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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. From what Renato and I discussed on the podcast regarding the 1/55, he joked that Bandai was bringing out re-issues just to compete with Yamato's offerings ( ^w^); Also I don't recall if he mentioned this on the show, but he did say this to me before in PMs but the 1/55 had rather slim profit margins. This was despite having sold over a million of them. I'm not sure how much this changed when Bandai took over but still. Nowadays I think the toy has been re-issued to the point where most that want one have one and the market isn't supporting any more. For all their faults (that we fixed :3 ), Yamato did manage to make the definitive VF-1 with variants still coming out. And the basic ones aren't that much more than the price of a re-issue 1/55.
  2. Perhaps a conversion kit can be engineered for the existing toys.
  3. They can only make it non-transforming like in the second Frontier movie but it will have an Isamu voice chip.
  4. i feel like you guys don't understand perspective and foreshortening sometimes ( ^w^); The only issue with the Yamato is the wings are a bit long but that could have been solved by making the tips fold up.
  5. Why is this turning into an Aramaki vs. Kawamori contest? If I recall, neither designer's initial drawings for the Diaclone and Microchange toys that became Transformers were the final toy versions anyways. But they're both successful directors who have made names for themselves in the industry. Both of them an interesting history with Ichiro Itano as well :3
  6. I'm saying they all have an hourglass figure. Especially the VF-19.
  7. Well a good Valkyrie should be sexy like that.
  8. http://tamashii.jp/t_item/t_item.php?eid=00089 Says 14,700 yen. I think that's the tentative price.
  9. He made a choice, Gubaba. He inspired an entire generation of people who don't remember anything.
  10. He told them weeaboos were to shove it according to Colony Drop :3
  11. http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2010/05/macross-part-1-of-2.html The blu ray inserts have clean pictures of the VF-171EXs
  12. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A4
  13. Just how many ways can you design a locomotive knee-joint? ( ^w^);
  14. If the wings mount in a similar way to the VF-17, it may be possible to engineer new wings with attachment points.
  15. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/macrossf/rvf-171.htm
  16. What does the promo pic say about the anime markings? Cuz the one they have has no NUNS symbols.
  17. Let's start comparing how this is about 10,000 yen less than Yamato's VF-17 XD Valkyrie class warfare!
  18. This is like when a girl shows up at a party wearing a dress that's only slightly different than the dress of a girl who was already at the party. Yamato and Bandai are gonna laugh and paint their toenails afterwards :3
  19. http://tamashii.jp/t_item/t_item.php?eid=00089 pics on this page <3
  20. unarmored Alto type is beautiful
  21. Max is the best captain :3
  22. We're moving to the Zero testing stage. Stay tuned.
  23. If it makes you guys feel any better, the VF-4 from the Digital Mission VF-X poster is mostly identical to the FB2012 one even down to the tail fins being black with red stripes. It's just the nose (which was FB2012 colored in the CAD rendering) and the leg stripes.
  24. It's more the idea that the novels have much clearer motivations for characters and the whining isn't all people do because there's more time available to flesh things out. Not saying I don't like the battles, but the opening fight in Dakar really only exists so they put it in the trailer. It was a part of the books but it served no purpose in the OVA.
  25. Kawamori did redesign the figure from the initial prototype. I think his signature hip thingies were a good compromise for making them removable to achieve show accuracy. Maybe someone should have just followed the old Diaclone back of the box art.
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