and for you it might be something different.
  17. I think you can compare A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time. Yes the one is top down and the other 3D but with the PXS/N64 area there was a switch from 2D-sprite based games to 3D-polygon ones. So Nintendo took a risk and made it in 3D and succeeded where so many game series failed (Castlevania for example). In addition the switch from pixel based to polygon based engines was a unique development. Also I feel that OOT is a Link to the Past in 3D. Both games have many similarities in their structure and tool-set (most of the equipment from the SNES game is present in the N64 one as well as the deeds you have to fulfill).
  18. So I've written page over page why OOT is a very good game and why it was so influential but then I hit the wrong mouse button and it was all gone. But all that I've written you can read on any commentary on the game so to summarize it: You should play it of you like adventure games specifically or are interested in games in general because it was so influential on (3d-) game design. I prefer Windwaker because it has a timeless graphic design and an a good premise where OOT has blocky polygons and is for me at least a bigger version of A Link to the Past. So go ahead and enjoy. In GTA 5 I'm at 55% completion. I like the gameplay but I'm not sold on the story yet. Maybe it is my age but for me they could dial down the cussing and swearing a bit. Also I would prefer to play as Michael the whole time and explore his character a bit more. In GTA 4 I felt overwhelmed by the possibilities so multiplying the playable characters by three doesn't help that (again must be the age). A short question: Why is Marie Anns cell phone busy the whole time? I want to go on a date with her. I don't know about that. As I said I prefer other Zelda games over OOT (and Chrono Trigger over any FF game) but both games where highly influential on how video games look and feel today. So both games are very good but as always when stuff gets hyped you can dial it down a notch or two. That said you can still enjoy OOT today and that is a feat on its own showing that the game is very good. Q: The best game ever made? A: Depends on your personal preferences.
  19. What I meant with my comment earlier was: maybe the designers at Arcadia felt the need to indicate that these are nuclear missiles despite the color in the This is Animation book (where I assume they get the references for this version of the YF-19). Since this is not the final version the color can still change. I agree that the red looks more menacing but what can you do... ...besides discussing it on a message board.
  20. Maybe because reaction weaponry is equivalent to nuclear weaponry. The background color of the nuclear hazard symbol is yellow. Thus the tip of the Reaction Missiles is yellow. Not that they are mistaken for something else.
  21. Just to comment the pictures of the A quickly. I think the brown color on the promo shots looks much better. I feel this one is too much of an olive color.
  22. After looking at the pictures again I'm baffled why the lights on the wing roots are not don in a transparent plastic. I recognized the same thing on my VF-19S. It sits between the VF-22S (released before the VF-19 has the lights as transparent plastic) and the VF-17S (released after the VF-19 has also the lights as transparent plastic) and sticks out like a sore thumb. The fact that the plane is made out of a glossy plastic doesn't help and seems like a one of a kind deal since the YF-19 seems to be cast in the matte plastic Yamato was know for again. Is there not enough room in the wing glove to accommodate the space needed for the lights, is it a cost saving measure, or are there no lights present in the line-art (I always thought off the silver splotches on my VF-19 as lights) . On the old YF-19 it was less obtrusive since the paint application was very minimal. If the angles are less spindly on this release I will be glad.
  23. I know this was answered before but as a quick reminder: what are these other gray pieces for? You know the rectangular ones that have the same color as the Fast Packs.
  24. Ordered one from HLJ. I kinda hope for a new YF-21, new VF-11B and a X-9 Ghost drone so I have a "complete" Macross Plus collection. The old YF-21 is covered with Max' VF-22S and I hope I can secure a VF-11C for the old VF-11 mold.
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