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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. http://shop.igeartoys.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=114 like that dood I never found MP-01's robot mode to be particularly accurate. It was no Metal Force figure that's for sure. He's blocky and imposing but not nearly as "animated" in appearance.
  2. Yeah but they're not hinging their entire company on it. At best is pays the salary of the four people they have working on it and whatever production costs were associated with the merchandise.
  3. Oh so like iGear right :3 http://xeltecon.deviantart.com/art/Optimus-Prime-MP-10-Repaint-Transform-and-286645605?q=gallery%3Axeltecon%20randomize%3A1&qo=0 Just knowing MP-10 looks so much better as a truck than MP-01 makes it worth it to me. MP-01 can't even outdo the original G1 toy in truck mode.
  4. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36316 they are now do ho ho ho~
  5. The details and proportions look so much better this time around. I'm ecstatic.
  6. Suspension of disbelief is not a factor in game design on a mechanical level, only how a game presents itself to players. My podcast was about using repeatable and demonstrable instances of poor game design and how it is evident in the PC games and the board game. Clearly Btech is losing some popularity due to its refusal to change anything significant. To quote my co-host, it replaces fun with math. If you wish to be dismissive of cited examples of mechanics and documented evidence then feel free to provide something to the contrary in another thread or perhaps on the blog post. Ok let me put this in a way you can understand. I made those videos. You can use DOSbox to run MW1 and MW2 Mercenaries. MW4 works fine on modern systems. MW3 can be made to run with some limitations. The Playstation port of MW2 runs perfectly on an emulation program to say nothing of ports and spinoffs of the other games. If you lack the ability to properly discuss this subject or even the subject of a Macross remake, you may wish to toddle off to Sesame Street just as you told me to do.
  7. I think you're being too over-dramatic about witch hunting. Considering how many smartass blogger and other people like dumping on all of Macross and its fans while simultaneously spreading disinformation about both, I think there's going to be some tension regardless of how innocent someone tries to play it.
  8. Well I don't mean you shouldn't modify them but I know for a fact they work even unflattened. It's in the third video.
  9. I think it may be for the best to have more material to work with than less. I don't think you will have fighter mode issues if you follow my videos.
  10. Ok sorry to go off topic but lol I played every Mechwarrior again just to get that footage for my podcast. I think you underestimate computers.
  11. And Shiro is the most generic and naive pilot of them all :3 His angst is trashy romance.
  12. I find the biggest problem Unicorn is having is that it's starting to cram more of the story into a shorter running time due to the need for pointless battle scenes. These did begin as light novels and I've found people who know the full story are also somewhat baffled by the attempts at cutting some things while keeping others.
  13. He comes across as rather flippant though. Maybe he needed a more neutral tone when answering questions about a job he did. He's a writer not a celebrity on Oprah.
  14. Principal Skinner says kids need to know about Tek War.
  15. I'm not sure if that really hinges on the mechanics of folds so much as "they went on a mission and were gone a long time." They could have just been gone long enough to miss things that were important to them back on the Macross. Either way it's like you said, just science window dressing. I don't think it was just Frontier as neither Plus nor 7 seem to make any big deal about time differences.
  16. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36074&view=findpost&p=952522 quick photoshop it into a full rear view! enhance!
  17. I'm sure those guys were also happy about Battle of the Planets :v
  18. http://xeltecon.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=24#/d4qns73 This MP-10 makes me giddy
  19. I predict jolly time!
  20. http://collectiondx.com/blog/vf5ss/veef_show_episode_39_i_will_continue_my_campaign_against_mechwarriors Of course Actually we had a fairly reasoned discussion on the subject and I made fanart in a later blog post.
  21. NEVER FORGET 7! EVER deal with it
  22. dude the fans are taking Galvion already they want veritech race cars
  23. Gubaba-senpai only tells the truth over there
  24. So are the Robotech guys going to take Galvion or what
  25. The "Dana has a brother" thing is the most telling because there's nothing in the original Southern Cross scene to suggest she was talking about relatives just based on the visuals.
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