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Everything posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. Is Chevy one of the companies that are giving the OK to do one? I always thought the Avalanche looked pretty damn cool.
  2. The writing was done so well, that it's a very easy one to get into. Neil really has a great talent for writing, and I'm looking forward to getting a Lucifer graphic novel.
  3. Anything subliminal about their music?
  4. I don't buy comics anymore, but I do occasionally re-read some past issues. For instance, Sandman was a great read, and I enjoy that everytime I pick it up. Lucifer is another one that I was thinking about getting, but I haven't found anyone near me that sells it (probably due to the amount of bible thumpers in my neck of the woods). I stopped reading the 2nd series of X-Men around issue 42. The art work REALLY sucked and the stories became boring. I can only look at so many picutres of constipated X-Men. The only comic that I was interested in when I was collecting was Pitt. The art kicked ass, and the story was original, and it didn't go on for 3,000 issues (Superman, X-titles, etc.).
  5. I don't get why some of us keep insisting that the BinAlternators line isn't tied with the G1 series. I thought this was to Transformers what Yamato is to Macross. For the most part, the faces and names have stayed the same, with similar color schemes to the G1 line. I too think Ironhide deserves a better vehicle form.
  6. I had a friend that bought those too. The wife was away for the weekend so we watched a few episodes. I couldn't imagine why I was so interested in such a cheesy cartoon as a kid. Back in the day, G1 was awesome. I can even remember running home after school to watch it. Now the cycle is repeating, because I let my kid watch the first episode of G1, and now he's hooked on it.
  7. I've "heard" that there is a show called Macross that's pretty good... you're SO fired..... You can't tell me that you didn't see that coming.
  8. Skin flute?
  9. I've "heard" that there is a show called Macross that's pretty good...
  10. In either case, I think he should be forbidden from being within 50 feet of a child for the rest of his life. I also think that the parents who are stupid enough to allow their children to sleep in a 40 year old man's bed should be beaten. If I were him, I would stay as far away from children as possible, just to make sure that this doesn't come up again. As far as if he's guilty or not, I just don't know. The whole thing about sleeping with kids is just way too creepy for me, but to his credit it doesn't mean that he did anything sexual.
  11. Personally, I just think his new stuff sucks. The old Megadeth is great though. It's the same with Metallica for me, because anything without Cliff Burton from them is just worthless. Jason Nutsweat couldn't play a bass to save his life.
  12. I wish I would have taken a pic at an air show in Wisconsin. An F-15 was flying with about 4 or 5 other aircraft from previous wars. I think it was on Memorial Day, because I remember them doing a "missing man formation" (one plane leaves the formation). It was kinda funny watching the F-15 slow down that much after seeing it rip through the clouds earlier (and I'm not saying that the missing man formation is a funny event).
  13. Although I wouldn't classify Def's music as "kick ass" the one armed drummer DID kick ass with how he played. I have a lot of respect for someone who can come back from that kind of injury.
  14. I'm working on it. Been a little busy with three jobs lately. I'll get to finishing it as soon as I can.
  15. I got my custom title when I had like... 30 something posts. I thought that was weird... That's what I was getting at. Guess I should have phrased that better.
  16. As I understand it, the Raptors will be put into service as soon as 2006. The YF-22 is one bad-assed looking aircraft. Apparently they're looking to build a few hundred of them for the Air Force. During one of the competitions, one Raptor went up against 8 Eagles and all Eagles were killed before they even seen the Raptor. It's one serious work of art, and one serious nightmare for the enemy.
  17. Who has a custom title with the lowest post count?
  18. This is very good news. Even though it's from the same people who did The Simpsons, I think the comedy is much better on Futurama. I'd love to see this back on at a reasonable time.
  19. 8 years US Army (1996-2004), Ammunition Specialist/40 Ton Crane Operator/6000lbs Forklift Operator, Ft. Jackson SC, Redstone Arsenal AL, and Reserve Unit in Milwaukee Wisconsin.
  20. Do I get any extra credit points for mapping all of those members around the world??? Ahhh fugget...
  21. The one hip broke on mine over a year ago, and I super glued it back on. I went to transform it the other day, and wouldn't you know the SAME FREAKING HIP broke AGAIN. Only this time, it was where I super glued the hip before, but closer to the body. So now I have two break points on the same hip. I took the other leg off and I can see numerous stress points on that hip as well. Looks like I need the revised copy...
  22. Well "F-You" too!! Very nice custom! Great job!
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