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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Line art comparisons are lame.
  2. wat Dude, Josh's Toynami toy fell apart. None of the three CM's toys I own ever destroyed themselves like the Toynamis did.
  3. You think it'd be possible to use http://www.shapeways.com/ to design replacement parts if we need them
  4. I'd show you my review but CollectionDX is down right now. here's the video
  5. The CM's is probably the best since it's designed like an old style toy.
  6. Just check archive scans
  7. It took Plus almost a year to come out too mang. That's just the typical OVA schedule.
  8. If you play Macross M3 they were doing pretty well. Even found time to adopt another daughter to make it an even eight. Although I don't think Emilia or Mylene were born yet when that game takes place.
  9. We are all victims of Bandai.
  10. Well tissues are good for cleaning up after you've popped the cherry on a new toy. If you know what I mean.
  11. Is that a packet of tissues or smokes next to the toy? Was the unboxing good for you too, Graham?
  12. you mean like all the ones that are in the galleries on this website and how it made you guys whine enough to convince Yamato to make the blank kits
  13. It's better than all the constant re-issues of out-of-date model kits for each anniversary.
  14. Well to this date the only transforming VF-4 with the option for landing gear is Experten's kit. Due to the kit's size that's more of a open the doors and plug in the gear separately affair.
  15. If you check that left pic, it looks like the CG artist didn't have any material to go by as far as where the landing gear go as the main wheels appear to be coming out of the section between the main body and the engine nacelles. http://macross2.net/m3/flashback2012/vf-4/vf-4-la4.jpg http://macross2.net/m3/flashback2012/vf-4/vf-4-la5.jpg They're just in the legs like any Valkyrie. I wonder if even Kawamori or Studio Nue still had these pieces of line art still around. The games wouldn't show much of the VF-4 with gear down as none of them depict it being launched with that amount of detail.
  16. Gubaba was right. They have all the fun.
  17. It's exactly that.
  18. zomg did you make that it's awesome :swoon:
  19. Uh dood, most of the VF-19 photos are CG model since the book has a lot of Macross 7 era VF-19s of which there hasn't been a Hasegawa model to date. I know this because the credits page lists everyone's contributions.
  20. He didn't actually write Indy 4 but everyone listened to his ideas anyways.
  21. which is why she set up Mylene with Gamlin right :v: you guys worry too much
  22. just use plastic dyes duh
  23. It's the tenth anniversary of Macross Zero gotta promote it
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