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Everything posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Common method of using a foul word around officers.
  2. Does Marvel have any new artists or do all of the character still look constipated in every panel? One of the reason I stopped buying X-books is because of the artists. I couldn't stand to look at them when all of the characters were always pissed off like they hade to take a massive crap.
  3. I'm looking forward to Slayer's new album. Finally picked up a copy of "God Hates us All" and have been enjoying that lately. Also, the newest Cannibal Corpse album is one of the better ones I've purchased to date.
  4. Got one, "If you think my bolt is big, you should see the nuts holding it up!"
  5. WinXP Home at work, WinXP Media Center and Win2K at home. I usually use Firecrotch, err Firefox on all of them, unless I'm checking multiple email accounts. That is when the "stored password" feature of Netscape is helpful. On a very, VERY, rare occasion I'll have to swith to IE because FF and NS don't work 100% on every site. As far as my favorite OS, I would say that Win2K has been the best one by far out of all the Windoze versions I have used (95, 98, 98se, ME, 2K, XP Home, XP MC, XP Pro).
  6. What I meant was that they shouldn't have even thought about going back to the G1 idea of him being a gun since they can't make him look like a real gun anymore. I would rather have a tank or plane than something that looks like it came out of a gay sci-fi B-movie. From the Hasbro site: “Through advances in design and technology, we have been able to redesign the original ‘G1’ characters for today’s kids, while giving fans a chance to relive their childhood with the most realistic AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS figures available.†You can't tell me that there is a weapon on the market that looks like that. Your target would die laughing before you were able to shoot.
  7. Prime, Hot Rod, and Starscream all look bad ass. Astrotrain is OK, and Megs just looks terrible. I think they need to officially give up on the whole Megatron/gun thing and find a new form for him.
  8. Is it just me, or does Metroplex looks like he's getting ready to be ass-rammed?
  9. It would look even better with this guy involved: http://www.killerpaint.com/flash/killerpai...lash_index.html
  10. I may have missed this, but what the hell is Prime supposed to be? Looks similar to Kup.
  11. My apologies for not being able to read the text in the picture.
  12. The line art is cool looking, but the prototype shown looks chunky and the feet are huge.
  13. Just got my THS-02 today. This thing is bitchin'! (how old is that phrase?) I'll admit, truck mode is rather lacking, but prime kicks ass.
  14. I ended up buying the Constructicon and Protectobot knock off sets tonight for my kid. Granted these are going to be fine for a 5 year old, they really suck as a transforming toy. The stickers have basically all come off on one of them, and the other appears to have stickers that were supler glued on, and still fall off. Like I said though, good enough for a 5 year old.
  15. Go to this link if you have a question about the avatar: http://history1900s.about.com/cs/swastika/...tikahistory.htm I immediately knew the meaning of it and took no offense at all. It's too bad that, most of the time in life, the few will suffer for the ignorance of many.
  16. Personally, I think we should have different categories for the art work. Comparing CG work to paintings or drawings is rather unfair to all who enter. Maybe paintings should be voted on one month and drawings the next, CG after that. Just a thought. Maybe even have an amateurs only contest and a pros only contest. I didn't mean to take anything away from the amazing work done on the paintings.
  17. That's too friggin' cool to beat! It's got my vote.
  18. Didn't even think about that, but I like the idea. It would be fitting.
  19. Another problem with the PSP is it's lack of web browsing capabilities. It's a bitch trying to view web page on that thing when most PDA's (or whatever the hell they're called now) can open nearly anything quicker. Haven't bought a movie for it, but the games I have are quite fun. Even on a tiny screen. Great for passing time when you're passing a log.
  20. Why not use a missile pointing to the right? Maybe an RMS-1 or a UMM-7?
  21. Yea, no sh*t. Why couldn't they just rewire OP and put him on a battery charger? They put UM back together just as easy as a set of Legos. Or better yet, why the hell didn't any of them say "hey you're pretty good at putting us back together. I've got this dead leader back on base, you think you could help us out?" Looking back at these movies as an adult makes me think 'WTF did I like about this crap?'
  22. CH's post brought back a Family Guy memory. What do you want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? Because I'm married.
  23. Yea, bought him a reissue Taka brownie thanks to Ronin777. Plays with that thing more than any other toy.
  24. 27, married for 6 years, 5 year old son who's becoming a Macross addict like his daddy!
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