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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. Fans Hobby made their Power Master Dreadwind available for preorder. While I’m usually super iffy on their proportions, sculpt and build I’m really looking forward to this release.
  2. @mikeszekely can I order the Core Class Skywarp Null Rays somewhere, or are they already sold out?
  3. Wohoo, count me in. I was just looking at one on Mandarake. Good thing I waited. It is time to add another entry into my good fortune diary.
  4. Did they ever improved the performance of CP2077 on a PS4 Pro with the last couple of patches. I don’t want to buy a PS5 just for checking out the current state of the game. It was fun how overpowered you could get. It made the last mission a breeze.
  5. The Chogokin Liger is available again at HLJ:
  6. The Chogokin RZ-041 Liger Zero is available at HLJ for preorder. It is marked as a reissue to be released in April 2023: https://www.hlj.com/chogokin-rz-041-liger-zero-reissue-bans64073-2 [edit:] Sold out. [edit2:] Available again.
  7. Maybe you need some experience with MMORPG games to fully enjoy it. As an ex avid WoW player (a tank no less) than I got a couple of good laughs out of it.
  8. I've only seen season 1. I would describe it as cute but inoffensive with a terribly convenient plot. But it is good fun if you like a lighter watch (at least season 1).
  9. Bombusbee has put up a preorder for FansToys Bandit on their site: https://www.bombusbee.net/fanstoys-ft-31e-bandit-menasor-p5422.html Why am I writing this? Because for the longest time they didn't had a preorder, while other stores, like ShowZ, had them. So I would assume that the FansToys distributors put forward a message that Bandit is scheduled for production at some point in the future. Could it be all a hoax? For sure since Bombusbee also has preorders for the remaining two Aerialbots. I want to be optimistic though.
  10. The release date in Japan is May 2023: https://www.hlj.com/s-h-figuarts-spider-man-miles-morales-spider-man-across-the-spider-verse-bans63989 There is also the MAFEX toy of Miles Morales: https://www.hlj.com/mafex-spider-man-miles-morales-into-the-spider-verse-ver-reissue-medmafex-107-2 Or the one from Sentinel: https://www.hlj.com/spider-man-into-the-spider-verse-sv-action-miles-morales-spider-man-reissue-set88734
  11. Preorder for the second shipment of the GFFMC Deathscythe Hell (release date August 23, ¥36800) open at anime-export: https://anime-export.com/index.php?product=65694 [edit:] sold out.
  12. Better view of the Armada Prime in combined mode: https://news.tfw2005.com/2023/02/23/legacy-evolution-commander-armada-optimus-prime-new-in-hand-image-476209
  13. I’m sad that this is not the sculpt we saw a couple of years ago at that toy show. I like the look of the base Optimus. The combined form has a sever form of tiny head syndrome and it is kibble-tastic which seems to be a requirement for all Armada Optimus Primes. I'm shocked that Hasbro is allowed to waste so much plastic on him. I guess that is the Commander Class budget on display.
  14. Since this is an official picture I habe to ask: is Leader Snarl the same height as Core class Ironhide?
  15. As someone who almost never played an FPS game on a console I thought that the Metroid Prime controls were better suited for consoles than the Playstation X-Box approach with two sticks (and aim assist). But the controls might only suit a game if you build the rest of the experience around it. That said, the Ing Emperor really stressed my index finger…
  16. I wonder if I should get it? I still have my Game Cube with the original version of Metroid Prime…. hm… I would be more interested in a Metroid Prime 2 remaster (since I never was able to beat the final boss) and I think it would benefit from better graphics. If I remember correctly some of the areas were hard to get a good read on the surroundings (and that underwater boss was horrible). What I am most interested is part three since I never owned a Wii or a Wii U. I guess I have to buy all the remasters to show Nintendo that there is interest in the sequels and the franchise in general.
  17. I wonder how hard it must be for the creators of the promotional material not to type Jazz instead of Mirage if they have a smidge of Transformers background knowledge. Also the blue eyebrows (?!?!) make it look like Mirage has a visor instead of eyes… …you know, like Jazz.
  18. Will Vin Diesel keep making Fast&Furious movies until they reach Fast xXx?
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