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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. I'm going to upload a video showing how to replace the hinge.
  2. If you guys send me the part, I can probably get it made pretty cheaply.
  3. http://collectiondx.com/blog/vf5ss/let039s_dance LET'S SWAY
  4. I ordered the first revised hinges and they should be shipped to me next week. I'll let you guys know the results as soon as possible.
  5. I honestly believe that the F-203 is more important to Robotech fans than it is to most Macross fans. The reason I said the F-14 resonates more with people is because it was this constant presence in the 1980's and was the VF-1's (and by extension, VF-0's) link to real world fighter planes. Old doujins about the VF-1 almost always had sections devoted to the F-14. Even the new Master Files sneak in a few F-14s. By contrast, the F-203 is just a generic fighter jet that again wasn't important in the one episode it appears in. Other than being a nod to the original series, it doesn't serve much purpose story wise or in promoting Zero. Even in the episode it could have easily been just an upgraded F-14 in a similar vein to what Kawamori did with the F-15 and F-16 for the Patlabor movies.
  6. Endgame is just an awful and confused mess by people who didn't understand why people liked the first movie and TV series. There's like three cuts of that movie and you need each one just to make sense of it.
  7. Hey! The TV series is pretty good. It has Richard Moll and Adrian Paul's total failure at every accent known to man.
  8. I've heard people are 50/50 on that anime. It's a Madhouse production so the old guard likes some of it. Of course it's a Highlander spinoff so many of them also hate it.
  9. No we're talking about Highlander. Which is serious business.
  10. Oh I got a better one. "I am Max Macleod of the Clan Macleod."
  11. Clan name? Hikaru ain't a Jade Falcon!
  12. Just use shapeways. That part isn't terribly complex or large. You can probably even do it in the appropriate gray plastic.
  13. One of my friends bought the new hinge. I'll see what he says and take it down until I can confirm that the revision set works.
  14. This is the fit with one old and one new. We're just being cautious with the first revision. Honestly I think there's enough wiggle room.
  15. Feel free to wait until I get the revision in. I just put these up for those who need one for now.
  16. To be honest guys, the next revision (which is a two set) has only about a millimeter difference. So even if you bought two of the first type, you could probably sand them down just a tad or widen the pivot hole slightly. It's all good.
  17. but i only gots one so far
  18. Ok based on the response in this thread, I am going to offer the first hinge for sale. http://www.shapeways.com/shops/veefshop It is $5.96 plus shipping. Sadly I can't control the shipping rates as these are sent straight from Shapeways to you. Please note this was only tested with one new hinge and one old. Fitting two new ones in fighter mode may be tight. If you are satisfied with the demonstration as shown in the video then by all means try it out. Everything you need is taken straight from the stock toy. I will post instructions on how to replace the hinge within the next few days. You can either use the stock shoulder pin or replace it with another steel pin that is 1.5mm in diameter. When using a knurled pin, you can simply remove the knurled end using a wire cutter and this will not affect its use inside the hinge.
  19. Here's some development pics.
  20. I wish to help all Valkyries. As I said in the video, resident CAD monkey Sanjeev helped me out here. He's making his own robot toys as well. Please give him some love. http://brownnoize.blogspot.com/
  21. Let me know if you guys are happy with what you see with the prototype. Everything from the existing toy is used with the new hinge so you need nothing else. Since the prototype works so well when used in conjunction with the default part I could make it available as soon as possible.
  22. I wish to help all of us. Details should be finalized within a week or two.
  23. They forgot about the F-203 because it's completely unimportant to the episode it appears in. The F-14 resonates with far more fans and non-fans than some generic near-future 80's anime fighter.
  24. This is about good posture in public speaking.
  25. o rly they look cool in motion
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