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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. To be fair, they have the complexity and parts count similar to an equally priced Master Grade Gundam kit. The transforming Zeta Gundam ver 2.0 is also 5000 yen MSRP.
  2. plz cover this one too
  3. something is uploading to youtube but my lips are sealed
  4. Sue Graham is the crazy Anglicized name for Shinobu the ninja reporter in the Dark Bartley. Toynami gave her the Dark Legioss because they ran out of characters.
  5. It's typical for a Bandai product to include both flexible PVC antennas and solid plastic ones. The PVCs ones can bend without any issue but may be bent out of alignment out of the box. The ABS antenna will hold their shape but will break if you accidentally dropped the figure on its head.
  6. I think you earned that Mulligan, Bandai-san. Just gimmie a day with this guy cuz it's noisy right now.
  7. I hear there's some dude on youtube who did two videos showing how to do that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=BLHCT_jawLg#t=632s oh look at that magics :3
  8. One has several different types of merchandise that fill all avenues of media from keychains to deluxe transforming toys... oh you mean the other way Naw. All Valkyrie fights are the same.
  9. this game is awesome vrr vrr bang bang vrrr body slam!
  10. Your VF-11 looks a lot like the old Bandai kit.
  11. The thing is about a foot tall so the shipping can be killer. Angolz used to have both the Max and Milia type really cheap.
  12. No that upgrade set was separate.
  13. I give your post a 15/35 for subtlety.
  14. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36122&view=findpost&p=948847 the non Yamato Macross 7 item is probably the Blu Ray set. Having the toys go with the Blu Ray is pretty typical as you often see new merchandise coincide with other types of media. It synergy
  15. i do this because i love you all
  16. maybe you guys should use the real name for the Mass Production Type VF-1A i'm just saiyan
  17. exactly
  18. I always picture some really buff guy who is really successful IRL.
  19. I'll do ya one better in a few days~
  20. I wish I had your optimism. Those animesuki people are vicious.
  21. http://www.collectiondx.com/toy_review/maia_sterling_shadow_fighter_vol_1_reissue we covered that one too :3
  22. Jeez don't the stardestroyer.net post breakdown, mang. I will answer your questions. I meant to say, Josh's Toynami Legioss broke. He basically glued it together in armo fighter mode and never touches it. Yeah the CM's combination is terrible but they barely use it in the show so who cares. At least both toys are equally solid. The CM's toys feel like solid plastic with ratcheted joints aplenty. http://www.collectiondx.com/toy_review/2008/legioss_and_tread_zeta check my review Also line art comparisons are lame because line art is only the beginning of a design not the entirety of it. Also you guys need to realize the Legioss and Tread are basically the Destroids of the show.
  23. No we just argue about which Macross shows are terrible and which are not all the time.
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