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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. So any bets if we see a Tornado Pack?
  2. So it is November the 1st in Japan. Where is the information about the YF-30??? I demand a prototype nao!!! Sadly no Vajra on display from what you can see over at CollectionDX.
  3. I also don't have a single VF-1 so no offense taken. I forgot to mention that Yamato as well as Bandai released their own versions of a Koenig Monster in 1/100 scale. The Bandai one is from Macross Frontier but I don't know where the Yamato one is from (maybe a game). Yamatos Monster is a floppy mess as far as I know and Bandais has some issues with cracking arm joints. Both can transform.
  4. If the VF-1 is the only real Valkyrie for you then look no further then the Arcadia re-releases of the DYRL? line. I've been told that you should own at least one VF-1 V2 toy if you call yourself a Variable Fighter collector because they are that good. The first releases had problems with shoulder joints that break easily but that has been fixed with later releases. Yamato also released unpainted unassembled kits of the VF-1 if that is your cup of tea. Yamato also released the DYRL? version of the SDF-1 as a 1/3000 scale assembled toy and as a kit (1/3000 and 1/2000 I think). They came with a hefty price tag even before you add the second market mark-up. The last piece Yamato released was the web exclusive VF-4 (not in the FB2012 version but the VF-4G from the VF-X2 game). Collectors agree that it is a great toy but since it was a web exclusive it is hard to get now and near impossible at a decent price. Arcadia might re-release it since it was critically acclaimed also Arcadia seems to do more and more build to order releases so there is a good chance to make a profit even if it is a niche piece. Regarding Macross Plus Arcadia is releasing a new YF-19 (also built to order so if your interested you should get a preorder). Don't touch the old one or only if it will stay in Fighter-Mode forever. Yamato made also a YF-21 and VF-11B for Plus. They are great toys but a bit harder to find. No one knows what Arcadia is planning on new molds for the future so maybe they update the Plus line. If you like the Macross 7 Stuff (VF-19K/S/F/P and the VF-17S/D) there are still units available at a discount at several places. Especially the VF-19 would be of interest since to some it is the best toy Yamato released (I agree but I have only a small Yamato collection). There are other Macross 7 Valkyries to get like the VF-11C and the VF-22S but they are a little bit harder to get. Especially the VF-11C skyrocketed in price for some reasons after Yamato went belly up. the M7 Valkyries where among the last toys Yamato released so I assume that Arcadia (who seem to have all the newer Yamato molds and licenses) won't release them any time soon as long as old Yamato stock is around. Yamato also released Macross Zero toys but they are a bit dated and terrible floppy (so I heard). There are also rumors that a VF-0D would be next from Arcadia so you might stay away from any Macross Zero stuff. Bandai is the only place if you like to get Macross Frontier Valkyries. They are also roughly 1/60 scale but compared to Arcadia/Yamato Valkyries the seem a tad too small. There are two Versions of the toys. The V1s are terrible compared to the Renewals (V2). You can distinguish them by the higher price and the new packaging with the white background. Bandai nearly completed the Frontier line. The only thing that is missing is the Tornado Pack. Available are the VF-25F/S/G/A and the RVF-25 as well as the VF-171EX/CF, the Super VF-27 and the YF-29. For almost all releases exist some kind of add-on set but they are all released as Tamashii Web Shop exclusives so the prices on the after-market vary and are always higher then MSRP. Since Bandai released in many cases not enough stock after the V1 debacle so for some pieces you have to pay premium to get them these include mostly the VF-25S/G and the YF-29s. A reissue of the VF-25S seems likely because the also reissued the VF-25F that started the Renewal line. At the moment it is easy to get the RVF-25, Super VF-27 and VF-25A. The VF-171CF is around but Bandai messed up some pieces so the break easily in the shoulder area. Next up from Bandai is the web exclusive YF-29 Isamu Custom from the new Macross PS3 game as well as the YF-30 (from the same game). If your interested in the Isamu one you should hurry with your preorder because it will be released soon. Oh, Bandai also released the Macross Quarter. It is a mixed bag but you can still get some left over stock pretty cheap during sales and I think that it is highly unlikely that Bandai reissues the Quarter. If you want to get information on all the releases you missed you should check out jenius' site (http://anymoon.com). There you find all the information you need to know which toys are save to buy. This is extremely helpful for Yamatos VF-1s. It also gives a good overview and it has nice pictures form the box, hints on what to be aware of when buying stuff, video reviews, transformation guides and lots more. Another good source for information is CollectionDX (http://collectiondx.com).
  5. Still looks cool though! And the model is equally bad to the V1 VF-25s.
  6. I said it before the crucial part of the Super Parts are not the color code but the unit number painted on the leg armor panels. The other Super Parts should fit the RVF-25. I'd imagine that the only problematic piece would be the missile pods on the shoulders and the backpack armor but if I remember correctly the radar dish is in a position where it's not in the way of these parts. However I've never tried it personally because I got the Super Parts ordered and payed already. Maybe you can find someone who is only interested in the Ghost-drones and not the Super Parts who is willing to sell the parts to you.
  7. I'd prefer a gray base with a transparent arm. An opaque base hides the stuff stored in it much better.
  8. Do you have a shop that is selling Kakizakis VF-1A from DYRL? OT: It is obvious that hero Valkyries sell better so Arcadia should release one of does. But besides the VF-0D I don't have any idea what they are up to for their next project (other then Macross 2 which is, sadly, not possible).
  9. Well the VF-5000 was in Macross Dynamite 7 if I recall it correctly. I'm just going to watch this message board and see what's happening while I fiddle with my new YF-19 when it is getting released in April.
  10. Did he mentioned the VF-5000 at any point during his tweets. I figured it would be the only Valkyrie left that was shown in Macross movies/shows/OVAs after all the unlikely answers. Maybe but I cannot really see that happen since the Macross 7 iterations are very different to the YF-19. Again, like the VF-17 the VF-19 are still available at a discount (!!!). Sure Arcadia might be a different company then Yamato but their customer base is the same and the customers are saturated with VF-19s. I wouldn't mind a new and matte VF-19S but I'd rather see a completely new Valkyrie from Arcadia next. So yes they could reuse it but only several years down the line if they don't want to harm their business. At that point the also could do a completely new VF-19 mold.
  11. Maybe if they release a black repaint... ...and if i'd have won the lottery till then.... ...and I don't even play... ...man, those odds. I don't get it. How tall is he compared to the SoC Mazinger Z? Does it come with a trailer base, a light up feature, what are the accessories? Does it turn into charcoal when shot with a gun? Can someone tell me how they justify the price tag?
  12. The 25s can be transformed with an ease and even fast if you don't care about paint chipping. The YF-29 transformation is basically the same but the crucial part is getting the shoulders rotated in place. The loose c-clips are a mixed bag however. It is good that they detach because otherwise you risk breaking the pauldrons when you rotate them the wrong way. On the other hand they are a bit to loose so that they will inevitably pop off when you handle them. I guess that's the better alternative.
  13. Also the VF-17 Frankenstein is a cool toy. Even if it suffers from the hollow back syndrome. I like it a lot although it is not complete out of the box because you have to trim (!!!) and apply the markings by yourself.
  14. So the reason why Yamatos VF-19 line is a shiny plastic is to make a super expensive toy not even more expensive then it is already? I didn't but the reason for that is that I ordered the Super Parts for the RVF-25 and VF-25G together so NY will ship them when both set are released.
  15. You just have to fiddle with them until they fit. I also find it difficult to rotate them into position but after a few tries you should be able to tell how they rotate. I find it weird that you cannot peg the shoulder pauldrons when they rest in their proper positions. Because of this I assume that the arms are not transformed correctly.
  16. Well I thought it would give additional protection when the hand that is gripping the gun handle is covered by the shield. Then again to tap the full potential of a shield it cannot be in held in the weapon hand. I guess I just liked the pose the VF-25F was in when I put it in the cabinet. Always looking at this nice looking shield.
  17. I think that die-cast when used on the outside of a toy is limited to the aesthetics of the design (besides the weight issues). The armor panels on the SoC Mazinger Z look good because the part doesn't have sharp angles. On Bandai VF-25s the intakes look a bit out of place because the die-cast parts with their rounded shapes do not match well the otherwise sharp edges of the rest of the toy. However I don't now the molding process well enough to say if the could cast it in a way where they would blend in better so that's that. Die-cast feet on the other hand are pretty cool in terms of stability. So I think die-cast should only be uses as structural metal and for the feet. This alone gives the toy a good heft so it wont feel cheap. In all other cases toy makers should only use die-cast when the design aesthetics lends itself to it.
  18. Did you rotated the little armor panel on the legs outwards. It is possible to peg the leg into position with the panel still resting on the leg but it is intended to be out of the way when snapping the legs to the backpack. Maybe this prevents the armored legs to reach the peg correctly. I'm sorry this is probably not the case but I saw an image today where the panel was flipped against the leg in Fighter-Mode and I also missed to flip it outwards.
  19. I don't know about that. Altos VF-171 never had any of the problems the CF had. Maybe a new production run will result in a toy that can actually be handled again. The design is not bad nor the mold it is just bad material selection. Bandai has to know about the problems with the black plastic on the CF. They will change it with a new batch.... ...why am I fooling myself? Bandai will never learn from past mistakes. The Renewals where the exception of the rule!
  20. After playing (I mean simulating battle tactics) with my Frontier collection yesterday I pegged Lucas shield into the right forearm just to get rid of the gap. Now I see directly onto the ugly hinge of the Elint fin. Better switch the shield back to the left arm or rotate it so I don't see the hinge of the fin. What do you think? On a side note my VF-25F is holding his gun-pod with the left hand. Do we know if Alto (or the unlucky guy he inherited his machine from) is right-handed?
  21. Yes. I'm talking about the leg rotation. It's step three in the transformation process. Fighter to Gerwalk 1. Detach legs from the backplate 2. Rotate legs downward 3. Rotate the lower legs about 90 degree around the center axis of the legs (problem occurs here) 4. Extending the legs ... Rotating the legs scared me without the armor on but with it equipped it requires an amount of force that shouldn't be applied to something as fragile as a Bandai Valkyrie. IIRC in Veefs review of Altos VF-171 he commented on this problem on his unit. I can check it after work and link it if someone is interested in knowing what I'm talking about. Maybe I should remove the armor again and try rotating it again. If it goes easier this time maybe the armor is catching on to something. On the other hand I don't think I should transform or play with this transformable toy anymore since any fiddling likely leads to breakage.
  22. So I finally received the Armor Parts for my VF-171CF. When transforming it back to Fighter-Mode I had a huge problem rotating the lower legs into Fighter-Mode position. The amount of force I need to get the internal locking mechanism to work feels like I'm gonna break the the rotation joint. It was that way even with the unarmored version but the problem seems to have been magnified with the attachment of the armor. I was thinking that some part of the leg armor was in the way preventing the rotation but I couldn't spot anything. Has anyone had the same problems and knows how to fix that. Even information on how likely it is to break the leg with continuous transformations would be a huge help. Thanks in advance. The MDEs and reaction warheads are comically huge for a fighter jet.
  23. I like the glossy plastic on the Frontier Valkyries. They look good. The colors seem to pop a bit more. However the matte plastic on the Yamato toys I own looks good too. I have no preferences on that but they should keep it consistent. The VF-19S from Macross 7 looks out of place between the VF-17S and VF-22S in my shelf. I think the VF-19 is the best toy I own on its own merits but I would like it even more if it would be matte like the others. Don't get me started on the size differences and the ankles.
  24. Next Friday we should know if we need to ask again.... ...although no one is listening!
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