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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Honestly the more you watch Plus and see how Isamu acts, like how he constantly boasts about being a high school star, you get the feeling they're purposely writing him as a jerk manchild who nobody really likes outside of sexual attraction or needing him to fly an airplane. Guld's the real hero even if he is a sex offender.
  2. Why would anyone ask if Isamu is a better person to hang out with? Nobody in the OVA who wasn't a woman trying to sleep with him did. In fact, Myung and Guld have far more pleasant conversations with regular people than Isamu ever does. Also considering the following: In Touhou/Plus mashups, why is the YF-21 given Marisa's witch hat? Both she and Isamu end most of their sentences with DA ZE~ Seems like they're made for each other.
  3. I don't like Lucy's nose. 90's noses were too pointy.
  4. And Basara knows how to treat a lady whether she is a space biker or a space vampire.
  5. I'm not hotheaded. I'm like the wind, baby.
  6. Ahem. Luck is one of Isamu's primary skills. And punching things without hurting his hand at all. You broke the conference table, you jerk!
  7. Sheryl was kind of a terrible pilot Hell on an EX-gear operator though
  8. Basara is a singing pilot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYBI8Amn5-U Just like Ozma.
  9. Man Scramble Valkyrie cost 8800 yen new. I thought buying Mega Man X3 for fifty dollars was a lot back then.
  10. Where does that Kawamori sketch come from anyways? The basic line art is in the design works but I don't recall what book the full color picture is in.
  11. Right but that just matches the VF-X-4 Gerwalk mode sketch seen in the Design works that corresponds to this picture by Kawamori http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/art/kawamori_vfx4_gerwalk.jpg
  12. You can just put line breaks between your sentences. Like this. Helps idiots like me organize my thoughts.
  13. I dunno. Isamu put way more people, both military and civilian, in danger than Basara ever did. Early on it was more Gamlin getting mad at Basara than anything else. Later in the series he becomes a great asset to Milia and Max. He saved all those kids from the Varuta forces and later got berated by Milia for sucking at Gerwalk mode :3
  14. The movie did pretty well all things considering. Just mostly with teenage girls ( ^w^ ) b
  15. Yeah that's a great song. Never did understand why they felt the need to include a clip from the episode in each OP. That's just more work for no reason. Although I can't get enough of Kazuhiko Inoue <3
  16. wat Dude there's like over 20
  17. There's nothing really worth saving from VF-X that you can't just access in the original game. By that I mean the voices and cutscenes since again, the gameplay is just a primitive version of what the later games would do. Collect all the Milky Dolls and they'll perform a concert for you.
  18. Any particular era or style you like? For something more down to earth there's Dougram and Patlabor. Dougram is the story of a young man who joins the rebellion on planet Deloyer to help them cast off the colonial rule of Earth. Patlabor is a goofier police squad based series where a bunch of screwups solve problems using robots. I tend to like the Patlabor TV series and the first two movies more than the OVA first OVA. Dougram is a bit slower in pace than Patlabor and has more political machinations between characters. Also Patlabor is more episodic while Dougram is very serial. Both involve transporting robots on big flatbed trucks :3 If you want something with more fantasy mixed with sci-fi there's both Panzer World Galient and Aura Battler Dunbine. I've not seen Dunbine yet but I've heard good things.
  19. Well there's a lot of other robot shows out there. I can recommend a few if you'd like. I think one of the reasons they keep Kawamori in charge just to keep the series from getting lost in the shuffle.
  20. So like Macross 7 and Frontier then.
  21. So like the PSP games, right? Because VF-X is just the most primitive version of every Macross game to come after it.
  22. Play Macross M3 for Dreamcast then.
  23. Take that, Colonydrop!
  24. To be fair, Optimus didn't exist as a character before 1984. Diaclone had a pretty minimal backstory unlike Microman which had its own manga tie-in. And that stolen from existing art beefy arm certainly didn't exist before 1984 :v They even took a piece from someone's favorite VF-1 front view.
  25. Yes but the sprinkler part is generally activated by some kind of fusible element. You can't hack mercury thermometers (yet) Yeah it's not like he was visually struggling not to shoot Isamu but still did because of Sharon's mind control. Oh wait he was. what about a Spiritia absorption beam that shoots a laser at your forehead :v
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