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Egan Loo

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    Egan Loo

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  1. That's because the history of Macross is itself confusing; it took a sharp right turn. The UN Forces didn't intend for the VF-5000 to replace the VF-4. It just turned out that the VF-5000 was not only cheaper than the VF-4, but better for some branches, too. Just like in the real United States Armed Forces, there are sometimes more than one main fighter for the various branches simultaneously, and sometimes one fighter that replaces more than one earlier fighter. Another place that talks about this split in the road map is the Macross Digital Mission VF-X Flight Manual. This split is also related to Shoji Kawamori's personal opinion of the VF-4, but that's another discussion. Yeah, I've been waiting for Google to update its cache. Exactly. The team in Vermillion Team (ãƒãƒ¼ãƒŸãƒªã‚ªãƒ³å°éšŠï¼‰is not the standard dictionary translation of å°éšŠ ("platoon"). The mode in Battroid mode (ãƒãƒˆãƒ­ã‚¤ãƒ‰æ™‚ in Kawamori's VF-1 design notes) is not the dictionary translation for 時 ("time"). The classic Macross example is the U.N. in U.N. Spacy (çµ±åˆå®‡å®™è») is not the dictionary translation for çµ±åˆ ("unification"). It's best not to rely solely on a dictionary if the creators made a conscious decision not to use the standard dictionary translation. That's defeating the purpose behind the choice that the creators made, and making Macross less unique in the process. The creators deliberately chose the term "gravity control" (é‡åŠ›åˆ¶å¾¡) over the science fiction cliche "anti-gravity" (åé‡åŠ›). Macross reflects the real world in that there is no credible concept as anti-gravity, just like there is no such thing as anti-electromagnetism. On the other hand, NASA thinks gravity control might be possible. As a rough analogy, the creators also chose the word "fold" over "warp," so we wouldn't rewrite all Macross instances of "fold" as "warp" either. http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/research...p/gravstat.html Yep, that's the only place that an official print source has listed a missile count. It's semi-recessed. It's a standard aviation term. That's the tricky part. We're still talking about fan interpretation and extrapolation. It's been a topic of discussion for both Japanese and overseas fans for over a decade now. However, in that time, the Macross creators haven't revised that stat or confirmed fan extrapolation, even though errors in This is Animation Special: Macross Plus have been corrected in later books. Kawamori himself hasn't revised that stat, even though he has talked about the VF-4, and its semi-recessed missiles specifically, in interviews since that book came out. That's "Main Gun/Buster Cannon." Whenever we hear the Captain say, "Fire the Main Gun," in the dialogue, this is the Japanese term used. That's "lift." This is where the auxillary reaction engines are located for lifting the ship in fortress mode. Try this dictionary: http://linear.mv.com/cgi-bin/j-e/sjis/dose...8AX&WC=none Or this dictionary: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi-bin/wwwjdic.cgi? Or Kenkyusha's Japanese English Dictionary. Or Sharp's 15-year-old PI-3000 PDA with Japanese handwriting recognition. (It still does the job after all these years.) In this case, it specifically means the business district or quarters. ç¹è¯è¡— (hankagai) is used to indicate the bustling shopping or commercial areas of a town, where shops and restaurants are. A ç¹è¯è¡— doesn't have to be downtown to have this name. I'll drop by when I can, but it's been busy as usual. As Azrael said, your first stop for input should be email. Hopefully, things will settle down, despite the inevitable end-of-the-year chaos. Edit: Looks like Invision has trouble with Shift-JIS-encoded Japanese characters in long posts. I switched to Unicode encoding.
  2. As you can see in this thread — as in any thread on any Internet forum — you're just as likely to get wrong answers as the right ones.
  3. The This is Animation Special: Macross Plus book is the only printed source that lists the number of missiles, and it states six long-range missiles. No official source ever stated otherwise. Either the book has a typo (that has never been corrected in subsequent official sources with VF-4 stats) or fans are counting what aren't standard missiles loads. For now, the Macross Compendium sticks with the official stats. The VF-4 and the VF-5000 both assumed the role of main fighter of the UN Forces (not UN Spacy) in the 2020s. The VF-4 was intended as the main fighter of all the branches from 2020 onward, but the VF-5000, with its lower cost and superb atmospheric maneuverability, assumed the role for several of its branches during the later half of the 2020s. The VF-11 took over from the VF-4 in the UN Spacy and eventually the rest of the UN Forces. Again, this is all detailed in This Is Animation Special: Macross Plus. Where does it say "Inspection"? According to Toshimichi Suzuki, who was there when Macross was being developed, it should be the Supervision Army. He made sure to emphasize this in phonetics.
  4. The Auerstädt doesn't have 20 launch tubes for fighters.
  5. Neither the first Macross series nor Macross Perfect Memory use the term "anti-gravity" or "anti-gravity generator." The Macross creators prefer the term gravity control. It actually says the business district, the counterpart to the residential district in the starboard. It actually says the main reactor. It actually says the lifting sub-reaction engines and the gravity control systems. It actually says the main gun/buster cannon.
  6. Thanks for the catching that typo'ed letter earlier this year! Indeed, this is the case with the Macross universe as a whole. For both the Macross universe (and thus the Compendium), it is less a problem and more of a work in progress. One example is the VF-9. There were fans who complained after the VF-9 became officially Macross with the M3 game release that it shouldn't exist. According to them, that's because the YF-19 was supposedly the "first" forward-swept-wing variable fighter. However, in the 12+ years since the YF-19 was made public, neither the Macross creators nor the Macross Compendium ever said it was the first. As often is the case with Macross, it is better to omit what the creators have not fully spec'ed out, than to assume what the creators haven't specifically stated. That's the Macross Compendium's philosophy. Neither the Macross creators nor the Macross Compendium are perfect, but we do what we can while not going crazy over it.
  7. In the case of Asuka's size and the OT beam gun, it would be the creators' own words that fans would be following, and the creators' own descriptions that fans should accommodate their ideas.
  8. Revising the 250-meter class statistic for the Asuka II would be revising the creators' own words. They themselves set the length of the craft as being "small-scale" in the "250-meter class." That's even written in the Volume 4 liner notes. It is deliberately smaller than the biggest carriers today, in fitting with the story setting. Keep in mind that the creators never said it was exactly 250 meters long, just that it is in the "250-meter class." The Invincible-class carrier is only 194 meters in length, not 250-meter class.
  9. Because that is what designer Kazutaka Miyatake wrote in his notes. You're mistaking the OT beam gun for something else.
  10. If you're disputing the 250-meter-class length, you're disputing the creators' own words. It's even in the DVD liner notes. Those units at the bow are not the OT beam gun that designer Kazutaka Miyatake listed in his design for the Asuka II. We don't see those bow units firing OT beams. On top of these, associate designer Junya Ishigaki added still more weapon systems that can be seen in Volume 3, but these haven't been spec'ed out. By the way, that "Mk-15B" doesn't come from the creators. Neither the Macross creators nor the Macross Compendium ever said that there were specifically 5 CIWS units.
  11. It would be, but no one said he "wrote every episode." What he did do is conceive and write the overall story. What was misleading and erroneous was claiming "he wasn't involved in the initial 'setting of the rules' in terms of the story of SDF Macross," when that was quite literally one of his job titles. In a multi-decade company, that would be true, but in a studio that was only eight years old itself when Macross aired, he was already considered an equal there long before that point. (Japanese animation was still in what many considered the golden age at that point.) That was all the more true because this project was the first concept entirely conceived within Studio Nue to be green-lit for animation production. He definitely wasn't, as it was so inelegantly worded earlier, one of the "bitches." The director does not have the final say in what offered to be shot and what is edited and released from what is shot in all cases, and definitely not in many cases in Japanese animated series. Ishiguro has gone on record as saying that he didn't have a final word on several works, most notably on Macross and Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
  12. Kawamori is definitely not the only important person in Macross, but he is arguably the most important person. Take for example how Ishiguro got involved in the project. Ishiguro's Artland studio did not officially join the project until a year and half into the pre-production. Artland was recruited in no small part because Haruhiko Mikimoto had just started working there, and Kawamori wanted him as character designer. Mikimoto himself was working on the project because he was a high school and college friend of Kawamori. Kawamori personally recruited Ohnogi into Macross because, like Mikimoto, they went to high school and college together. In fact, Ohnogi wasn't involved in the initial planning of Macross at all since he only joined the scriptwriting staff after it started broadcast. (He was finishing college when Macross first aired, and didn't script his first episode until episode 16.) As noted earlier, Tomita scripted for the first Macross series, Do You Remember Love?, Macross II, Macross 7, and Macross Dynamite 7. However, he didn't work on Flash Back 2012, Macross Plus, and Macross Zero, nor was he involved in the actual initial creation of the first Macross series. The only episode that Kawamori scripted after episode 27 was episode 36, the episode that most people did like. A full six of the other eight last episodes were scripted by…Ohnogi and Tomita. In any case, all of pre-production story treatments and story outlines (written by Kawamori) naturally didn't include those episodes at all. By the point that those episodes were being scripted, Kawamori was mostly focusing on the movie instead. Nevertheless, as noted in the other thread, those last episodes did no better or worse in the ratings than the previous ones.
  13. He supervised it. Proof? Macross Perfect Memory, page 259. Macross Dictionary, page 131. He co-wrote it. Again...Proof? Macross Perfect Memory, page 258-259. Macross Dictionary, page 129-131. Yes, he was creator, production supervisor, mechanical designer, storyboard artist, and episode scriptwriter. He played the most roles of any of the staffers of Macross, which makes sense since he developed the original idea. 400161[/snapback] Umm no, his "official" credits don't include "production supervisor" (the whole "wunderkind" myth doesn't happen in Japan), and he is credited (under a pseudonym) with being involved with writing the last six episodes. Again, Macross Perfect Memory, page 259. Macross Dictionary, page 131. His crediting extends for the entire series, not just the last six episodes. He played most of those roles because he created the core concept for the series. By the time the series aired, he was a five-year veteran of Studio Nue, and had worked on everything from Space Captain Harlock and Ultraman to Ulysses 31 and Diaclone (including co-designing the Convoy toy that became Optimus Prime in Transformers).
  14. The first Macross series writing team also included Hiroshi Onogi (a writer personally recruited by Kawamori), Hiroyuki Hoshiyama, and Shoji Kawamori. Ken-ichi Matsuzaki's biggest anime success after the first Macross was Dragon Slayer. As mentioned in the other thread, the last three new anime projects that Noboru Ishiguro directed or supervised were Totoi, Kimera, and Toukyou Jusshouden (one environmentally-themed story and two supernatural fantasies). Sukehiro Tomita's biggest success after the first Macross was writing and supervising the scripts for Sailor Moon and Macross 7.
  15. Redesigning the RX-78 Gundam into the GP-01 and GP-02A does not qualify as "being responsible" for the show, just partial mecha design. 395907[/snapback] He and the rest of Studio Nue were also responsible for Gundam Century, the book that established most of the "science" and background material for Gundam long before any sequel was conceived.
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