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Everything posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. "I didn't know Optimus Prime was Jewish!"
  2. I had mostly G1 stuff, so that explains why I didn't see it on my toys. I would still have my G1 Optimus if my cousin hadn't of cracked it in half. I'm still a little pissed at him for doing that...
  3. None of the ones I had as a kid did that. How many did they do that to?
  4. My three favorite episodes are "Wasted Talent" where they meet Pawtucket Pat and tour the brewery Willy Wonka style, "Viewer Mail" where they get the super powers, and "15 Minutes of Shame" when god puts a laser sight on Megs head. I try to catch it on Adult Swim as much as possible. Might have to fester up some money and get these.
  5. Shockwave was sitting on a shelf at Wally World, and despite all of my wife's bitching, she actually picked it up and said "is this one that you're missing?" Needless to say, it was instantly in our cart and is now a part of my collection. I think the only ones I have missing are Swindle and Ravage, unless there are more than 12 Alts that are out now. This may have been mentioned before in the old thread, but the box reads SHOCKBLAST and the license plate reads SHKWAV. Also, the instructions show Jazz rather than Shockwave. I thought it was kinda cool that they made his head to where the light from the room makes it look like his eye lights up. Neat trick if you ask me.
  6. Anyone else going to get on this?
  7. Pat yourself on the back, because you did a great job! I think the flat finish look worked really nice on this one.
  8. You ain't gonna believe this. I went to TRU this evening and found TWO Swindles, TWO Ravages, and TWO Windshargers. I haven't found two of anything since this whole Atl line started. It was an odd occurance to say the least. I picked up a Windcharger, and got some more bitching from my wife.
  9. Only with decent QC. Sorry, I had to. I was waiting for someone to chime in with that one!
  10. I've found Alts by the model cars, and the RC cars in a couple of places. I don't think anyone was trying to hide them, I think it was just more of the employee who didn't know the difference. Most Transformers have a distinct unrealistic look to them, but the Alts look exactly like the real deal. It's as if Yamato was making the Transformers...
  11. Like it matters. Jazz was given a different name and we still call it that. I'm sure that the fans will still use the G1 name regardless of what the company names it.
  12. I actually passed on the chance of getting Jazz when I could, because I thought the picture on the box in robot form looked crappy. It turned out that it was just a bad angle and he actually looked cool as a robot. I went back to get him and he was gone. I think my other choice at that time was Tracks. All I see now are Sideswipes, Smokescreens and empty spaces. Found a few Silvers and a Hound but I already have those. What is the total release of Alts up to now? 12? 13?
  13. to_me@anet.ne.jp You're welcome.
  14. I just happened to be walking my kid through the toy section at Wally World (Wal-Mart) and out of the corner of my eye I saw a Grimlock Alt. My wife was soooooo pissed, but I knew if I didn't grab it then, it wouldn't be there much longer. Made that mistake when I seen Jazz.
  15. By the time this version of Zelda comes out, the GC might be as low as $50. Even still, Zelda is worth it.
  16. You know, I bought the damn N64 only because of Zelda, and now I'm going to have to buy a GC, again only for Zelda. Damn you Zelda!!!!!! How many of you remember the commercial for the original Zelda with the dude in the black suit?
  17. So, Greyryder, how much would you charge to do a custom like that for us? I'd be willing to pay for it since Sunstreaker was probably the character I liked the most both in the toon and the toy.
  18. I'm still waiting for someone to set up a Mid-West con for all of us in the middle of the country. I would try to set it up, but I don't have enough contacts of people with cool Macross customs or people who sell the stuff. On another note, when you decide where the con will be at, let me know and I can pin point it on the map so everyone has a general idea of where it will be at in relation to where they live.
  19. Hmm, what do you get when you cross Macross with Charlie Brown?
  20. Maybe, just maybe, it's because this is the "Other" Anime or Science Fiction area. Or am I being too obvious?
  21. 1/48: 1 VF-1A Hikaru 1 VF-1S Roy with FP 1/60: 1 VF-1A Hikaru 1 VF-1A Max 1 VF-1S Roy 1/72: 1 VF-11B 1st Version (repaired hip) 1 VF-19A
  22. The highest concentration seems to be So-Cal (25 members in a relatively close area), and the most wide spread coverage is the Mid-West to Eastern US. Edited for numerical accuracy.
  23. Any way you can replace the ship with a Valk, and the rocks with enemy ships? Maybe call it Macroids?
  24. Here's a few "kite" symbols. I'm still looking for the Skull. UN_Spacy.pdf
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