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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. So it is a Tamashii Web Exclusive? That might explain why I didn't find it while searching through hlj. Thanks for the heads-up.
  2. Is it expected that the preorders for that will sell out? I got my other Gundam Unicorn figures after their initial release so I'm wondering if this will be true for the Kshatriya.
  3. I like to think about it in a way similar to the Inglorious Basterds movie. There are some "real" events that happened and documented (like the Third Reich/The Vajra encounter with the 25th fleet) where they spun a story around it. To this point it is not important if Alto survived or not what is important is the outcome of the story. For example that humanity won and the Zentradi where integrated into human society. If that was not the case then the sequels to SDF:M/DYRL would be wrong. So if Alto would be the protagonist of a Macross Frontier sequel that has a noteworthy impact on the Macross universe then it would be a problem if he was dead after the second movie. But even that might not be the case because of the example stated above. Bad stuff happens when someone tries to rework a fictional universe to a fitting continuity. The Star Wars prequels/OT and the Legend of Zelda series being two examples where the one is really bad (SW) and kinda funny (Zelda) when you see what is developing around that. Like I love the discussions around the split time line in Zelda and I hate seeing Hayden Christensen at the end of RotJ. So I favor the Macross canon in some way over ways to approach this topic.
  4. What about non human mecha like a Glaug or Variable Glaug?
  5. That is cool. Hopefully we do get a Transformers airplane that has not an entire robot on the underside. I think it is cool but I'd rather buy a repaint of it. The design looks o.k but I don't like how far the helmet sticks out of top of the vehicle. Maybe it will be a little bit more smoothed out in the final product. It seems like it is accurate to the show however. The kind the helmet is designed it looks like it will be a smaller robot inside a giant robot. I'm really hoping we get a cool transformation scheme and great articulation.... ...with double joints on the elbows and knees.
  6. That's why I said with the release of the RVF-25 and VF-25A. Ok that is a bit derailing but has someone tried to dress the VF-25A up with the Armored Parts to see if they can stand without modding the hips?
  7. Well nothing and everything is cannon... ....except Macross 2. If I remember correctly Veef was talking about how the DYRL movie was a movie about events that happened in the Macross universe (based on an interview with Kawamori). So why not apply the same logic to the Frontier show and movies? I don't want to say much more because a) I haven't seen the Frontier movies so I cannot make adequate guesses and b) I'm not sure I can remember everything correctly that was brought up during this podcast.
  8. I know what you mean but for example the way the nosecone folds up... sure there could be a different joint at work but would the result being different enough to justify buying one? I mean the toy wouldn't get more or different articulation. It would just handle somewhat different. I also think that Bandais V1 VF-25s where plagued by following slavishly the CGI model without thinking it through and having the end result in mind. If I imagine a new VF-1 from Arcadia it could have the anime accurate leg delivery system (I know some consider this to violate the perfect transformation thought), no more priest collar, filler pieces for the chest that flap out of chest and back, a nosecone that can jut out a bit. I'm not being super creative here most stuff comes from Bandais VF-1 model kit (regardless how terrible it might be). What I'm saying the Renwals look like the Messiah from the show they have the range of motion from the show. I'm not sure if different joints, a matte finish and Super Parts with removable housings would cut it for me. On the other hand I'm sure that a Arcadia VF-25 would sell. As seems the third iteration of the YF-19 (not counting the VF-19). I'm not so sure about a VF-9 for example.
  9. I like the glossy finish on my Frontier Valkyries so I wouldn't mind a glossy YF-19. On the other hand my OCD is telling me the all my Arcadia Valkyries should have the same finish. So through some magic the upcoming VF-1s need to be cast in a glossy finish. Then again I look at the powder blue goddess that is the Blue Gazer and I want that finish on the new YF-19... Kinda complicated...
  10. I don't get all that hate about the Bandai Renewal releases. Mind you I know what you are talking about because I over payed on a bunch of Valkyries and add-on packs, have loose joints and bent head lasers. Also what should Arcadia do differently. There is only so much you can do with a CGI model that has basically most stuff figured out about transformation, parts and scale. I'm not sure if I'm willing to replace my whole Frontier collection with Arcadia ones because they now have a matte finish. The Bandai Valkyries from the YF-29 onwards do so many things right and not much wrong. In addition Bandai stepped up their game with the last releases. The RVF-25 and VF25A are close to perfect. They where also available after release. My only gripes with the releases purely come from the base design. I would love to have done something with the backpack (it is the same with the YF-30) but if you change something there the result will be less line art accurate. I give you that I probably would buy one just to have one to compare. It will probably be a few years before that happen though so my Frontier collection might crumbled on their own in my display cabinets and make this argument pointless. I can rather imagine a V3 VF-1 that is radically different from the V2 then a new VF-25 that is radically different from Bandai Renewal offerings. To cut a long story short. I'd love to see Arcadia cast their magic on designs that where never done as collector toys before. Like the VF-14/VF-2SS/VF-5000. Come on Arcadia create a VF-2SS in the style of Yamatos VF-19s.
  11. 12800 Yen phew that is steep. Know I'm trying to think of a way to rationalize preordering this release.... Is it so pricey because it is a web shop exclusive or just freaking big and loaded with accessories. I know there are some expensive Robot Damashii figures but they normally have a some kind of exclusive edition stuff going on (paint scheme, accessories, yada yada yada). On the other hand I need the figure for my Gundam Unicorn Robot Damashii collection do be complete. Damn you OCD. *shakes his fist in anger* [edit: ] After looking at the pictures I think I understand why it has to be more expensive then the standard Robot Damashii figure but almost 13000 Yen is very steep even if you take into account what will be included in the set. Does anyone know if there are stands available for the other Gundam Unicorn suits in that line? I know of the Tamashii Tage Act stands but I was thinking of one that looks like the stand included with the Kshatriya but with markings for the Unicorn/Banshee/Sinanju.
  12. Oh if it had to be his stash it would most definitely be the VF-4G. But in this special case I'm sure that I'd be able to carry more then one Valkyrie.
  13. Thanks for the explanation. Much appreciated.
  14. Nice pictures. I do have a question however. Can you explain to me what the difference are between Metal Build, Metal Composite and Fixed Figuration Gundams? I see these term floating around all the time over Gundam toys/model kits and I couldn't really figure out what this is all about. it looks great though. Maybe I should check one out someday.
  15. I'd love so see someone to do an update of the hip-bar on the renewals because I broke one on my VF-25F and need replacement. This talented lad could beef up the ball-part of this joint so it will not be floppy anymore. You can print pieces made out of metal powder over at Shapeways so you don't lose the Gokin part of the toy. Veef to the rescue!
  16. Ok I know this is pointless posting during the PS4 release and not talking about the PS4 but I need to release some steam (no pun intended). I recently finished GTA V and thought I should give GTA IV a try since I never finished it. So I installed it and started the game.... ...but no. I need do connect do Rockstar Social Club which I didn't know my email address and password because I used it like four years ago the last time. After a bit of trying I managed to log into the Social Club tried to run the game again and then... ...I need to log into Games for Windows Live (WTF). Same deal as before no idea about the email address nor the password. I assumed it was the same as the stupid sign in before because I signed in for that (is it allowed to swear on the board?) at the same time as I did for the Rockstar crap. So after a bit of trial and error I managed to log in into my awesome Windows Live account and thought I might be able to play the game... .... but I can't because it still wants to update this account / reinstall GTA IV / accept the new ToS in a random order some steps several times and after like 45 minutes that felt like 450 I finally... ... decided to leave this crap alone. Seriously I paid for this game. I think it would be easier to play GTA IV when I downloaded it from a torrent that scraped all this nonsense from the game. Now I'm thinking if I should give my SNES a shot because there I only need to pop the cartridge into the system and switch it on.... !"§$!§"!°&!§"!°"§%&!"§$&&/$§% Thanks for reading. PS: Yeah I know there might be some fix that I can look up on the Internet but I'm really not in the mood at the moment.
  17. Not helping because a glossy toy came out of that prototype.
  18. To be honest all of the black test shots I know of where glossy. Here is an image of the VF-4G prototype: Looks glossy to me and the final product was matte so draw your conclusions from that.
  19. Also they have to do gold chrome if the rest of their dinosaurs transforming toys. They had some die-cast in their Quakewave figure (which I didn't like because it looks so bland) but I'm not sure they can make the chrome work. To my knowledge it is very hard do make a good chromed piece that is shiny, flawless and durable. I also agree that they should either make them in scale with Grimlock or make their own. The leg blocks are kinda ugly. I think if they hat various parts included with the different figures that make MP Grimlock better that would be great. Like two articulated hands (they offered a set where you could do something along that lines for Quakewave) or a sword and gun in the style of the one shown in their images for Gimlock. Now that I think about if. If the leg blocks can stay attached while transforming Grimlock they would be decent. To look good they have to match the color and the plastic perfectly based on MP Grimlock which is a hard thing to do.
  20. I guess after thee different companies making thee different not Predakings (with rumors about a fourth one from WST) I shouldn't be surprised that there are two companies that making a not Skyfire. I like the fancy color schemes of the transformers and I don't think that MP-11 would make a convincing fighter especially not from the rear. The Kawamori Starstream was a good idea but needed some refinement. I feel that Takara went in the wrong direction with MP-11.
  21. Is this Warbottron company that is making the Warbottron a new company or have they any affiliations with another third party company? Any information that goes further than that? The silhouette looks like the Daka Toys interpretation of Skyfire. So if this is true why is it showing up on a FansToys promo picture. The other possibility would be that FansToys is making their own Skyfire but still why is it on a promo for two dinosaurs that turn into robots. If the silhouette on the right is not the FoC Swoop right? Could you elaborate on that a bit?
  22. Ok so apparently you can pull the canopy out a bit (like an outward movement away from the body) and it will stay open. The deal is I have a VF-22S and the canopy on this Valkyrie won't stay open no matter what I try. And I certainly don't want do break my precious. Captain Max would be desperately disappointed. So I don't know if you have the standard problem with the canopy that some here on the board have or if you got a bum one like me. Try to move the canopy a bit and see if you can get it to stay open. Just be very cautious so you don't break anything.
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