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Everything posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. I thought the movie was good. I took my son to see it yesterday with my friend and his kid (who apparently doesn't know how to control the volume of his voice, GRRRRRR!). Here are my gripes: 1. $14 for two small popcorns and two small drinks! WTFrack is up with that crap? 2. After sitting through roughly 30 minutes of previews and commercials (when did commercials show up at a theater?) the movie starts, and there's no sound until 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. As mentioned, every time a new TF popped up on the screen, my friend's kid would say "that's a Decepticon" or "that's an Autobot" in a rather loud voice. Despite those minor flaws, I still enjoyed the movie and I think the writers did a good job of making it somewhat believable. I'm going to see it again with my wife next time.
  2. Obi Wan's limpsaber was the one that got me. Also the Bush/Cheney sticker was great.
  3. That was hilarious. Family Guy has been pretty stale for a while now, but this brings some life back to it.
  4. "What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?" "You got an ATM on that torso lightbrite?" That was a great skit. Had me laughing pretty good.
  6. First pic: "I'd bet you couldn't even get a porn star off!" Second pic: "I didn't know we were having tacos tonight..."
  7. Pretty neat puppet: http://13gb.com/pictures/2766/
  8. The only ones that I've been impressed with so far, are the Real Gear figures. We bought the cell phone and the Lazerbeak look alike today, and the only problem is that the cell phone's legs tend to pop off during transformation. However, they look pretty cool and they're only 7 bucks.
  9. Wii bought Sonic with the core system and even though it's a lot of fun, we're playing the hell outta Wii Sports right now. That bowling game has us all addicted, and my 6yo son is kicking butt on it too. Can't wait for another job payment so I can get Zelda.
  10. A Predaking vs. Dinobot (as a combiner) would be pretty cool.
  11. So why is it that the 20th Anniv. Prime has tiny nubs for smoke stakes and the new Prime has fully erect stakes? Did children suddenly become less likely to poke their eyes out?
  12. S-WII-T! Snagged one from Wally World tonight. Every other place was out of them (both Targets, Best Buy, Circuit City, Gamestop, etc.). This little brat is getting a near $400 b-day gift and he's only 6.
  13. Cool, he can even pose as if he's opening his chest. Wonder if he'll be able to fit a cassette in there too, or if he'll even come with one or two.
  14. Man, I can't find a damn Wii to save my friggin' life! I was hoping to snag one for my son's b-day party this weekend, but no such luck. Anyone else still having trouble getting one?
  15. Somewhat difficult to transform (specifically the shoulder area), the way you attach his weapon really limits how much his arm can move, and he looks like he's been eating way too many energon cubes.
  16. The Targets have cleared their Transformer sections out here too. They have a bunch of the Protoform ones, but I'll be checking to see if they have anything new today. I want the Lazerbeak looking Real Gear one. That's pretty cool looking. EDIT: Went to a Target today and found Jazz and BB. Jazz looked the most interesting but I gotta say he sucks as a toy. Wasn't worth the $10 and BB didn't look much better. Looks like my son just got another one to add to his collection.
  17. Jazz looks like he needs to give Jenny Craig a call. Too bad, since he's the best looking one out of the bunch so far.
  18. The protoform toys kinda look cool as robots (a lot better than I was expecting) but I don't get why the Optimus figure needed imitation wheels it he's a friggin' comet flying through space. The wheels don't even rotate.
  19. Wow, look at those pearly white teeth. What a smile! This looks even more like a fairy than Jetfire did.
  20. Have they ever done a botcon exclusive, but then released a regular sale version?
  21. My wife was so nice to me this weekend. Not only did she not make me go visit the in-laws, but she picked up a Classics Starscream at the Walmart for me. Now the kid and I are missing Megatron and Cliffjumper and the set is complete.
  22. Load bearing legs? How much does the toy weigh? Half a pound at most? Must be some pretty weak plastic.
  23. "This is delicious!" That part has had me laughing for over a week now. The kid with the I Love You sign was good, and the "brush your teeth" at the end was great.
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