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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. Someone mentioned that he put some plastic wrap inside the joint to tighten it up but I haven't seen any images of that. Maybe some super glue would work too but I'm to scared of damaging the toy so I just leave it as it is.
  2. Are they flying through space? They must be due to the Strike Pack. I image the TF Seekers are able to fly in space.
  3. Basically the joints where the engine nacelles rotate around are not strong enough to hold the weight of the Super Parts. So on my YF-29 30th Anniversary the wing won't stay into position and rotate downwards by itself. This is even worse when the wings are fully extended.
  4. They look like a purple gray in this image.
  5. Maybe they want to show how sturdy the joints on the engine nacelles are now. So no Droopy Wing Syndrome (DWS) anymore.
  6. I will cancel it for sure! *hitting the panic button* In all seriousness it was already present on the prototype so it would be a surprise if it would be changed further on. It is a nitpick for me but I can deal with it. But I would have preferred a different solution. Honestly even if there is not enough room for a piece like on the VF-17 I would be satisfied with something like the fold crystal on the YF-29. A small and slim piece of transparent plastic with a silver painted backside. It does not require that much space but would make a difference on the toy itself but maybe there isn't enough room even for that solution.
  7. I can understand the desire to have any possible marking on the toy and it might look good as a car but I fear that it will look too busy in robot mode and that some of the details get lost because some of the markings on the original car look so tiny that maybe the won't look good shrunk down to the size of the toy. With all the splits on the mold (see the roof) markings has to be printed on in parts. Wouldn't this lead to scuffed up details on the edges of the parts?
  8. It seems like the final release of the toy will have the painted lights on the wing gloves. I don't dig that....
  9. I'd preferred it if we got the gray Armor Parts and unfortunately I don't have either MJs skills and/or equipment so they will stay forever dark blue. A member here on the boards reported that they have a different hue than the VF-171EX armor (I can't confirm that). If this is true I guess it was a deliberate decision by Bandai to cast it in that color.
  10. I'd prefer if they don't go full out on the details. All the other MPs are rather subtle on the details level so I hope Takara only prints on the number and the green and red stripes (and maybe the Alitalia and Lancia logo).
  11. The only wish for a VF-1 scheme is the VF-1J Miria Custom from Macross 7... ...but since Skullmilita said no hero schemes in the first post I have nothing to contribute to this thread. An Arcadia V3 VF-1 from Macross the First would be cool.
  12. So I finally watched Pacific Rim yesterday. I would've preferred to see it in a cinema but at the opening week I wasn't anywhere near a cinema and after that the movie was already gone. The good think is that way I could watch it on my TV in 2D. I don't like 3D because of various reasons. Since I'm sure this thread discussed the movie a whole lot I keep my thoughts as short as possible. So first and foremost I really enjoyed the movie but I have a few nitpicks. 1. Why no Japanese Jaeger? 2. Mako should have saved the day 3. I could've done without the explanation of the alien threat they should have handled the reason why the Kaiju attack differently or explain it more. The whole brain drift with the monster brain doesn't do it for me 4. It should have a scene where we see more city destroying goodness shot during day-time with the sun shining. 5. A scene where Crimson Typoon and Cherno Alpha show of their skills against some type 4 Kaijus before they are being ripped to shreds by the type 5 goons (they describe both Jaeger teams as so deadly but the could not deal with already known Kaiju power levels.... disappointing). 6. Since I have some kind of a color code fetish it would be nice if the Kaiju glowed in different colors (one red, one yellow and so on) to differentiate them more. 7. I find it strange that they can escape from the chasm with escape pods. When they start to close it I thought they are all off for a suicide mission. 8. I can't wrap my head around the pregnant Kaiju. A genetic engineered and cloned weapon that can give birth is something I honestly don't get. 9. I wish they would have screamed ROCKETO PUSH at some point of the movie As I said it is a good movie but there where too many nitpicks to be a great movie. I really want to love it because it is something new and it is not a trilogy (yet) so it has a good ending for the story they want to tell. As a side note putting the cockpit for a giant robot in the head is really stupid.
  13. As a disclaimer I don't want to be the reason for breaking any Valkyrie so please be cautious when doing these steps. Also keep in mind that all what I will write now comes from the back of my mind since I haven't handled this Valk for several month now. The screws are not accessible from the outside but you don't need to. However you have to detach the legs and swing back the wings because they lock the shoulder into position. The first thing I would do then is to remove the small black filler triangles on the underside of the chest pieces (or at least loosen the screw a bit) because they can also break and on my copy the screw was so tight that I couldn't move the filler piece. My assumption is that that caused some of the breakage of the small triangles when people forced it to move. This screw is accessible from Fighter-Mode. For the shoulders IIRC the pauldron consists of two assemblies. A dark teal piece that make up the major part of the pauldron and the black triangle pieces that is attached to the shoulder joint. The black part is hold via friction on the metal shoulder joint and the dark teal piece is also friction hold on the black pieces. So you can detach the shoulder area form the metal shoulder joint by simply pulling them away from the joint. Be careful and only pull straight away from the fuselage. Don't try to apply any rotational force to the assembly because that might lead to a broken triangle. This again is only my assumption but I guess the triangles break when you use them to rotate the arms into position. Due to the way the shoulder is assembled (see above) either the teal or the black piece will come off. Now you can access the screws and loosen them before reassembling it again.
  14. I think Kurisama is planning to look into this issue. If you search through this thread you will probably find it.
  15. I will add to this conversation that I find it kinda difficult to judge colors on images that where made with a cell pone (of by people who don't know what they're doing) and that I view on a non-calibrated non-true color monitor. However for my tastes I agree with David on the color choices so I'm hoping for a MP Galvatron that gets it right. Even if most MP figures are a let-down quality wise they usually get stuff right (i.e. a good color composition). In addition they get the face sculpt right. On the other hand I can understand VF5SS' frustration about the topic because David has some exquisite tastes about the coloring of his toys that most companies are not able to satisfy (see also the gray color on the VF-25S Renewal). So the issue of colored plastic pops up more often then no. However there are other people on the Internet that post much more aggravating stuff. I know what I'm talking about after reading every single post about a minor damage of an elbow joint over 500+ pages.
  16. Looking forward for the final pictures MJ.
  17. I've chosen the P because it is the only M7 variant of the VF-19 that has the ventral fins, the canards and the same wing design as the VF-19A (the VF-19K is missing the ventral fins). Even the shoulders could be the same if they where drawn in the same universe since the P doesn't have the speaker modification. The speakers we've saw in the OVA could've been attached to any other variant of the VF-19. However according to the M3 the P is a bit shorter then the A.
  18. That looks fugly! On the other hand it will fit well with my MP-09B on the shelf. Talking about Masterpiece Transformers. The last few days I had time to play with my MP-10B a bit and I'm baffled how close it came to be the perfect Transformer at least in my eyes. The finish, paint job and chosen material is all there as well as a nice transformation and nice gimmicks. It also has a good size. However the range of motion in the joints is really a let down. Every time I try to strike a pose I wish that the joints have more range of motion. It its not just missing double jointed knees and elbows there are also the range of motion in the shoulders, hips and head. If it weren't for the whole durability issues on MP Hod Rod (my MP-09B had two broken knee joints right out of the box) I think I would be the best MP Transformer in my collection. The good think I guess is there is enough room for improvements when Takara is rebooting the line after MP Star Saber.
  19. I agree. Jenius made a great video without popping the shoulders off. Check out http://www.anymoon.com for more information. About the legs I think Veef explained it like this: the YF-29 is a VF-25 airframe with integrated Tornado Parts so it has the same leg transformation as the Tornado Messiah who also has the Gerwalk joint extended one click.
  20. I saw the movie a few days ago. I kinda liked it especially the last part with Smaug. Totally awesome even if it feels more like a video boss fight. Oh well. The first part of the movie was a bit boring but that could be because I'm saturated with all the high fantasy games, novels and movies I consume. It was pretty much hero journey set piece moment after moment I'm just a bit tired of that formula. Might switch to some more artsy films next this year before the final movie comes into the cinemas. On a second thought I feel that the movie is just more of the LotR trilogy. That has not to be a bad thing but for me the previous (extended) Jackson movies are one of most watched movies at home over the last years. So yeah basically Smaug is awesome the rest is ok.
  21. Tell us what you think about the Super Parts for the Nightmare.
  22. But the pilot should have articulated hands... ...and it should have a button to transform automatically Happy New Year (with the Arcadia V3 VF-1) 2045
  23. I hope to see a panel at the inner side of the feet and a way to tuck away the side mirrors on the shin guards. I really love the Italian flag paint job and the vehicle mode so I guess this release is gonna be awesome. The tfwiki only mentions one repaint of the G1 mold that goes by the name of Marlboor Wheeljack. Are there any other repaints that could come out of this mold?
  24. Say what is this thing with cutting corners and the Masterpiece line. I just found a thread on tfw2005 where they are complaining about the quality and features of these. Personally I think that the MP Transformers are lacking in finish. As an example the chromed parts on my MP-09B have gate marks in positions where you look at directly. Compared to other collectible toys they seem not that cheap so why the cost cutting? Are they not selling as well as the SRC stuff or are they so expensive because they can transform. The other thought was that TF collectors are not willing to pay more like say $100 for a perfect Masterpiece Lambor with a pristine paint job, chromed rims and more painted and printed on details. I think I have not enough knowledge about the whole toy collector business so any insight is appreciated. Oh and don't get me started on the plastic swirls and plastic finish for the gray parts of MP-11. Even the pictures if it look terrible.
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