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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Yeah I think it's more of a case of Experten's kit and the Yamato toy have the same goal in terms of design. gotta make the VF-17D head look nice in profile lasers optional
  2. d'aw still as tsundere as ever
  3. So I started playing Macross M3. Thanks for teasing us in the opening with the thought that maybe the VF-4 would finally have its proper beam cannons because in game it just has dual vulcans :< And once again the robots just hover everywhere. It's not a great game so far but it's a step up from The VF-X games. Also I like how Eri Takeda just uses her most mature Milia voice like she's still doing Macross 7. This is the game for you if you like hearing Max and Milia say exasperated "fuuhs~" to you.
  4. http://experten.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/09/post-9efc.html The head is from Experten's 1/100 Garage Kit
  5. Do you think the English lyrics are ok Maybe if they got better singers
  6. alto alto nasu
  7. Nevermind hindsight, they sucked back then too My Gundam Airmaster is a better model that those things
  8. I see. Still if the ultimate expression of this idea is just the stuff we see in 7, I have to wonder how it was translated from Plus's background material to 7. The idea is unimportant to Plus since they were already mixing aesthetics and ideas, so was it just a little tidbit the 7 writers picked up on or more a general idea that was to be a part of both projects at once? yeah but since when do english (or spanish) speaking fans care about what he says he just wants to ruin Macross for everyone amirite
  9. Oh totally. That would be a good way to avoid talking for hours on end. I would highly appreciate you bringing some documented knowledge to the subject. No one likes a sad ending. The Wicker Man taught me this. scheduled downtime. Nothing major.
  10. So what it sounds like to me is there's there's truth to DYRL is a movie within Macross (but it's not our DYRL right?) but most of that seems to stem from what amounted to a silly joke in Macross 7. I mean I would assume there was some communication between people working on Plus and 7 so perhaps that little nugget from the script of 7 got into Plus's extra material. Either way, it's kind of funny isn't it?
  11. I think we have to accept the Destroid Monster elephant in the room. Japan doesn't really care about foreign Macross fans.
  12. I have an old fandom question. Did the whole "DYRL is a movie within Macross" or the "DYRL visuals with TV story is canon" thing come from anywhere specific or was that just internet fandom? Plus and 7 never really say anything about this issue (because it doesn't matter lol ) so I'm a bit confused to where this idea comes from. Did people just misunderstand what Miho and Sally were talking about during the first episode of Macross 7?
  13. I'll add a link to this thread in the show notes. And my offer still stands to talk about Macross toys. I mean, the Fwooshcast is great and all but it doesn't get hits for CDX ya dig Or if you guys have some other Macross-y or similar topic I'm down for anything.
  14. oh neat look at all that mid 90's Mikimoto art
  15. hay Yamato make this one
  16. If you guys want to talk about poor fighter modes and gappy chests, there's always the classic Bandai 1/100 variable kit http://d.hatena.ne.jp/type97/20090411 which despite having an entire chunk of the Battroid be removable, still manages to leave an air duct around the monoboob http://www.geocities.jp/lifezoids/VF-19.htm those extending elbows that are chock full of polycaps still haunt me
  17. but it's really hard to draw things in CAD with a touch screen :x
  18. Yeah it's sad when a franchise built around toyetic space jets and idol singers who wear tons of different outfits and sing catchy J-pop manages to appeal to people in a wide range of demographics. Macross is truly ruined forever The only thing I remember Isamu doing outside his robot is that goofy hand airplane thing to Lucy for like five minutes. Nnnnneooooooooooooow kyuuuuuuuuuuuun yahooooooo! Kawaiiko-chan!
  19. I think being a modern transforming VF-17 is a pretty big gimmick. It's the one they always list on the package.
  20. http://www.mechadamashii.com/reviews/reviews-another-centurys-episode-r-510/ yeah it sucks try to get ACE 2 or ACE 3 they're sweet
  21. Yeah I can't say anything about jenius and his friend but I thought Toysdaily was primarily a China based board. Which as far as I know, ain't in legal Macross territories. And give the VF-17 some credit. The YF-21 is only in four episodes of an OVA (or movie) and its derivatives have even less screen time. The VF-17 is in the opening credits, has a main character as pilot, and appears in most of the series. Plus it had exposure as an old DX toy and model kit. And in the age of the internet where most collectors are wired in like a Gibsonian wet dream, what more do they have to do? no you see Macross toys only come in two sizes: VF-1 and larger than VF-1 :3
  22. We don't use metric 'round these parts, stranger.
  23. I wouldn't base your evaluation of Yamato's promotional effectiveness just on how excited people get for a toy around here. Because if that were the case, then the VF-11 must have been the most successful thing ever :3
  24. Come on people sheesh
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