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Everything posted by Live_Wire212
Oh sorry i guess no i dont know too much about how it is in japan i figured this was a tv series over there oh well but still dispite all the things you mentioned about the VF-0 i wasnt trying to say that any one was wrong about it or anything i just think that for the first ever Macross Zero toy this is a pretty killer looking toy also the only other pics i had ever seen of the zero was un painted sculpts i guess im not as knowledgeable of the perfection of the valks sorry but still I think it looks really cool and i will probably get beat up over that one but i stand by it and may i remind people that the first vf-1s ever made didnt look all that close to the line art either i know i say sorry alot but i dont want anyone to hate me based on my opinion and im not trying to insult anyone either i just realy think that zero looks cool maby far from perfect but im still gonna get like 2 or 3 anyways i realy respect your opinion Graham we just see differently about this also i admit about the whole kids toy thing i was way off and i didnt know what i was talking about sorry
acctualy i have decided to go with the VF-19a cuz i dont want to do anything with the plastic i think the blue greay colours will look awsome with the chrom sections of the die-cast i'll have to take measurements of every thing and cut the lines deeper and shave off some of the original die-cast as well as tape off any joints and threadded hols to ensure it all goes back together right. however i have only got one and its un opened so i would like to find one that someone has opened and maby even played with so i dont reduce the value of the one in my collection. Ill definatly post pics of it once it is complete here tho. P.S. if anyone has a Yamato VF-19a thats opened that wants to part with it for about $100 us e-mail me at Live_Wire212@rogers.com i dont need the box or anything else just the plane and gunpod. oh and any questions about Chrome plating please feel free to ask ... im afraid i dont know anything about plating plastic tho "yet" but ill take a read up on it.
and these are the pics of the monster oooooooh baby another to be added to my roster
You know what i change my opinion about th vf-0 i just took a look ay the finnished product pics on the Yamato-toys homepage and well take a look Now thats one sick looking valk i wnt it 4 sure.
I'm not quite sure but i think te decal sheets are genaric for all the mac + valks so i think the best thing to do would be to find some pics from the series and try to line them up with the decals you have .... sorry just an idea
I personaly love the Yamato toy line for macross my main problem with them is the yf-19 fp that still hasnt happened i would just love if they could give us news of weather its gonna happen or not ive heard stories and seen possible pics of its resculpt and all and beeing how it is my all time favorite valk it would be nice to have. ... I love the way the 1/48s look and as far as the vf-0 is concerned i think there working on the angle that its the newest series and that means lots of little kids are watching it as opposed to the mac + and vf-1's whos fanbase is motly older "kids" like me (26 and still lovin my toys hehe) so the vf-0's are being mmade to be roughly played with cuz lets face it you wouldnt want to let a little kid play with your 1/48 they would kill it in the first 5 min not to mention they would never figure out how to transform it. and as for all you ppl who bash the original 1/72's of mac plus I dont think yamato thought people were acctualy gonna play with them when they made them but still i love them and i dont realy see any other company producing tthey yf-19 or yf-21 or the vf-11b as the were in mac + so .... sorry if i wnt too far thats just how i feel. P.S. i think that maby the losening problem in the joints could be fixed if they designed them with some kind of rubber o-ring or joint wll .... maby thats all from me all in all i think Yamato is doing an awsome job.
it took me almost a year to get my hands on a yf-19 1st edition and it cost an arm and a leg however if you keep looking on ebay you might get lucky and find one at a reasonable price but i doubt it there is some people arround here too that look for rare toys for other people ... anyways my fave is the 1st and the vf-19a is also cool.
Im thinking of doing a custom of a yamato ?-19 by chrome plating the diecast parts ... i work at a chrome plating plant and i work on alot of restoring and replating of old diecast car parts so i can plate the parts no problem the thing i dont want to do is paint any of the plastic so i was hopeing that you people could help me decide which orriginal paint schem would look better with all the diecast parts being chrome The YF-19 or The VF-19A....
I'm not entierly sure about this but i think i read somewear that the controll system of the yf-21 was scraped in the 22 because it was either too demanding on the piolt or it caused some kinda brain damage again im not positive on that tho, but if you ask me for a personal opinion the vf-1 beats the vf-0 just because the zeros were rushed into service to keep up with the anti united gov so they had to run off fule instead of the reactors they had pland on, i dont have much of an opinion on other valks because i havent resurched them too much, however in the argument of the 19 vs 21 i would say the 19 had a 65-45 just going by the stats shown in macross plus and when Dyson and Guld went at it in the battle city the 19 clearly had the win in sheer strength i mean it ripped the 21s arm off. however these are all just my opinions. please dont kill me
I think that if the delay is because Yamato cant decide on a sculpt than they should give us some pics of maby 3- 4 different sculpts and let the fans decide
Well I would Like to see the vf-5000b but only if it was based on the SHE version and was a perfect transformation the price would be worth it to me thats a bad a## lookin Valk my second choise would be the koing monster
Dose anyone have a clue on whats taking so long for the yf-19fp release. i think that if it has been delyed till after the vf-0 has come out than I'm realy gonna be cheezed they already released the 21 and 11b and the 19 is my absolute favorite and i want one sorry if that sounds whiny but i totaly missed out on the 1st and 2nd editions and i just cant win an auction for one on ebay. I was only recently able to get the VF X version so i am realy looking forward to finaly adding the 19 to my collection. anyways there was a thread simmalr to this one on Twin Moons Anime and then Tam I Am said this then he closed the thread so I'm alittle worried. but if anyone has a YF-19 ver. 1 or ver. 2 they want to sell please contact me and let me know thanx
I'm very interested in learning how to do recasting and would like to know how to get started. can anyone help me or give me some tips?
so how did you make that pic did you use a SHE unpainted it looks alot like it
Well i dont know what others think about this but a model wouldnt have the same feling to me plus for me id have to pay someone to put it together for me cuz i cant even make a snaptogether look good and i cant paint a barn door not trying to sound rude sorry if i did but i would like to see Yamato make it cuz they have impressed me on all there macross works so far even if they just did a limmited edition i would eat the bill just to have it in my collection sorry if i got too voiced but i realy have a great respect for Yamatos products and i think that the sdf-1 would make a killer centerpiece thanks for all the feed back tho
Just wondering if Yamato is ever planning to sculpt a SDF-1 .... if not then why i mean it is after all a very important part of Macross and the sorce of the technology responsible for the valks that we all love .... I presonaly would like to see them make one
However The pic of the YF-19 fast pack sculpt looks sick i want one now hehehe i already preorderd 2 on twin moons anime .... i cant wait i cant wait I CANT WAIT sorry kinda lost it there abit Come on Yamato at least let us see some kick a## picks of it.
Dose anyone have a clue as to when the new yf-19 will be realesed I just cant wait and as for that bootleg i see it as an insult to the YF-19 im to much of a fan of the 19 to not be revolted by that pic sorry just my opinion
I Personaly think that the YF-19 Yamato realesed was awsome and i have the vf-19a toy and still trying to get my hands on a yf-19 as for comments about the ver.1 and ver.2 being bulky and wierd looking these people have to remember that it was made to be a toy and as such had to be playable leave perfect detail to modles and give me a toy that works however ive seen pics of some of the previous works from the sculpter doing the YF-19 fast pack and im sure we wont be disapointed i just cant wait to get one im buying it no matter what people say and i still want a ver. 1 and a ver. 2 the 19 rocks.
If the designer of that kit is working for Yamato now and realy felt bad about the whole order thingy than i think we should send him a message with a patition or something to tell yamato that the fans would like very much to see them add this one to thier line up after all they put the game versino of the VF-19a in and i am not a huge fan of the monsters but i would deffinatly order atleast two of those if yamato was to produce them that looks sick. I want one!!!!!