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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Basara's a better motorcycle rider that's for sure
  2. Both the canards and tail fins have to move downward for the transformation. The canards appear too high in the CAD rendering so unless they do something clever, I think they can move downward.
  3. I could see someone saying these things when Micromasters came out in like 1990. Not so much these days.
  4. are you from the past I'm not sure what decade this rant is from
  5. You will hear me, Pumaman! Obey. Obey!
  6. I like how the elbow is shown having an interior that bends only one way but the other arm is bent the other way.
  7. The Legioss is just a giant toy. More so than other robots :3
  8. I object to constantly conflating the VF-1 and Legioss as being part of the same universe
  9. Well tough! You will buy it and like it!
  10. So everyone doesn't have to download a 111 meg file
  11. But you don't have to customize anything. All of those fins save for the leg ones can move due to the transformation.
  12. The Dunbine dub is his legacy
  13. Most of those fins cant in and outwards by design. Sooooo I dunno. You can fiddle with them.
  14. It's a good thing Isamu and Guld found an abandoned city when they both arrived on Earth. Somebody might have gotten hurt when they destroyed a few buildings.
  15. What's so anecdotal about the evidence when I posted a video :v You can see how it works.
  16. The VF-4 looks more compact in the design works
  17. Basara said try again but I can't stop density exceeding time and space.
  18. Sharon is hokey because she is this http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51GFNSM71RL.jpg this http://www.blogcdn.com/www.switched.com/media/2010/10/lawnmowerman2.jpg and like half the plot to Die Hard 4.
  19. Maybe he can't read the language.
  20. so how many Vocaloids take over your computers on a daily basis They had high will saves. Plus and 7's themes are almost the same. The male characters are quite similar and they play the same roles. Americans also liked the movie Hackers at one time. I know it has Angelina Jolie wearing a tight shirt with no bra but still :v Westerners are also pretty big on Poniez. One was never released in the west on a legitimate video format and was never broadcast on TV either.
  21. Which is your opinion. As someone who knows a little bit about computers, I find it incredibly hokey that Sharon can just access anything at any time just because "it's AI lawl." One of the goofier things I though twas Yan exclaiming that Sharon took control of the Ghost. Like really? It's a drone designed to kill things. She could have just told it to kill you which is what it's job is. Nobody says I've taken control of my Roomba just because I set it to clean the carpet. Again there's no real reason to present Sharon as a technological terror when she has mind control. And I don't see what is any more or less alien about an AI taking over a city using an information high and then riding around on a Kadun just for show than space vampires who find common ground with the beings they were feeding on. Computers designed to emulate human beings don't necessarily think like human beings do. Neither would an interdimensional space being think like a human being but hey these shows are all about communication among strange cultures so they all speak Japanese.
  22. http://macross2.net/m3/messages/contrivance.jpg can we make one of these for Isamu because I think his only character trait is that he breaks things :3 He broke the desk, almost broke his old captain's hand, broke Millard's name tag on his door, broke a bunch of buildings, broke two Valkyries, broke Guld's concentration (a lot), and broke the Macross's main computer. He joined SMS just to pay for all the insurance premiums he racked up.
  23. Why not? It's silly and they never take the idea any farther than giving Zentradi and human beings a way to interact without the giantess fetish :3 Actually, Dynamite 7 explores the concept of a non-Zentradi becoming a giant much further than SDF or DYRL ever did. Right but "acceptable western sci-fi" people who copied Arthur C Clarke's idea forgot the important bit that HAL is built into the ship he controls. Sharon is a box with tentacle raping stereo cables. Anything she does is no more or less logical than what the Protodevlin do. The Protodevilin are intentionally written to be rather strange and well, alien. They have powers beyond human ability but everything they do is presented in a fairly logical manner. It's like if you ever watch Red Dwarf or Star Trek, even the episodes with the most improbable happenings can be the best so long as the characters respond to the bizarre using reason and logic. A lot of the big moments involving the Sound Boosters were done with careful planning by Dr. Chiba. When they attempted to capture Gravil, the problem ended up being one of geometry based on how much Sound Energy Mylene could generate. Granted Basara is anything but logical, which is why everyone else around him is there to compensate. Which is exactly like Isamu "Mr. Ego" Dyson. I don't care if you don't like Macross 7's ideas but don't try to pass off Plus's take on similar themes as being less hokey. Computers aren't nearly as magical as there were in the early 90's. Even Frontier didn't make the cyborgs like they were out to hack the planet. C'mon now, Sharon Apple is a literal doppelganger for Myung.
  24. You mean in the franchise that has space giants that can be shrunk down to be your waifu. Prepare for trouble and make it a double standard.
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