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Everything posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. Damn right!
  2. Any possibility of getting a DWG file of this??? DXF even??
  3. Now THAT would kick ass! They have emails on that site too, maybe I'll drop 'em a line.
  4. Speaking of Soundwave... http://students.washington.edu/colin2/brea..._player_06.html
  5. "Hiakru" WTF?
  6. I got the soundtrack and my 5yr old listens to it now more than I do. EDIT: I just noticed, does the trailer open via a geared mechanism?
  7. If they did release an MP Megatron, would it even make it in the states? They might have to put an orange plastic cap on the end of him since they aren't too keen on releasing "real" looking toy guns.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/Yamato-Macross-1-48-VF...1QQcmdZViewItem The item is cheap but shipping is a real bitch!
  9. If you think you can do a better job than what has already been done, why not put your money where your mouth is? Grab a bat and step up to the plate.
  10. Other than Sandman TPB's, I haven't collected anything since the end of Pitt (Full Bleed Studios). I USED to be into X-Men, Green Hornet, Dragonlance, Venom, some Spawn (although it got old really fast), Lobo, Bone, and a few others I can't recall at the moment. I did (and still do) own the once expensive gold foil issues of Venom and Wildcats (signed by J. Lee, not that I was a fan or anything). Stopped collecting X-Men 2nd series after issue 42 since the artists made everyone look like they were taking a huge dump. I'd like to read the Lucifer comics but haven't been able to pick any up. Can anyone hook me up with a few scans?
  11. Dudes, WTF is up with the long quotes? Just quote what you are replying to. We don't need to read the same book over and over and over and over...
  12. I'm right behind you ranking at 5 with William.
  13. I'm a metal head and I was born in 1979. Simple. The avatar I have is a self portrait I did when I was a senior in HS. I don't look like much of a metal head because I had already been through basic training for the Army.
  14. Same thinking I have about the Binaltech/Alternators line with Transformers. Since the designs use real cars you can almost say "wow, maybe it IS possible."
  15. The point I was trying to make is that if you design a machine in one series, and then attempt to make another series showcasing the predecessor of that particular machine in a prequel story, if the predecessor has more advanced features/abilities it would seem illogical that these features/abilities were abandoned in the successor machine. Basically, the post I was referring to stated that since M0 was created AFTER the original Macross series, the mecha (VF-0 in this case) should be more advanced than the mecha in the original series (i.e. the VF-1). Again this would seem illogical since M0 was supposed to happen before the original Macross series in the time line.
  16. Does that work the same way for the Star Wars series? Did episodes 1-3 build upon the events in 4-5 since they were made after 4-5?
  17. How is the VF-0 a redesign of the VF-1? Doesn't the Macross Zero era take place prior to the "original" series? I know that SK doesn't want the different series of Macross to be extremely related to each other, but if M0 is the starting point, how can you update a design that does not yet exist?
  18. The VF-1 is basically THE reason why many of us actually got into Macross (Robotech for those of us who didn't know better at the time). It was cool back then and it's still a cool design today. Why would there be any need to change it? They didn't completely redesign the F14 and still call it an F14. They simply built upon the success and failures of previous designs and made something new (and gave it a new name). Hence the reason why Macross has so many different models.
  19. Is it a bad thing to help a fellow member out by making copies of the downloaded fansubs and sending them in the mail? FWIW, I'm in the process of re-downloading the ANBU fansubs. Two down, three to go.
  20. You'll probably like it. I enjoyed it eventhough the ending made me go "WTF?" Try looking for subs by ANBU or AonE (one in the same maybe???). I had all of the fansubs downloaded but when I transferred information from my old laptop to my new one, I could not recover the files.
  21. HOOAH! 826 ORD Co. and the 6015th GSU
  22. Seen all those Beastwars ones too, but I was too busy getting the latest two repaints (i.e. Rollbar and Ricochet). They're only $20 each so I'm not too upset about having three or more of the same model, but I'm looking forward to Mirage. I wonder who they will make as a repaint of him... I guess some rumors are going around that Megatron might be made from a Cadillac car.
  23. Are these official items or just some fanboys way to make a buck? Also, are they actually "painted" a different color or are they molded out of those colors?
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