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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Well I'm not saying it won't be as close as possible. Given how so far it has only existed in its entirety as a physical object twice, we can only compare it to those iterations. Unless you want me to take more screencaps of the game models.
  2. You like Orguss don't you? I don't think you can claim scroogeness after that :3
  3. Japanese fans do the same thing we do. And they don't have the language barrier. I oppose line art tyranny.
  4. http://collectiondx.com/blog/vf5ss/i_am_no_plamoo_i_try
  5. I don't believe anything came from people here.
  6. CM's is easily one of the most inconsistent companies as far as design. Even the Brave Gokin line is 50/50 as far as quality is concerned.
  7. http://collectiondx.com/toy_review/2011/vf25s_messiah_valkyrie_ozma_custom_renewal_version nobody likes Docker
  8. naw aside from the canopy being a display, everything is pretty rough the main instrument panel is old style MFDs. Even the TV VF-1 has the touch screen of 80's power. Visible tailhooks, huge exposed dorsal fuel tanks, lumpier heads, rough cylindrical biceps, chunky intakes, visible pitot tube on the nose, etc It's like like an awkward combination of slicker things over older things just to compensate for its outdatedness.
  9. I think we all need to step back and appreciate Nora's fine, hand drawn lips you can shoot me down anytime, Nora-san
  10. Their Ramjet is terrible, don't bother. Doesn't even stand up right.
  11. what if we just waited for the first production pics and a review Yamato themselves might even do a video like they did with the VF-17
  12. That begs the question how did they launch the VF-11s with those boosters attached since even their line art landing gear is fairly short. Maybe from a launch rack.
  13. I promise I'll do a good video and point out all the stuff you care about Mr. Man
  14. I like both for different reasons. The VF-0 is so goofily outdated in many ways yet has some modern stylings. The VF-1 is sleek and styled like an 80's fighter yet has a lot of sci-fi craziness.
  15. Why are you super pointlessly nitpicking something none of us have any real control over If you want to talk pinned joints on hinges I'm down. We can compared hastily scribbled notes on bar napkins. Considering how all of these toys have to be approved by people in higher positions of nerd power than us and the fact that the last two Yamato Valkyries have been the best toys everâ„¢, I'm not terribly worried about the tiny details. ps I really want to take a picture of my Destroid Defender with a cape because that would be a Super-Defender but I don't have a cape that's big enough
  16. Can you tone down the OCD in your posts You're a kewl pony, but it seems like you're just looking for every tiny reason not to buy something.
  17. I have no idea who created that. Probably some jerk with Mega Man sprites.
  18. Still totally copied from an old doujin. Good job.
  19. you can also check http://collectiondx.com/series/macross for reviews as well
  20. Don't stop believing hold on to that feeling
  21. can you keep your fanfic out of this thread Flower Girl is pure like snow and everywhere
  22. Maybe it was someone else Could be more fanart they pass off as legit promotional work
  23. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/magurodesu2.jpg did Tommy Yune totally ripoff this doujin picture of Hikaru in the cockpit
  24. No Kate and her husband are because Millard totally let one idiot chase after another idiot in an expensive airplane :3
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