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Everything posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. I found Torpedo and IG by pure luck. Haven't seen them again anywhere around here.
  2. They don't even reseal them. The thieves just leave them open. It's the employees of the stores that find them and reseal them.
  3. LOL, I thought that was printed on a card he came with or something like that. Props to you for making me laugh.
  4. I've seen a lot of the second wave of the first round here (fixed crotch, two pegs on the stand). I also found that TRU was hit with the sticker thieves as well. I'm trying to inform them of what's been going on, and so far they've all been receptive to it.
  5. Almost like taking a snake spear directly into the heart and falling into a coma. Nice nod to the movie, Hasbro.
  6. Any word on if or when they plan on making a Dusty figure? That was always a favorite of mine (the first version was, but I thought the other 10 versions sucked ass).
  7. I know it's been said before in this thread, but this is really bad here. I went to both Target and Walmart tonight, and out of nearly 20 comic packs, every single one was opened and had the "Doc" sticker stolen. Be careful when choosing a comic pack and make sure that BOTH of the plastic tabs that wrap around the cardboard are nice and tight and that there aren't two layers of tape over them.
  8. I did. He didn't tell me.
  9. Anyone else getting bowlegged figures from the comic packs? Out of the three that we've opened, Duke and Wild Weasel both have a leg deformity due to the plastic that they were in. Even though Beachhead was in a single pack, it looks like he's got one messed up leg too.
  10. Target had some vehicles in today for about 2 seconds. One of the employees seemed to be on the up and up about collectible toys and said they only got 6 in (I assume two of each).
  11. Damn dude, you're so fast that you signed it BEFORE you signed it!
  12. Sorry to have mislead you David. Silver paint is what it really is, not shiny mirror-like chrome.
  13. Scored Tomax and Xamot today at Target. The local Target didn't have anything other than 6 hooded Cobra Commanders, 1 chrome faced Commander and 3 Scarlett and Hawk comic packs. The Target one city south of me had the new crotch fixed wave 1 and the new comic packs. Racine Wisconsin SUCKS for collecting stuff!
  14. I know what you mean. After I was full on life and magic, . God mode is a little bit harder and the Challenges of Hades are damn near impossible. It is still a fun game though, and I'm playing it through for the third time already (currently in the Jails of Tartarsauce playing as Mr. Potatohead on god mode).
  15. All I was able to find at TRU was Snow Job and Crimson Guard. I snagged IG Destro and an Elite Infantry at Target too.
  16. BB's popping up all over the place now here. I've seen one at least the past 8 times we've been out and about. He doesn't stay on the shelves for very long though. Glad I got one for me and one for the kid way back when.
  17. Speaking of Animated, check out the new comic at Lil'formers http://www.lilformers.com/home.php
  18. Is it just me, or did the people making the TF Animated cartoons forget that the Decepticons were the enemies? It seems that every other episode is "Autobots vs. some pissed off human" and the other episodes don't have enough Decepticons in them. This series started off really good, but I'm losing interest with all this "human enemy" crap.
  19. I have no idea. I've kind of lost interest in the PSP since I bought it a couple years ago. I really only wanted to play the SOCOM games (still haven't tried Tactical Strike) and a few others like Bomberman, Mercury and the new GoW. None of the other games are calling to me. BTW, I think I'm just going to download a file with the GoW challenges done. I made it through the second challenge, and now the third one is impossible for me. I just can't do it. I've watched the videos on what to do, I've read the guides, and I still can't do it. There's just way too fricken many harpies to kill off.
  20. OK, beat GoW in a few days, and decided to try out the challenges. The first one was easy, but the second one is really pissing me off. The flame guards all jump around like rabbits on crack, and don't even slow down when they land, but Kratos moves slower than a mentally handicapped amputee with MS (no offense to handicapped people). His recovery time from a super punch SUCKS! These kind of games need to come with a high blood pressure warning. The game itself was awesome, but I hate the challenges. You have to be an ultra hardcore game nerd to master the moves to make it through. There is no motivation for the casual gamer (like myself) to try and make it through the challenges.
  21. GoW is, so far, the best game I've played or seen on the PSP. I'm just as addicted to this one as I was for I and II. The controls are easy to get used to, but I agree with the L+R thing.
  22. It was funny how Ken was so sad that Chun-Li wasn't responding, but proceeded to grab her fun bags while crying. Smooth move, LOL.
  23. Do you think the price of Toshiba's laptops that have HD DVD drives installed will come down a little? The one I want is going for $2500, but I'm going to wait and see what happens as a result of this.
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