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Everything posted by Scyla

  1. I agree that a breather was needed but they decided to start the next arc, something shocking happened and the episode ends.
  2. These Solo Leveling cliffhangers are starting to kill me. Why do they have to end where they end. 🥲
  3. @mikeszekely, I can understand why Ginrai feels too small in hand compared to other MP offerings. That’s why I thought the MPG line will have a unified, smaller scale, more in line with Raiden and Ginrai moving forward. However, given that Liftticket and Black Ironhide are recolors of old MP toys and released under MPG makes me question that. I guess we will know once we see images of the rumored MPG Convoy. Maybe it will be smaller than MP-44 and closer to Ginrai in size.
  4. I would assume they had to redo the moulds since the original ones are probably nowhere to be found. That said, the whole M.A.S.K. line is only around 50 releases. I think I have more Gundams and Masterpiece Transformers in my collection.
  5. Ahw, now you are hurting me feelings. Anyhow, after these all that is left are Chrono Trigger figures and I‘m done with Bring Arts. Hm, maybe if they do FF8 figures and G.F.s I might be interested too?
  6. So the Loyal Subjects one are basically reissues of the original toys? Owning a Rhino has been a lifelong dream for me. But I really don’t want to start a new toy collection.
  7. I had hope that Square Enix would release an add-on pack that included all their ultimate weapons. But that seems unlikely now.
  8. This must be the most scummy release in the history of action figures. Square Enix is re-releasing FF7 Cloud and replaced the Buster Sword with a different one: THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN AN ACCESSORY PACK SQUARE ENIX!!!!!!
  9. I said if on TFW, I say it here again. This looks better than the Masterpiece Arcee figure to me.
  10. Bummer, but thanks for letting me know.
  11. @Steady can you tell if the discs are region locked (i.e. only region A)?
  12. I‘m not criticizing MMC for not putting out their Devastator more quickly. However, the sentiment of 3rd party Transformers has been for a long time, that they: a) have to be more expensive than official retail Transformers because of the economics of scale and b) that they can’t put out releases as quickly because they don’t own their own factories and they are not professionals Now after 15 years of development in the 3rd party scene you have Mecha Invasion that put out their Devastator a lot faster and a lot cheaper than Hasbro released their Leader Class Dinobots (and at a higher quality). If this approach is sustainable has to be seen. And I don’t know which shortcuts they took to get there (if any).
  13. I find it fascinating that Mecha Invasion was able to announce, release and complete their Devastator while MMC had already announced theirs and not released a single one. It is also baffling to me that we are on the fifth generation off unofficial G1 Devastator combiners (1. MakeToys/TFC, 2. GT/TW, 3. NA/MS, 4. MMC/XTB/FT, 5. MI/DST) and don’t have a single G1 MP Predaking. In other news I got my InfiniteFinity (MMC) Stray (Drift) first edition in and while he is a nice figure I think I missed the assignment. Wasn’t he supposed to be the G1 1984 version of Drift that can stand next to the MO Datsuns or Lambor/Sunstreaker? I even saw a video review were the presenter called him G1 Drift. To me he is nothing like a G1 Toy. It is IDW Drift wearing the shell of an 1980s car. None of the proportions match the G1 style. Everything on him is too well defined/toned and he sports too many sculpted and painted details to be mistaken for G1. Other than that he is awesome. I was a bit bummed at first that he couldn’t unsheathe his own swords well until I discovered that you can pull out the shoulder blocks from the torso and now he can effortlessly reach around his own chest. Well done MMC.
  14. To me cover 1 says: Fun day at the military boarding school Cover 2 says: Trying to survive WW3
  15. Why is the visual language of the cover art so different?
  16. Today’s episode of 100 Girlfriends was awesome… *sparkling* 🤩
  17. Since Hot Toys is venturing into ToR with Darth Revan and Darth Malgus, are there any rumors that they planning to release a Bastila Shan from KotoR?
  18. Yapp. I can recognize that the Titans Return and Kingdom ones are more solid toys but I love the alt-mode (no H Tank!), the creative way it transforms (all in one if you can keep everything attached), the asymmetric nature of it. I‘m probably the only person that likes this toy and my judgment is blinded by the potential I can see in it (if it only had been a Voyager class as initially planned) but it is still the best retail Galvatron in my collection and I love it!
  19. @mikeszekely, @anime52k8 Of course you’re right. My point was that the MMC releases were very rough when it comes to their design and build quality and yes of course they had a bigger budget. For example the legs on Knight Morpher Commander are just rectangular slats of plastic that can’t even close properly. And yes the first release of KM Commander was prone to breaking due to translucent plastic clips in the chest that hold the arms in place in robot mode. You can tell that it was (probably) the first design of an aspiring toy designer and the first product of a new company. What I was getting at was that - putting the constraints of Hasbro when it comes to the production of these toys and the different price points aside - to me the 15 year old design by a novice toy designer still "looks" better than something designed by an experienced design team today. And I find that fascinating. PS: In the same way I find it fascinating that Hasbro never managed to release a Galvatron that outshines the Universe 2.0 one (to me).
  20. I find the jet modes on HasLab Liokaiser laughably bad. Like Combiner Wars bad. Besides obscurity I can’t comprehend why this is a HasLab project. There is nothing special to the toy that I can tell.
  21. Hearts of Steel two pack: I find it fascinating that these toys (to me) look worse than their 3rd Party counterparts from MMC released 15 years ago. Especially Starscream (and Optimus in alt-mode). Doubly so because it was the 1st and 3rd release of brand new company and some of the first 3rd party robots ever.
  22. Next HasLab Transformers project: Liokaiser More pictures here: https://news.tfw2005.com/2025/02/07/haslab-liokaiser-revealed-531292 @M'Kyuun won’t be too happy about the way Hasbro engineered the jets
  23. Some improvements to the new Lego Renegade by Jangbricks: While this looks better the biggest issue, the empty space in the middle is still there. Also the missing swan neck behind the cockpit is distracting. Argh, I really need to track down an original set
  24. Maybe that is why the FansToys Maverick has these weird conformable fuel tanks and the wrong droop snoot design. Both features serve no reason and could have been omitted or implemented more faithfully.
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