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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. It will have as many markings as it does in the show. A few UN Spacy kites and the Diamond Force logo. That's literally all it has had since 1994 and there's no Master doujin File to give us anything else. And again I must point out that we are not part of Yamato's audience. We are a secondary market at best.
  2. You never know when THE BEES are gonna strike the Wickerman either. But I'd take that bet that after making one toy, they would make the same one again with a new head and stripes like they did for 20 VF-1 toys. It's all about patterns.
  3. What more confirmation do you need other than yamato has made everything seen in the shows used by main characters? It's in the opening even.
  4. Hey how can I let people know my opinions any other way
  5. I believe in Renato. Won't you?
  6. Well duh. I don't care if these things are expensive. It's just money. I can buy it now or save up and buy it later. Doesn't matter to me. However, if you wish to join the ranks of dozens of people who cluttered the Fire Valkyrie thread with complaints about how the figure looked or how they were going to wait for a later variant or what have you then I do not approve. If your opinion is just, "I don't like how it looks" well fine but posting about it isn't going to change the design. Negative opinions for the sake of negativity are not valuable to discussion.
  7. Because posting the fact you're not going to buy a toy in a thread all about it isn't totally just a goofy +1 post obviously
  8. I am the interfering Speedwagon!
  9. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mgangu/018892/ キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!!
  10. Same reason they never used Orguss. It wasn't something in Tatsunoko's catalog of material like the first three.
  11. Where do you get the idea that Celebrity Home Entertainment didn't have legitimate rights to DYRL?
  12. Just watch this jet jockey in action.
  13. You can still fight when you're drunk!
  14. my engine blocks are angry at me
  15. Well then you just go underwhelm yourself in the corner while the rest of us celebrate Gamlin-san.
  16. or just make the gun pod shorter it's not rocket science it's all about feelings
  17. It's called a Synchotron Cannon.
  18. The VF-22S is a beautiful sea bird and there are none other like it
  19. Yeah! Check out that review! That guy is great!
  20. Did they just write this really fast after learning that Dan Gilvezan was making his own book on the same subject?
  21. Yeah Ishigaki designed the Destroid Cheyenne. You can find all the lineart for it in his latest book Robo no Ishi. The Cheyenne started off as a four wheeled platform with a robot torso and evolved into the two legged robot it is today. Some of the designs had wheels and some did not. The joke is nearly any modern robot can be said to look like it belongs in Armored Core. Kawamori's position as the director in conjunction with his work on Armored Core makes for an interesting connection.
  22. You mean Advanced Valkyrie from like ten years prior.
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