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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/1992/vf2ss_valkyrie_ii_super_armed_pack people said things in my review strange things
  2. You could probably glue some magnets inside the arms and calves of the CM's Legioss to make it lock together. Maybe that was their original idea.
  3. It took pot shots at them and barely singed the YF-19's wingtip. C'mon mang, it just exists so Guld doesn't die by the space carrier hands of the Macross. Cuz that'd be awkward for the sequels :x
  4. some people who shall remain nameless say the VF-2SS is a bridge between the VF-1 and VF-11 not that's the VF-5000 duh it's the step between the VF-1 and VF-19 first Valkyrie made by a new company called industry
  5. deadly to a bunch of stationary VF-11 drones
  6. why does everyone like that goofy red lump with wings anyways
  7. I kno rite what's up with four intakes in a row. I don't hate the design but I think it is rather indicative of the whole unimaginative bent to the whole production. It's a VF-1 derivative with some 90's styling. It is not the sheer genius of the VF-19.
  8. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/2011/vf25s_messiah_valkyrie_ozma_custom_renewal if this suddenly has fewer typos that has nothing to do with me
  9. I think we need Tenjin's opinion on the VF-2SS.
  10. Everything is going according to Wiseman's plan.
  11. I didn't think that baby was supposed to be Chirico. Pailsen Files (which is boring) has some weird explanation that Abnormal Survivors are a super rare genetic freak event. Of course the TV show's original explanation made more sense.
  12. The Ghost isn't exactly a complex design in terms of markings so if they really tried they could a fairly complete looking kit with some color molding.
  13. i love the leaps in logic :3 So if it's by Hasegawa, we'd know it's a kit cuz they don't do much else. If it was made by Yamato, it'd probably be a plastic kit like the Fan Racer since that is also a sub-mecha and all three are basic airplanes. Also they made that Command Car to go with their big Ingram right? HDP was for things that were big, beefy, and have to move~
  14. yeah for like a year then the 7 Plus train came to town and we've been rocking since '94
  15. They don't even know about BULK SLASH!
  16. now compare that to this http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36074&view=findpost&p=947896
  17. Hey I got videos and quotes from source material. Ain't no opinions 'round here. Just the facts, mang.
  18. Well if you watch Phantom Arc it does end with Chirico carrying a baby while being shot into space after some weird bubbly goo engulfs him. Yeah maybe the series should've ended after Shining Heresy shot itself in the foot.
  19. Zero was more a sidestory than a prequel. It's not quite the same thing. Seemed like Hasegawa was making a killing on those kits even if Yamato had hiccups with their toys. And why all the disdain on a website dedicated to a show made by Gundam fans :3
  20. will it have better graphics than this
  21. That sounds stupid like the Clans in Battletech.
  22. line art is the beginning of a design, not the end of it
  23. ignorance is ignorance even over two decades later
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