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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. I think it was meant to appeal to people who derive entertainment from scenes of gigantic robots doing ridiculous thing. Like punching battleships and shooting Wave Motion guns.
  2. People realize Mospeada was also a rating failure right? The producer says so in the DVD booklet. Wait this is actually a recent article? Why does it read like it was written in the early 2000's? So much of it is hearsay, speculation, opinion, and a lot of biased accounts of past events. I know none of us can be objective all of time in their (like moi~), but sheesh.
  3. Mine has shipped too. Maybe expect a review~
  4. Shiro is the most childish solider in Gundam ever.
  5. you guys gotta play this game OH MAI GAH
  6. 300 dollars for toys? I guess we all got FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS!
  7. Ah Renato-san is so handsome~
  8. I'm so disappointed that the YF-19 and YF-21 are just in their Plus colors. We could have had some previously unseen variants to demand someone make.
  9. tell Yamato that if they get the Orguss license, Mohm will make them some fresh bread
  10. Eh the game's not that hard. It's just annoyingly laid out. So why is it every time some of you guys talk about all the VF-11 action in the games you only have to use the VF-11 for two or three levels
  11. Yeah I beat the game and unlocked free play and noticed it does have canards. But the one in game is still that special test VFX-11 scheme Do I have to get the good ending to unlock the proper Max and Milia types?
  12. hey yamato make this one
  13. Do you have picture tourette's or something anyways This is the VFX-11 from Macross M3. At least this is how it looks in stage 7. I can't really tell if it has canards or not because the camera won't focus the front long enough :<
  14. Is that Mohm on the shoulder of the Orguss drawing she always serves her goshujinsama~
  15. Granted we cannot control anything in the design process of the figure and without the clairvoyance of a Newtype we cannot know how the figure will hold up under initial handling or its mean time to failure, but over 30 years of toy design can inform us on what is a bad decision and what is not. And if I paid for it, I also have the right to return it (under the right conditions). It's a bit difficult for all of us living in the NO MACROSS ZONE to perform such a simple transaction of returning an undesirable figure, but some of us will use our experience with the toy to inform the buying decisions of others. While Bandai certainly made some money of the original DX line, flagging sales were readily apparent from how the toy performed on online retailers like HLJ and Amazon.co.jp. Even most of the Japanese review sites I frequent all had similar issues and opinions on the DX VF-25. So what happened did affect Bandai's design philosophy as the VF-27 address many issues and from some was praised for being more like a Yamato toy. I think you're overestimating the profit margins on these toys. When they're good they're good. When they're bad, they clog up retail space like those squiddamn Quick Model Buster Gundams. I don't have a Renewal VF-25 yet but from what I can gather from reviews it is a quite solid toy. Whereas from first hand experience I know that the old DX VF-25 can fall apart just by standing on the shelf. So which is more frail?
  16. Yeah I would call "pegging in" for what you do with the arm armor kind of generous. Something as simple as what the Renewal version does with a small unobtrusive slot in the arm seems so quaint when the last one was less elegant than the original Takatoku armor.
  17. well i did a review of the set for http://www.collectiondx.com/review/robot_toy/vf_25s_armored_messiah_ozma_custom collectiondx when it came out. There's a video so you can see what I did with it if you want. I just set mine on the shelf like Eugimon did and it eventually started cracking. One of the nose wheel doors broke at the hinge because it's poorly designed and the plastic is bad. hey that just mean it's weathered.
  18. I'm not going to sell my original Armored Ozma type for a while because I need it for my review to do comparisons and because the thing slowly fell apart on its own just due to its poor plastic. Of course with ebay prices being what they are I could probably swing $200 for it despite the damage :v
  19. When exactly do the different VF-11s appear in M3. I'm on mission 7 and no matter who I choose (Moaramia dayoooooo!) they all get the same gray Valkyrie. Is that just after you unlock free play mode?
  20. The Pink Peckers were VF-11Bs real men wear pink
  21. this is probably somebody's fetish jeez you got sexy d'aw
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