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Everything posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. My wife, son and I were all huge fans of the first series. We've been looking forward to Korra for a while now. Three episodes into it, and we're all hooked again. The best thing about ATLA was that while each episode was good in its own right, it built upon the previous one to tell a story. And when they finished the story they ended it. I hope they do that again with Korra, instead of having it run on and on forever like most of the cartoons that are on TV these days.
  2. I guess the big question is, who the hell thought a speaker box would be a good idea?
  3. It's an awesome set. I got it for $50 at Barnes & Noble. The manager gave me a discount just because I had to wait in line for a bit. It was a fun project for me and my 10yr old to build. While I think that Wright was a horrible architect, I do think some of his designs are works of art. Fallingwater being one of them, and the Robie House being another. That's my next set to get, but it costs $200.00. So far I'm only missing a few of the Architecture sets, and I plan to have the entire collection at some point.
  4. If a company in the states made Macross toys, I would imagine it would go something like this: "Hey, guys! Now that we have the license for this really cool line of transforming toys, lets test the water to see how well they sell by releasing a line of these toys that DON'T transform, but we'll make them have a totally unrealistic "spread eagle" pose with maybe 5 points of articulation." And then when these toys are sitting on the shelves because no one is buying them they'll just scrap any future plans with the license and call it a total failure and blame it on lack on interest. I mean seriously, who the hell buys a non-transforming version of a transforming character? I'm pointing the finger at (or giving the finger to) you, Hasbro and Toynami!
  5. I heard they were taking a break for a while and that new episode would be on some time in October. I think it was one of the writers or artists that said that.
  6. Wow, David. That's awesome.
  7. True, but that pic doesn't even come close to the amount of veins that most of the real body builders have. Now those guys are disgusting (and the female versions too).
  8. Dale Keown: Pitt, Hulk, The Darkness. Quite possibly the best Hulk artist.
  9. To be fair, we all said the same thing about how Transformers Animated looked, and that turned out to be a pretty good show.
  10. Bayformer BB's face reminds me of the tin man in Return to Oz.
  11. Complete with Lone Starr and Barf figures.
  12. Just wait until you get to Hercules. Hermes is another good one to watch. Are you picking up the "godly possessions" as you beat each god?
  13. I've already beaten it, but I loved every minute of it. The graphics are the best I've seen on a video game. The music is great. The voice overs were good but there were spots that didn't seem like the fit too well. The puzzles are probably my favorite part of the game, especially the Labyrinth. And there's something about watching Kratos rip Helios's head off that is both terrifying and friggin' cool at the same time.
  14. Just got Slayer's "World Painted Blood" a few days ago. Sounds like they went back to their roots with this one. It's a lot heavier than some of their more recent releases, although "Christ Illusion" was pretty heavy in itself.
  15. For around $60K, you can get your own DeLorean factory built with original parts. http://www.delorean.com/newbuild.asp
  16. If the Alternators line was such a flop, why were they so hard to find once they were released (regardless of how long it took them to release each one)? Even if the Ebay whores went and grabbed them all it would still reflect positively on the sales books for Hasbro and whatever stores were stocking them. I'm still of the opinion that the Binaltech/Alternators line was the best Transformers line ever created, and I got damn near all of them. It was basically an MP at the $20-25 price range, which is perfect for people who didn't have loads on money.
  17. Really? I got two of them in one shot.
  18. Well I guess my 8yr old son is the exception. I picked up season 1 & 2 of the original series and he's loving it. Also got season one of GI Joe. It's pretty much all he watches now, and he's really geeking out over the fact that he's got the reissue Insecticons too. Oh, got bored and started messing with Legos again. If anyone has suggestions or comments, I'd be happy to hear them.
  19. SCORE! Grabbed a G1 Perceptor and the Insecticon 3 pack (actually, two sets of bugs; one for me and one for my kid) tonight. I feel like I'm 8yrs old again.
  20. Ah, yes. The TurboGrafx system. I still have mine (and it works). I remember having my mom drive me over to Toy R Us as soon as I got my first paycheck as a burger flipper at McD's to get this thing. A family member was good friends with a guy who worked at NEC and we were able to get games for around $5 each. Good times with these games. I still have this thing too. It was rather large, but cool that I didn't have to buy another copy of a game to play on it. Being able to take the Hucard out of the TG-16 system and play it on the Express was awesome. It did suck that it took 6 AA batteries and they didn't last very long.
  21. Just got the 1/100's today. These little things are pretty friggin' cool. I think they'll be fine for my son as long as I'm careful about what pieces he takes off or puts on. I'm going to have to do some inventory control each night with these.
  22. I went looking on Ebay, and the 1/65's were going for around $60-70 each. Then I noticed the Toynami 1/100's that were going for $20. When I opened the link, it was $20 for THREE of them (second series). I bid and won all three for roughly $32 with shipping. They may be fragile, but he's only going to play with them under supervision and if he starts getting too rough with them I'll just put them up. Hell, at $10 each, I could really care less if they were destroyed. It was going to be a surprise for him, but he just had a tonsillectomy today so I had to show him what I got to cheer him up. Now he's stoked that he's getting ones that look like my 1/48's.
  23. Hmm, a VF-19 might not be a bad one to get. He'll have one that I don't have then. I "would" get him a 25G but the one I just got cost well over $150 with shipping, so I'm not looking to spend that much on him.
  24. My kid is really liking my Macross collection, and is kinda angry that I just bought a VF-25G. He's been bugging me to get him another Macross toy, but I don't want to shell out the money for a Yamato since I know he'll probably end up breaking it (or I'll be transforming it for him a thousand times a day). I need some suggestions as to what kind of Macross toys/figures/vehicles would be durable enough for him to play with. Are the chunky monkeys my only option (he's already got one that I bought from someone on here) or is there another line/brand that I'm just not aware of? What would you buy your kid if he was 8? Thanks.
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