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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. Well I'm a lover, not a fighter. Unlike Mike. I recall from some interview or liner notes DAPDX Jeremy had gotten translated did say Takatoku was the original sponsor. I'm sure they're glad they skipped out in favor of Dorvack. Although they may have been the ones who pushed for the inclusion of a transforming fighter jet. I've found a lot of early 80's robot shows had issues with what machines they wished to emphasize in the story and how this affected the merchandise. A lot of people liken Mospeada to some old RPG like Dragon Quest (DORAKUE!), and it's rather funny if you think as the Legioss and Tread and basically being a mythical beast Stick summons each episode to deliver the knockoff Itano Circus.
  2. Yeah I just said that.
  3. We just call him Space John Lennon.
  4. http://page.freett.com/stzip/5000b.htm The Studio Half Eye kit works out.
  5. But the VF-4 has HISTORY! A LEGACY! And top billing on the VF-X poster.
  6. Well the collector's market is what it is. It's hard to gauge if someone is a new or an old fan, at least among the crowd I see. Yeah you need some disposable income to get in, but it's no different from other stupid stuff. Yamato has the burden of doing almost everything from an older series so I agree there's some inherent "fans only" restriction. Plus toys as a market has been shrinking for a while, but even if it goes full for collectors it will still exist. Video games are fun but there's nothing that can replace the feel of ratcheted joints. yet To go a bit further, I think Toynami's failure with the license has a lot to do with Robotech's inability to do anything new. Their latest animation production still used variations of 20+ year old designs. For better or worse, at least every Macross throws a few new things in to keep it fresh. To be honest, I don't think the Legioss is a design that can carry a franchise by itself. It was always second banana to the Ride Armor and just a weaker copy of the Valkyrie.
  7. dis is not my bird dis is well you have to do another tell-all show then
  8. http://i.imgur.com/0Qd9P.jpg Shin came back to help Sara
  9. I mean of course there aren't sides per se. But Harmony Gold is just being hangers on because someone sold them on this hitting it off super big someday. It's a tumor from the 80's and gets them nothing bigger than the same fans from almost 30 years ago. All it did for me is get me to organize a way to fix my toys because I can't get free replacement parts like I did for my Garland from Megazone 23 (something that used to be a part of Robotech). So I'm gonna hang out with the girls. Blonds have more fun after all.
  10. You talk funny, Nash. Where're you from?
  11. I saw a bunch got shipped out today. Good luck, guys. Don't break your mallets.
  12. The success seems to be the same as the American comic books industry. Insular and self-serving, shrinking every day, and for fans only. Even if anime itself is having similar issues, I'd rather be on the side with a thousand Sheryl Nome cosplayers.
  13. I haven't seen anything to indicate that it does. If you have some questions you can ask on shapeways forum or check their FAQ http://www.shapeways.com/materials/white_strong_flexible
  14. So they're copying those NEC PC-98 games then?
  15. No you have to understand that Macross is more controversial than Hitler. I mean look at Mike Toole's gaff.
  16. high school girls must squeal with excitement when that happens
  17. Take your fujoshi pandering anime like a man!
  18. I added the black and dark gray versions of Polyamide. They cost a little more than just the white though.
  19. it's alright guys I got dis
  20. oh what did they say over there are we popular Stratos 4 fans?
  21. it was pretty great It's probably best to keep the HG hate in this thread. Even if it's a bit of a broken record now.
  22. I got both Mospeada and Southern Cross for $25 each off Amazon
  23. Single is old. Pair is new.
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