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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Experten is working on a new resin kit of the VF-14. This time it's the one from Macross 7 PLUS. He admits that some parts were reused from the M3 because the original art for the M7 one is so rough. http://experten.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2014/12/vfa-14-6c93.html
  2. The new SRW game will feature Macross Frontier and Macross 7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri5nKaMiq30
  3. If someone wants to send me a 171 shoulder piece I could try to replicate it.
  4. I got a request to recreate the VF-0's arm hinges so I figured I should spread the word here once the parts are ready. I still have VF-0 bicep parts if people need them too. Right arm http://www.shapeways.com/model/566409/fighter-variable-zero-right.html?li=user-profile&materialId=6 Left arm http://www.shapeways.com/model/566413/fighter-variable-zero-left.html?li=user-profile&materialId=6 bicep armor http://www.shapeways.com/model/923271/arm-armor-zero.html?li=user-profile&materialId=6
  5. if you guys wanna actually support some hardcore gritty japanese cartoons maybe you should watch Argevollen where all the characters (even the cute girls) are competent military people and all the robots are big and stompy. Also when the main character and rival meet in combat they don't have philosophical debates like *COUGH GUNDAM COUGH* but just fight with blind viking rage. then maybe this stuff will get popular and macross will follow suit
  6. There's only one Macross 30 specific VF-19 and it's pink. I'd buy it.
  7. WHO IS TO SAY what is old school and what is not? One does not get to cherry pick the past just for the things they liked. That is what the people call, "blind nostalgia!" Toh!
  8. That episode literally had "actors" playing the parts of the characters in the TV special. Notice Basara, Ray, and Veffidas look different that they normally did in flashbacks. It's more of a nod to real life celebrity news programs where they have a recreation of "This is what we THINK happened!"
  9. When it transforms a series of vents open up underneath to direct trust all along the backpack. The Master File book goes into this with more detail.
  10. Space John Lennon glasses! https://twitter.com/macrossf_spirit/status/512912539139579904
  11. some more preview pics from the amazon listing DO NOT CRUSH
  12. Yep. Encore episode number 2.
  13. The VF-0 is actually bigger than the VF-1 and slightly larger than the YF-19. Plus it doesn't compress as much in Battroid mode.
  14. Here's my review of the YF-30. It was fun and kind of exhausting to assemble so I hope you all enjoy. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/2014/yf30_chronos
  15. If you need some help directly, I've got a lot of material on Macross that I used for my podcasts and panels.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4LYE_tSr4 Star Saber needs to come with Jean and Holi (and a nun)
  17. Memes are a very powerful thing. ~kirara~ Honestly given where the highly regarded Gundam Unicorn took Newtype powers, I think Macross has gotten off a lot better with how things were extrapolated from the original.
  18. I think it would be hard to say music in Macross hasn't taken a more mystical quality post DYRL. Sharon Apple is basically a techno siren and Sara's ability to command the Bird Human's powers is controlled via music. And we of course get Frontier's take on music and inter galactic space bug networking. Kawamori seems to be tying music to a lot of highly mysterious technology or alien species in a way that shows there's a lot of "power" to singing.
  19. I apologize as I often see the long standing posters are like members of the mod staff or at the very least those who seem to hold most sway over the discussion. I've been conflating the two unjustly. A lot of people here such as Mr. March or Zinjo have put a lot of effort into decrying one part of Macross that I've seen it be rather off putting to potential new members. I've had many friends (and people I meet at cons) get turned off from this place because there is a general attitude of "dissatisfaction" with Macross than there seems to be enthusiasm. I guess what I'm saying is I'm not sure how to help expand the narrow focus of discussion here when attempts to do so are met with the same resistance from many of the same people.
  20. Honestly I think there's a big difference between "padding" and "filler." Padding is taking a slower pace but still taking the time to enrich the work with new facts or interesting character moments. Filler is adding a story that only serves as a distraction like say that one time Piccolo and Goku took a driver's test. It may be fun (or funny) but it ultimately doesn't matter. Macross 7 is far more the former than it ever is the latter. The real filler was in the Encore episode really and even those had lots of character stuff. Also aren't you guys using a Mylene cosplayer as the MW Facebook page's banner? Wouldn't you like some fans like that to be part of this community too and not at arm's length through facebook?
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