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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. There are several replacement tutorials on YouTube. IIRC they are not too difficult to replace. I bought my Switch in 2017 and I have never experienced the Joy-Con drift myself but I’m not a power user. As @azrael said sooner or later you will have this issue since Nintendo can’t or won’t fix the issue. Don't let this discourage you from buying one though. It is a fantastic system with a fantastic games library, especially if you play on the go. Probably my favorite console since the SNES. Just buy a Pro Controller if you are planning to play the Switch while it’s connected to a TV.
  2. I built the new Tie Interceptor yesterday. And I’m a very happy camper right now. I was most impressed with the size and how well it goes with the Solo movie Tie Fighter. What I don’t like is the fact that I had to buy a second space ship I have no attachment to… and at least the A-Wing from the Tie Advanced was a fully formed space ship. Also not a big fan of the gap between the wing struts and the cockpit. I think with another iteration of the design they could have got rid of it and made the cockpit more round. I also don’t like that the lasers of the wing tips aren’t angled to a bore-sight point. In fact due to the tension in the wings the laser point outwards. I think this to could have been fixed but maybe I’m expecting too much from it. Overall the positive sides and its very existence massively outweighs the few issues I have with the toy. Only a couple more vehicles and my Lego Star Wars collection is finished.
  3. Sadly the Falcon Armor is not the same quality as the Mega Man X one. I still super bummed that Truforce never did other armor designs or the robot masters. Could you imagine a Storm Eagle with the same intricate design, build and paint as Mega Man? It would be sooo good. I’m also bummed that I never picked up the black version of X when it was reasonably priced.
  4. Seeing that the Shin Burning Gundam gets a kit makes me hopeful that the Build Fighters shows and designs have had some impact on the Gundam fandom (since they are my favorite Gundam show and have the best Gundam designs). I wonder how long I have to wait for a full Metal Build Build Fighters lineup.
  5. I have seen some lukewarm reactions to the Ninjago City Market. I can see where they are coming from with the empty space in the middle but I think it will look stunning combined with the the other big Ninjago City sets.
  6. Because gas mask Bumblebee is the face of the Transformers brand. How would people know that this is a movie in their beloved franchise if not muffler face is on the poster??? Also you need to keep in mind that the movies need to keep Lorenzo di Boneventura's personal head cannon straight so they can never change this pillar of the franchise!!!
  7. I bought the Tie Interceptor and the Endor Speeder Chase diorama with some of the May 4th discounts. I really need to get a couple more Speeder Bikes and Scout Troopers from the set. I there a good option to just buy the Speeder Bike on Bricklink?
  8. Titan Class Nemesis revealed Odd arm proportions are still odd. More images: https://news.tfw2005.com/2023/05/02/legacy-evolution-titan-nemesis-official-reveal-481854
  9. Yeah, Bandai works in mysterious ways. They could put out the Providence instead. The only thing that is scheduled that excites me is the Dynames.
  10. Jang's thoughts on the Tie Interceptor:
  11. I find it sad that Bandai seems to be slacking off with the Metal Build line. First no new deco for the Strike Rouge with Grand Slam and now no new weapons for the X1 Patchwork (I’m not allowing to count the effect parts).
  12. I would really love to get more Strike Freedom variants in the Metal Build line. I don’t know why Bandai is pushing out the Crossbones, Strikes, Astrays and Exias and not the Strike Freedom.
  13. I would love to see Disney removing stuff instead of adding more. I just want to see the movie I watched as a kid. I wonder how the wording in the Disney, Lucasfim contract is regarding releasing a "despecialized" version of the OT, which is what I ultimately want.
  14. I guess Palpatine will be the big bad. Somehow he returned… …again.
  15. Finally a new Minifig Tie Interceptor and it is… …good Couldn’t be happier. So happy in fact that I will buy it even if it contains a bunch of bricks I have no use for
  16. @Dobber, is the set comprised out of Lego pieces or are they made by a different manufacturer?
  17. I’m in for Nemesis Lio Convoy and excited for FoC Cliffjumper. The Nemesis spaceship looks cool but I’m not feeling the odd arm proportions in bot mode. But I’m not buying it anyway so it is also not my problem.
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