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Everything posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. If you're wanting a PSP for web browsing, you're going to be angry. It's like going back to dial up, since everything loads really slow. Typing text on it is a PITA since so chat/forum type usage is pointless. Checking email and such is OK at best but again it's really slow.
  2. Don't forget that he also needs HIS OWN FRIGGIN' HEAD SCULPT!!!!!
  3. No, I took the stadium seats from the theater instead. WAY more comfortable.
  4. Yea, Prime's death was the reason why Duke didn't die (even though a spear went right through his friggin' heart) in GI Joe's movie. They were going to kill him off for the same reason they killed Prime, but the reaction from the TF fans caused the change in GI Joe.
  5. Just watched it on DVD (and it's NOT a cheap camera in a theater), and I plan on popping it in tonight too...
  6. I wonder if any kids who watched the TF movie these days asked "why didn't they just run a system scan, defrag his hard drive and reboot him?" If Rachet can't replace any robot parts that are broken, then what the hell good is he as a robot medic?
  7. Hasbro didn't consider it ballsy. They were just trying to kill off the G1 characters to make room for the new ones. On the 20th anniversary disc, the one dude said that they didn't realize that it would have that much of an effect on kids, and that one kid locked himself in his room for a long time and no one had the heart to tell him that they would bring Prime back from the dead only to kill him again.
  8. Looks like a G1 "block" robot.
  9. Yea, 8-1/2" hours isn't a very long game. I could probably have done it faster if I hadn't been playing until 6am with very little sleep (almost feel asleep while playing).
  10. Just spent 5 hours playing GoW 1 last night. I'm hooked, and about ready to kill the friend who lent me the game. I didn't need another addiction.
  11. They should just ship Megs as a Pretender (remember those?). That way he just looks like an oversized GI Joe, but hidden inside is the real deal. Everyone would have to keep their mouth shut about it though.
  12. I just retired from the SOCOM series so I'll have to give this a shot. My friend let me borrow it and it's been collecting dust for a while now. Looks like it's time to pop it in.
  13. Those $25 Primes didn't last very long. Went to get one tonight and they were GONE! TRU still has them for $90 but I'll be damned if I'm paying THAT much for one.
  14. Any word on the TRU exclusive Soundwave reissue? Amazon states that they have 9 for sale, but nothing is mentioned on either TRU or transformers.com.
  15. Man, talk about a pissing contest.
  16. Too good. It's just like the show. Anyone remember the naughty Speed Racer techno mix?
  17. Didn't you hear? That was BEFORE the battle damage happened. They just wanted to pull a "Lucas" and release it ass backwards. LOL
  18. If anyone's interested, I spotted the 20th anniv. Prime on Walmart's clearance isle for $25.00. They had at least 5 at the one here so if you want to pick one up for real cheap (since it's not worth $90) this may be a good place to look. It's going to be a good b-day present for my 5yo son.
  19. Picked up Jetfire tonight at a Wally World. They also had 10 Primes (got 2), 1 Megs (need), 1 more Jetfire (got 1), 4 Cliffjumpers (need), 2 Bumblebees (got 2), 4 Mirages (got 1), 1 Ramjet (got 1), 2 Grimlocks (got 1), 3 Rodimus (got 2), and 1 Dildotrain (got 1). Unless I'm missing one, the only one they DIDN'T have was Screamer (need), but I found a few of him at either Target or Shopko. For clarification, "got" doesn't mean I bought all of those tonight. I already have those from previous purchases. I'm not THAT much of a collector whore. They also had a Titanium Soundwave, but he looked like crap so I passed it up. I'm waiting for the TRU reissue this Spring/Summer. For product costs, shipping costs and a small finder's fee (like $2) I'll snag them if anyone needs one that I can find.
  20. All of them are still pretty easy to find in my neck of the woods. They aren't all at one place, so I'd have to drive to a few places to get them, but they're all available.
  21. I just want them to give Magnus HIS OWN FRIGGIN" HEAD! Why is it always a Prime repaint these days? How hard is it to cast a different head?
  22. FTB2 has a better replay value to it than the first one did. Better weapons, more actions, controls allow for more actions now too. I just wish they'd design a controller add on that can be plugged into the USB mini port on the back that would allow us to have TWO analog controls and FOUR shoulder buttons.
  23. I don't think my wife would like me getting ANOTHER game that will take up my time. I'm already engrossed with SOCOM Fireteam Bravo II (and it's PS2 counter part Combined Assault). She was about ready to smack me when I mentioned Rondo!
  24. I just read a mag earlier (can't remember the name) that showed screen shots of CV-X, and it looks bad a$$! The graphics are really nice and gives a nice 3D feel to it (but stays 2D). It also said that the game will dubbed, not subtitled.
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