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Everything posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. How about "Maximum Overdrive" with the AC/DC soundtrack? That movie sucked big time. The soundtrack was the only good thing about it.
  2. Looks like he's trying out for a part as Osama bin Laden.
  3. I thought you were going to say "cowbell."
  4. Didn't she brag about being the best female VO pilot there was? LOL
  5. I take it you are looking at online play as well, right? This could be taken in so many differen directions. It'd be like making a Macross version of Ever Quest, or The Sims.
  6. If you pull this off, I think people here would build a shrine and worship you.
  7. The new OP isn't bad at all. No more out of proportion than any of the other Transformers that have been release to date. Even the Bin/Alts have some proportion issues, but overall I think it looks better than nearly any other OP toy. (notice I said NEARLY any other, so pick whatever one you think is better)
  8. Since Lego now has a design program that allows you to custom order the set you want to build, maybe someday we will be able to purchase only the pieces needed to build these, rather than buying a hundred sets for a few parts in each. I'm not sure how fast they are adding parts to the database though.
  9. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=153337 Wow.
  10. Finally found Decepticharge at TRU. They had two of them along with about four Swindle's, two Wheeljack's, a Grimlock, a Shockblast and a Ravage. I haven't seen that many Alts there before.
  11. Dude that kicks ass!
  12. FYI, there are TWO s's in embarrass, Mr. Grammar-Checker.
  13. Either way is acceptable, the grammar checker accepts both. Either way, IDGAF.
  14. The Vader one doesn't look all that bad, but the others are just wrong. My kid would love them since he's in to both.
  15. The seed has been planted, we're just waiting for it to grow... ...is that a gay pride smiley? LOL!
  16. Dude, even I still play the old Atari games. You can download them off the net with an emulator. Really takes you back to the days when you didn't care. As far as replaying a game, I guess it depends on how much time I devoted to a game. For instance, SOCOM and SOCOM II are games that I played to death, and I probably won't play either of those anymore (especially since SOCOM 3 is in the system now). Final Fantasy 7 was the game I devoted the most time to (over 65 hours in the first week I had it), and I can't even think about playing it again. However, Super Metroid (I know there aren't any more hidden items) is still fun to play every now and again. Zelda is another series that really doesn't get old and is usually always fun to play.
  17. I had the same feeling last night at Shopko. My son (and I) ALWAYS wants to be in the toy section, and I just happened to look down and there he was. Along with a Wheeljack, two Swindles and a Grimlock. I'm really liking Prowl's color scheme and design too. EDIT: If anyone needs any of the ones I listed (other than Prowl) let me know and I'll go see if it's still there.
  18. I wonder if they would go for a Carl and Malcom series...
  19. EXO, you got some bitchin' talent. I still think you should send me a drawing or two to ink up. Maybe do an online comic or something. There is potential and I'm gonna be my own boss in the next few months so I'll have more free time.
  20. I did on the one you told us not to do, but I'll get around to adding myself on the one you started. Yea, FYI EXO and I are just messing with each other. I'm just having a little fun.
  21. Man this map SUCKS compated to mine...
  22. I can imagine Blaster and Soundwave Alts being some ghettoed out car/van with some stupid ass bass speakers all over the place.
  23. No harm, no foul EXO. I'm just messin' with ya! I found a few cool features that could be added into the PDF file. For instance, I could have a list of names kinda like a ToC and each name would be a direct link to their location. I can also do this in a couple different ways, like by area (state/country) or screen name. But for now, the map you introduced us to is more like what everyone wants.
  24. Can they be carried by an African Swallow?
  25. Not really, it's just that I haven't seen any mass produced toys that have impressed me as much as the Yamato's have. Comparing the VF-1s and the Binaltech/Alternators, the VF-1s actually look like they could work and be real (eventhough it's almost physically impossible), and while the Bin/Alts look accurate as cars they are somewhat lacking in realism as robots. The Hory Froating Head really did his homework on the VF designs and it shows in the Yamato's. The Bin/Alts are still cool though.
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