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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. I think you may be blinded by nostalgia. The Bruticus in that video was pretty generic even with the little details from the original and didn't really look "big." Each limb was just a bunch of shifting polygons that didn't hint to any other mode that being a body part. Like oh look, the Vortex bit has a little beanie propeller. Yay. And when you say a "big" toy, do you mean big like my favorite Transformer ever or big like those illicit bootleggers who are dragging TF fans kicking and screaming into the collector's market? I used to work in retail selling booze. Let me tell ya, people love combiners there. Oh noes, bad Hasbro distribution. Still not seeing the correlation connection here. Maybe kids just don't like combiners like old nerds do. They were just big gimmicks anyway.
  2. They do 1/60 because it allows for the most Valkyries in a single scale while being close to Takatoku's crazy 1/55 scale.
  3. 1/60 is the perfect robot scale. It has been used for almost 30 years. This is canon.
  4. Gubaba can you confirm kicking and screaming from those two artists? I defer to your expertise.
  5. Mr. March didn't catch that part when he made the custom lineart. Oops.
  6. This seems kind of an odd presumption. The gospel truth at the TFwiki says the Energon Combiners were done in that way because Hasbro had a choice between either two Combiner teams of five figures or three Combiner teams of three. Naturally they just wanted more variety with less tooling costs. I seriously doubt many retailers care that much about the types of Transformers beyond what price point they are and how much shelf space they fill.
  7. Yeah all the Armored Core designs take a lot of inspiration from Miyatake's Destroids. This unused design from Macross Perfect Memory is basically an 80's AC
  8. gets you your money back
  9. Maybe you should just return the toy if you're not happy with it.
  10. Why do you guys want to bend the nose that far down anyway? http://macross2.net/m3/macross7/vf-19s/vf-19s-gerwalk.gif this is the default pose for every Gerwalk
  11. The eyes need to be visible under the visor only my old Anniversary YF-19 has the right amount of opaqueness. Double Nuts is way too green.
  12. It's called the Itano Circus, philistine!
  14. every YF-19 toy is now wrong! why have you forsaken us Banamato?
  15. let me know if they meet up with Sara and Alto
  16. I have a buddy who has an aversion to weeabootastic subtitles, so in you guys opinion, what are the cleanest DYRL subs? Like the kind without a karaoke explosion every time Minmay hums a tune.
  17. You should know better than to discuss anything from Macross 7 with actually facts, Reivaj. Come on now.
  18. A lot of people make the comparison to SRW games but the key difference is those embrace their fanfic nature and all the characters remain true to their source series. They don't re-purpose Chirico Cuvie as Amuro's nephew or some crap.
  19. You're not implying Fire Bomber produces musical vomit are you? Because you're going to have to turn in that Ozma Lee avatar if that's true, mister.
  20. Does anyone know if the artwork on this little card that came with all three special gold and silver plated Bandai Macross 7 toys exists anywhere else? If not can someone who has it do a ridiculous high res scan :3
  21. Get off my lawn!
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