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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. People only glow in 7 when they are wearing some kind of equipment that is related to Spiritia or Sound Energy technology or if they are a Protodevilin. People do get bathed in an eerie glow of light whenever something ominous happens with Sharon's mind control :3 I guess she likes mood lighting everyone. Helps with the ambiance ya know. Ok so that video you linked is like the worst trailer for their ideas. Which is essentially, scientists trying to explain aspects of the human consciousness with some of them reconciling it with the spiritual idea of the "soul." Which is what both Plus and 7 do. I like the guy with the bow tie saying there's a wonderful existence waiting for our souls when we die. Some call that heaven. Other may call it Woodstock.
  2. They show Dr. Chiba tinkering with the sound boosters and carefully explaining how they work. Practically every aspect of Sound Force is presented no different than standard giant robot maintenance. In fact, Macross 7 does a lot to show to the audience through the early episodes just what spiritia is and how it works. As a whole, 7 has just as much if not more of the "this is science" motif that every sci-fi show has done ever since the genre rose to prominence. And that's not even accounting for how a lot of Japanese sci-fi series like Ultraman or Gundam go about their own pseudo-sciences. For Macross 7 it's not until around episode 27 that we even get to the whole power of the sound booster. A lot of the things Sharon can do are just flavors of the time. In the 90's, there was still a good wave of cyberpunk so we didn't think too hard about the whole world being literally set up so Sharon can hack everything. It's kind of funny nowadays since it's like ok, Sharon can infiltrate anything from the fire suppression system (why is this hooked up to a computer?) in the concert hall (and cause electrical equipment to fry itself lol fuses suck in the future) and take over military computers and whatever systems were controlling the vast broadcasting network of Macross city. Why can she does this? Because AI. She's basically an autonomous Vocaloid but hey she can do these things because that's how they wanted the plot to unfold. Which I find funny because she already has mind-control powers so why do they need to show her taking over things through technological means? Sharon can make soldiers open fire on a civilian and she made Yang shoot at Isamu's head by merely making him listen to her song. Again even though the whole setup is presented just like the Sound Boosters and the Varuta Spiritia harvesting, there's a lot of unspoken [TECH] that somehow links Myung to Sharon (SHINE A LASER ON HER FOREHEAD!) which somehow imbues Sharon's songs with a piece of Myung's "soul" to give them a tangible effect over the audience. Sure Myung doesn't fire a SOUND BEAM out of her mouth but a lot of things are taken on good faith by the audience regardless of how they tried to use tech-y smokescreens to obfuscate more existential and personal aspects of the story. That's just good sci-fi. I can forgive the western fanbase for not going gaga over 7's initial portrayal of the standard hokey science as most of us didn't have a decade of readily available home video releases to obsess over and explain away the inconsistencies like we did with Plus. There wasn't as much available context to the western audience as to how Plus and 7 were part of the overall anime landscape in 1994-1995 so when presented with just 7 without this context, it can seem like an anomaly. Again, a lot of aspects to 7 and Plus are par for the course for mid 90's anime. It's just that both have their own more timeless aspects that keep people enjoying them years down the line. Isamu's t-shirt and baggy shorts sure ain't one of the timeless aspects though :v
  3. Nobody seems to ever have issues with Sharon Apple instantly mind-controlling people (exactly like the protodeviln) and magic super hacking everything constantly cuz this is the 90's :v I fact the whole "Sharon needs Myung's emotions" is presented so vaguely like it's like a pseudo spiritia sound booster thing
  4. Considering the torrent traffic for Frontier, I think Macross can introduce itself to people just fine on its own now.
  5. http://dalong.net/review/etc/mf03/mf03_p.htm http://dalong.net/review/etc/mf12/mf12_p.htm Dalong to the rescue!
  6. I think my point is that in Macross II they never make a point to showing much of why the change in weaponry is better. With Plus and 7, we get an idea of why each robot is better than its predecessor for the most part. Or why Gamlin's new beam adapter works every time~
  7. I dunno we never seem to have any actual girls on this board Plenty of them on fanfiction.net and Curecos:3
  8. Yeah they're just spitballing gameplay mechanics. but it's cute too
  9. Well the progression is a cute girl tells you what the mission is about, then you see the second cute girl who dutifully explains the details about the robot you're selecting, then the first cute girl talks at you during the mission, and at the end the first cute girl tells you that you've got a personal message from a cute idol singer girl. Man, Macross is bleedin' nerdy.
  10. this poor VF-22 is missing his backpack
  11. I like how your ultimate reward for completing a mission is having a cute girl talk to you
  12. Actually I was wondering if you guys could tell me more about those Magic Wand style portable scanners. I've heard mixed reviews but I think it'd a great way to scan some old books without wrecking their bindings. And to be fair to Graham, the book does have a lot of "how to play the game" pages which aren't that exciting due to the incredibly low-res screencaps they use. However there is a lot of painted backdrops, production artwork, and other general planning details that are really cool.
  13. Sure does Oh those guys at UNIT.
  14. http://nosutaru.jounin.jp/nosutaru-2/mosupi-da/1-48regiosu/kahen%20regiosu.html just commission this guy to make you a Regiosu
  15. any love for ace mechanic Yuuri Yui which is a silly name
  16. you wanna preorder a reissue YF-29 for me instead
  17. I hope you guys like giant images taken under incredibly harsh lighting cuz here's all of those "Transformation Patterns" done ghetto scanning style fo' realz
  18. VF-4 Gerwalk front and center! I guess the VF-X color scheme is different lol Yamato make that one plz
  19. sure they do that's why the movie Deafula has sign-o-scope for the hearing people
  20. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/games_vfxprogram.htm There's a lot of goodies within this book I've never seen anywhere else. Or if I have seen them, it was done with scans from 10 years ago. I have no scanner at the moment but here's a sample. Clearer line art of the special VF-1 FAST packs seen in the intro movie. One of five VF-1 transformation animatics. And a gigantic bazooka thing. One of two VF-17 transformation animatics and line art for the "Stealth" Zentradi machines.
  21. i don't speak sign language
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