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Everything posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. JBO, at least your quotes are broken up and you pick apart the entire thing, not just one little part. That's not what I have a beef with, so you're not under the gun here.
  2. Yea, I laugh at this too. Like we really need to see that same damn picture a hundred times in the same thread. It appears that I'm not alone with my thoughts...
  3. I would like to know if a limit to how much can be quoted from a previous post could be enforced. For instance, in the recent GI Joe review thread, the second poster quoted the entire post and only put a paragraph of comments at the end. I'm not saying that person is an idiot or anything, but if there was a limit on how much could be quoted, it wouldn't take as long to get through a thread.
  4. The problem with most of the insurance policies is that this will be treated as flood damage and usually it's hard to get that covered on your policy. Especially in an area that is below sea level and surrounded by water.
  5. FYI for those of you in other countries and want to contribute. You can always make a donation at www.redcross.org, one of the only non religious and non political groups out there who really make a difference in times like this.
  6. Stealing food and medical supplies is one thing. But when you have an entire trunk full of beer, that's going too far. And the people taking the TV's are the biggest idiots. I don't think the water filled TV's are going to work too well now.
  7. My thoughts exactly! Here are people that are trying to help, and they turn around and do this? WTF? These kind of people are the decay of society, and mean the end of our species. They need to be eliminated from the gene pool.
  8. Alrighty then. Let's see what I can't get done by this weekend. Had to kinda put the name thing on the back burner for a while. Had a few large blueprints that needed to be drawn which took up all of my free time. This isn't dead yet!
  9. W.... T.... F.... is that?
  10. I got Priest, I'm cool with it.
  11. Is this a just for fun thing or is money involved. I'd be up for it. I've managed a few leagues here and there.
  12. I'm not trying to give any information about the game, I'm just curious to know if any of you are participating in the BETA test. If so, my S3 name is Whiskey_Lima.
  13. So what sort of price tag comes on this bad boy? I'm not a confirmed sale yet, but I'm seriously interested.
  14. Store Wars May the farm be with you.
  15. Yam Solo? Ok, I'm stumped on Yoda, but I rather like "Yam Solo." What about the organic vegetables advertisement that was done with a Star Wars theme? That short film featured fantastic names Chewbroccoli C3-Peanuts R2-Tofu Obi Wan Cannoli Tai Fighters HAHAHAHA! Where was this? I've got to find this now.
  16. I thought putting names next to the dots would tell you who was where. I'm not about to get all geeked out with pop-ups and all that jazz. Think of this map as the Bandai of Macross. If someone wants to help me out with all this funky pop-up crap, maybe we can turn it into a Yamato. I think what I may end up doing is creating a PDF with a total list of people in order of Country, State and City of where they live, but it's going to take a lot more than 230 people for me to work up the desire to do that one (i.e. where the hell are the other 2000 members?). Also, I know you were messing with me. I took it in good humor.
  17. If that's the way you like to travel, go for it. Sometimes it's nice to get an idea of where these things are at. Kinda like going to The Mall of America, as in you know what is in there but you don't really know where it's at.
  18. This could really be helpful if you are planning on having conventions. If there is a time and place that anyone is looking to hold a con, give me an address and I can put on the map so you'll know how close people are to it.
  19. That JM kicks ass! How many of these are going to be made?
  20. You need to turn the female smile on Roy's face to a manly one. He's looking like he spent a season on Queer Eye. Other than that, good job! Hikaru looks fantastic!
  21. Alright, who are these people in the pics?
  22. As of right now, I only have the dots on the map. I could put a little tag next to each dot, but seeing as how I have over 230 dots, it would take a while to complete that. In other words, don't get your hopes up.... yet.
  23. Alright, boys and girls, this is what you need to do in order to view it. Make sure you have Adobe installed on your computer. I'm not sure if this works with the free reader they offer, so let me know. Anywho, when you open the file, switch your zoom to dynamic if you have a wheel on your mouse (you can do this by right clicking on the image and selecting Zoom). This will let you zoom in or out to any area on the map. The clarity is pretty darn good, so this should eliminate the need for me to print 10 maps. Everyone above this post is on the map. Edited to include the first 20 names on my list of over 200 people. Macrossworld_Map_with_Names.pdf
  24. Somebody just smack me! Didn't even cross my mind, DUH!
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