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Everything posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. Finally snagged Destro and Gung-Ho at Wally World last night. First "new" figures I've seen there in over a month. Their distribution methods SUCK!
  2. Yeah, but the start of this last one was pretty gay. Some pissed off little girl with explosives who takes out her frustrations on toys, who is then stopped by Bulkhead and then never mentioned again? Seeing Soundwave was cool and all, but the intro sucked.
  3. Where is the link for the demo? I couldn't find it in the store (the game isn't even listed from what I could see). I cannot wait until GoW comes out for PSP. The videos look great and I'm a huge fan of the first two on PS2. In fact, GoW3 may be the one thing that makes me go out and get a PS3.
  4. Dude, your link is farked up. Too many HTTPs and //s. No prob.
  5. Apparently there is a city in Florida that has pink fire trucks. A buddy of mine who's on a local FD here said he was offered a job with said FD in FL and declined for that reason alone.
  6. Sunstreaker had better be able to have his body reversed, because that version looks like ass. Fatalist is right, the concept art looks way better than the prototype is shown. Onslaught looks awesome, he'll be the first on my list of figures to get. Prowl is great, and the rest I'm not really interested in, but I'll probably get them just to have the collection.
  7. I bet he's a real gas to have around at a party.
  8. Is that the Breast Cancer Awareness version of SS?
  9. G1 Ironhide and Ratchet sucked the first time around. Why release those horrible versions?
  10. Geeze, zilla, why not just ask for the entire cast?
  11. That SS pic would be much better if the smirking face were being shown. But the crown and cape look cool, nonetheless.
  12. And a 1S too! http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=2583097
  13. DUDE! That little guy ROCKS!
  14. Well there weren't that many women on the Joe's side, so it's understandable that LJ would be "loose."
  15. Anyone going to get the Rescue Doc mail in figure from the comic packs? I picked up the SS and SE comic pack tonight, and we opened my son's and found the limbs to be extremely loose (SE can barely stand, even with the base plate), and couple arms and legs are bent in a really odd position due to the plastic insert.
  16. If that's the case in Japan, Hasbro might want to take notice of it.
  17. Our friends have a download of this movie and were so excited to show it to us. After watching it, all I could say was that I'm glad I didn't pay to see it. I didn't like how they kept going to flashbacks to give the history of what happened. I thought the mutation depicted by the CGI figures was stupid (your mouth and voice ain't gonna change THAT much in 1000 days). The whole "god sent me here" and "there is no god" argument was dumb. Will Smith is a good actor, but honestly I've seen him do much better than this. I'm still glad I didn't pay to see it, and I won't be getting it on DVD either.
  18. No, it's not another universe. I seen this at Target too when I was on a Classics hunting kick. but I passed on it because of how retarded it looked (much like I passed on Megatron due to his ultra gay color scheme). I almost passed on the Jazz white Alternator figure too since his bot form was messed up on the box. I had a choice between Jazz and another figure, so I got the other one but when I came home and actually got to see the correct image of Jazz, I went back and got him. I didn't bother looking up pics of the Devastator though. Might have changed my mind on that one too.
  19. How can Hasbro (or any toy company for that matter) allow their promo pictures to be release knowing that they are either posed or transformed incorrectly? Doesn't someone have to approve of the photos before they are released. Isn't there someone at the photo shoot that looks at the damn toy and says "hey that isn't transformed properly!"
  20. Google MLCAD or Mike's Lego CAD. It's a really nice Lego program and it is really easy to learn how to use it. It's largely reliant on the members of LUGNet (Lego Users Group) to create the files for the parts so there may be some parts that Lego makes that aren't in the library yet. They have to submit the pieces for voting and approval before they are added to the library, but you can get some non-approved parts and import them anyway.
  21. Given the amount of pictures here, it might be easier to reverse-design this bad boy. There are a lot of good shots that show exactly what pieces were used for the shell, and I'm sure that someone could fake the rest of it. For those who don't have the pieces, MLCAD might be the way to go with it.
  22. How can they say that the other seekers wouldn't sell? You know the eBay whores are just going to buy those up like crazy. Adults and kids alike wanted the classics. My son and I each have a set, one for him to play with and one for me in the boxes.
  23. Really? Spongebob's doing that voice?
  24. I didn't get anything, but my boy is happy. He got a Fender Squire bass guitar with a Crate amp and a Boss tuner/metronome, a MP Starscream, a movie Thundercracker, Lego Star Wars and Avatar Burning Earth for the Wii, and some other stuff to keep him occupied for a while. Lucky little 6yr old.
  25. Took the words right out of my mouth.
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