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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. There are no legal reasons for not using the VF-19. Big West owns the character and Frontier is a Big West show.
  2. http://macross2.net/m3/macrosszero/auerstadt/auerstadt-lineart.gif It doesn't seem to have much of a deck or a crane :3 Really all they have to do is land in Gerwalk mode and have some clamps that hold their feet while they switch back to fighter mode.
  3. Well that's great because the YF-21 and VF-22 were animated by people who understand consistent proportions. In fact there's a lot of consistency in the design even with the fudging.
  4. Because perpetuating "real" and "super" as distinct categories is lazy, untrue, and impedes discussion. Happens all over the interwebs. Trust me, I am an expert.
  5. wat Did you know in Japan they don't really use the "real robot" moniker outside of SRW games? No seriously look http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AD%E3%83%9C%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E3%82%A2%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A1 Even the fans in Japan classify Robot Anime by whether the robot has a pilot or not. Or whether it's from space or from Earth. It's all SF Anime to them. And what person who watched Macross 7 (or Plus) in 1994 was an old timer? People would probably be a senior in high school or in college :x
  6. eyes on a giant robot? ruined forever
  7. That's part of why people think those chest intakes are strange. If they were just the regular black line detail like Kawamori Valkyries they wouldn't get in the way. http://macross2.net/m3/macross2/vf-2ss/vf-2ss-transformation2.gif They also expose the really thin leg transfer mechanism. We joke about some small joints on Kawamori's designs, but those take the keiki.
  8. No the final episode shows Kamjin's ship hitting the one of the arms of the Macross and not the bridge where she was currently occupying. All things considered the Macross was pretty intact.
  9. But I'm arguing double stacked intakes in Gerwalk mode. They look weird.
  10. The revised set just shipped. They're outta New Yark so it gets to me pretty fast.
  11. actually it does depending on what you want to do with it.
  12. My main issue with the intakes under the chest plate is they force the engines into outlying nacelles and yet in Gerwalk mode have to be double stacked above the leg intakes because of poor placement. And all Valkyries are both atmospheric and space capable. They just attempted to stratify them just to pad the ranks out without much consideration for how they looked. Kawamori designed this as a space fighter Valkyrie. Sure it looks like any old 90's space shooter plane, but at least it's a definite zero-g optimized design.
  13. To be honest, looking at pretty pictures with words you don't understand isn't very engaging. The comic medium is just as reliant on the narration as the panel layouts. I own the entire Getter Robo Saga and yet despite looking through it dozens of times, the scanlations made the story make more sense.
  14. Well it's going on CDX and it's on the CDX youtube page already josh and adam are really big into the twitter you see
  15. I miss Skullone. He was a guy from Greece who used to chat with me about Macross. I hope he's doing well.
  16. The new hinges are in production. I wonder how fast they'll do this if multiple people place an order.
  17. No the VF-4 has a little fin that folds away neatly while the VF-2SS fin is one of the worst things about the Bandai kit. I mean I see what they were doing by having the arms, legs, and back engine nacelles all hang off the central body. From the rear it looks like it has six engines. From certain angles it lacks proper integration of all the elements though. The other two featured Valkyries are much better but a bit gimmicky.
  18. Renato and I joked about the intro, but here is the future of Macross animation circa 1997 These stage concept paintings are some of the real treasures I think
  19. I got a refurbished Vupoint wand scanner it's not the best but I'm happy with the results here's some samples I need to work on the edge scanning but it works fine for specific pictures on a page I don't know why everyone has to crib Miho Miho's naming style
  20. I dunno, everyone accuses the Fire Valkyrie and its fellow VFs from Macross 7 of looking like Gundams.
  21. Makes me appreciate Kawamori's more compact fighter designs much more.
  22. Shiro and Aina are the best Newtype couple ever
  23. Never claimed to be otherwise. http://angryflower.com/subset.html I wish to be like the Empty Set
  24. EVERYONE CHILLAX i got the email confirmation for my YF-29 preorder at HLJ plz continue with your vapid lives i will wait patiently and observe with contempt until i get another jet with arms
  25. focus
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