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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. At first I was intending to write that you have to judge the design on it's own merits. That people are biased because the VF-4 has now an official Kawamori-approved Gerwalk- and Battroid-Mode. That the YF-4 Veritech follows a different design that branched off from Macross after SDF-1. Then I looked some more at the pictures and realized that it was really derpy looking.
  2. I think Veef over at CollectionDX shot a review for the Elintseeker including a transformation guide. Maybe that is some help
  3. Since Yamato is now defunct I assume it is near impossible to get a replacement part. You could try to get in contact with Yamato USA (http://www.yamatotoysusa.com/). Maybe they could help you. Another possible fix would be the people who offer replacement parts (VF5SS and Kurisama). Maybe they can model the part and you can print it via Shapeways. But I assume that the broken part is not that common so the appeal of making a replacement might not be that huge. Or you know someone that can create stuff with a 3D modeling tool. Finally you could open a Wanted post in the wanted section of this message board if someone is willing to sell you his broken YF-21 that you can salvage for replacement parts. To be honest I don't think any of this is a viable solution but you can try. Hope I was some kind of help. Good luck.
  4. Well if you know the Gundam Heavy Arms Custom then the left thigh in the pictures has an extended missile bay that is ready to unleash hell. This might be familiar to you so you won't recognize the mistake. But oh my I will hit the panic button and cancel my preorder for Leo Dux because this is clearly horrible and will spoil the whole combiner for me!
  5. Can't make pictures at the moment but it is quite simple. The shoulder pauldrons consists of two pieces. The black triangle blocks and the teal pauldron itself. If you pull the shoulder pauldrons perpendicular away from the main body one of two things will happen. You can try to pry open the teal pieces near the base a bit if you think you need to much force and fear damaging the black parts. I would not recommand this so be careful here because you don't want to damage the black part. Either the whole pauldron comes of or only the teal part. This is nothing bad since both parts are hold together with friction (i.e. the black parts to the die-cast shoulder and the teal part to the black one). If the whole assembly came off then you can separate the teal and the black pieces by pulling them apart. If the black triangle block stayed on nothing else to do. Either way you have now access to the (two IIRC) screws in the back of the black shoulder block. Now you can loosen them a bit. Snap everything together and test the fit of the parts. I loosened mine to a degree where the shoulders won't stay angled upwards on their own but not to as much where you can see a gaps in the black triangle assembly. Now you should be able to remove the whole shoulder armor assembly without much force. I assume what damages the black parts (besides tight screws) is the force that you apply when you swing the arms form their Fighter to Gerwalk/Battroid position. The die-cast part of the shoulder tries to pry open the plastic parts which might lead to tension breaks in the plastic due to faulty plastic used in the manufacturing process. [edit: ] Just be very careful. I did these steps myself some while ago so I might not remember everything correctly. I don't want to be the cause for broken pieces when they are still whole after all these month.
  6. I ordered several times from them and never had any problems. Friendly and quick customer service too. For some web-shops it is in their TOS that they charge upfront for preorders (I think CDJapan and AnimeExport does that too) to prevent the exploitation of preorders through scalpers and other misfits and to "encourage" customers to not let their preorder go. If angolz has upfront payment for preorders they should have that stated in their TOS.
  7. That looks great. Saw peaugs video for Leo Dux. Thought he mentioned that the leg retraction will be an item that they will look into when doing another test shot/the final product. I wish the legs for Bovis and Fortis could slide inwards too. They just look a tad to bulky and lead to an a-stance all the time. I have to say it is really cool looking and I have high hopes that MMC will change Talon in a way that his tail is not flopping around on the forearm of Feral Rex and that the talons will blend in nicely on the final release. He also said that the guns on the back of Leo Dux where painted but I could not identify the color. Might be gun-metal but they look black to me. Also can someone cast this claymore with sharp edges. It would be a pretty cool letter knife.
  8. I loosened my screws on the black shoulder blocks and now their so loose that there is not enough pressure on the shoulder pauldrons to keep them angled upwards (what I assume is line-art accurate). In addition I remove the shoulders completely before transforming it into anything. Since the shoulders are that loose I can pop them on and of without much force and I don't rotate the shoulders trough applying pressure to the plastic shoulder pauldrons. *knocks on wood* The black pieces seem fine so far *knocks on wood again*.
  9. I hope the release them separately. I only need Mirias VF-1J to complement my Macross 7 collection. The only thing I need then is advice how to paint the white stripes black. Has anyone experience if there is a already mixed Tamiya black in a spray can that matches the black from the Yamato VF-1s and what coat I should use to get a nice blend with the Arcaida finish. I'm curious about the comment on the VF-0D since it was heavily hinted by Arcadia. I Mr. K trying to distract us because we all know it will be a VF-0D and they want to gain back the moment of surprise. Or is something totally different in the making. An updated Marcoss Zero line made the most sense to me because they need to be redone/there is an actual Valkyrie missing. Let's see what other VFs where present in the shows/OVAs/movies (sans Frontier) that haven't gotten a release yet. There would be the Sound Force Valkyries and the VF-14 from Plus/7 and the stuff from Macross 2 also the VF-5000 and whale hunter Valkyries from Dynamite 7 and the X-9. The YF-19 is in the works so they might continue the Plus line. If this is true then Arcadia could release an updated YF-21/VF-11 or a new VF-14 or X-9. So it is a new YF-21 then?
  10. That's why I'm afraid of buying anything Gundam related from Bandia (especially the Perfect Grade Gunpla and the Fix Configuration/Metal Build Gundams). I fear that they might spoil me for my Valkyrie/Toy collection. The Robot Damashii on my desk already disturbs me. He can bend his arm deeply.
  11. There where some other combinations in a Japanese magazine for the rest of the V1s. Like the Armored Tornado and such things.
  12. Bringing MacrossJunkie's weathered YF-29 to a duel is not a fair game man! I for myself preferred the 30th Anniversary over the Alto at release but I have to say that the red on the Alto looks great. Maybe they do a reissue some day.
  13. I know how you feel. Every time I handle him I think why don't the knees bend more, why is the arm movement so limited; all I want is Convoy holding his gun with two hands. But he looks good standing heroic on the shelf looking pretty and it is a fun toy to play around with. Maybe I'm just a spoiled child. It eases the pain a bit that I only have the black version. I think if I've bought the regular release I would be disappointed.
  14. True but you can mod the leg armor to fit onto the Renewal Valkyries.
  15. Yeah he gets all sad and stuff.
  16. There is more to it than that since the different units have different chest plates and backs to accommodate the different heads. Also the VG-25G has a different gun mount than the other four VF-25s
  17. As long as I get credited for it....
  18. Since the VF-171 was retrofitted to the lanky design of the Frontier show (opposed to chunky design of the VF-17 from Macross 7) it makes me wonder how a VF-191 (so to speak) would've looked like.
  19. Thank you for your reply Jenius. I understand the reasons behind not breaking them up in different posts I just wanted to express my thoughts that I had when I saw that you had your Anniversario video up read through the article on anymoon.com. Keep up the excellent work and I'm looking forward to the Focker review since this will be my first VF-1 V2 Toy in my collection from Yamato..... no Arcadia.... eh: stuff is complicated.
  20. I know those guys. Saw them yesterday in the telly!
  21. True, but I prefer the VF-25G Tornado because the color pallet and distribution blends the Tornado Part in much better with the core Messiah. The gray on Alto is just off-putting for me. In general I think the parts are two bulky. They look two big and blunt not. They don't match up with the fine lines and angles of the Frontier design and look like something that belongs to a VF-18 from Macross 7. I've never seen any line-art from the first Frontier movie so I can't say how accurate the first DX toys where. In addition I never held a V1 Tornado Messiah in hands but I feel that it would look much better if all the parts where scaled down a little bit. Like making the delta wings a bit thinner, the lasers on the back a bit smaller, the VTOL narcelles not as bulky, and so on and so on. All this blends in very nicely on the YF-29 the VF-25 just looks a bit chubby. I also wished if the VTOL engines could fold away in Battroid-Mode to make a sleeker body. It is just a massive backpack! Other than that make one for the Renewals Bandai. I beg you!
  22. Good review. I would love to see a transformation video for the VF-1 line from you. For me you should have done a new review for the Arcadia releases. First it is from a new company. Second the review is already a bit cluttered because it includes so many variants. I don't know if your planning on a Arcadia VF-1 review but if you do and add it to the Yamato one I feel that it would be information overkill (for me at least it would). But baggers can't be choosers right? Oh and every time I read the term Anniversario Super Mario is in my mind yelling: "ANNIVERSARIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Then he goes away rescuing Princess Toadstool.
  23. Much appreciated. The Renewals are a close match to the 1/72 kits so I can draw my conclusions from that.
  24. You never know how much they can improve until you see the new product. Maybe they have some new ideas about the way the legs are being moved into their position (the VF-0 had the same die-cast leg bar than the VF-1 V2 no?). Also maybe they do the Reactive Armor and need to redo the mold so it can be attached. As a new company Arcadia needs some solid first releases. You never know how much they can improve until you see the new product. Maybe they have some new ideas about the way the legs are being moved into their position (the VF-0 had the same die-cast leg bar than the VF-1 V2 no?). Also maybe they do the Reactive Armor and need to redo the mold so it can be attached. As a new company Arcadia needs some solid first releases. so they make enough money to justify new and risky developments such as the VF-9, VF-5000. As I said before on the board I would love to see a VF-1 V3 instead of a straight reissue with some of the features of Bandais model kit version. Maybe with a cockpit that can transform too. To bring this post back on track (somehow). The Macross Plus line can be improved. For the YF-21 I can see an integrated,swappable canopy cover, transformable legs and collapsible backpack to make them more line-art accurate in Gerwalk- and Battroid-Mode, and better concealed feet in Fighter-Mode in addition to the obvious stuff like lockable landing gear and wings. The VF-11 can be tweaked too. Maybe they can make the chest more recessed and make the whole Battroid-Mode more dynamic looking but I guess a reissue would be ok.
  25. Can someone who is planning on building these kits make comparison shots with the Bandai DX (both versions)?
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