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Everything posted by VF5SS

  1. I'm not that kind of a boy...
  2. Here is the second part of my review. Hopefully this is a good demonstration of how the FAST packs attach.
  3. I finished recording the second part of my VF-19 Advance video review. It should go up on our youtube page later today.
  4. I will try to address some things with the transformation in the next video, but I'm not sure if I have time for a full battroid to fighter transformation video as of this time. The shield can only be mounted off-center due to how it is only made for attaching fighter mode style. The toy would need a separate shield to do otherwise.
  5. The helicopter from Macross Zero appeared in Symphogear GX. It is 13 years old now.
  6. Thank you all. The real triumph was avoiding slicing my finger open on the landing gear doors.
  7. Here is the first part of my video review, where I focus on the Valkyrie itself. The second part will cover the armor and all the other accessories.
  8. yes
  9. I should have mine soon. I will do a video before the text review.
  10. Ironhide fits in the trailer, just like in the show.
  11. Well, Naka-chan from KanColle is both an idol and a boat. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=50772995
  12. They are still available.
  13. Well if you want to speculate outside of what was in the anime then maybe, but in Plus it seems like Isamu's punishment is getting transferred to a base where the commander will look the other way for a lot of things. And in Frontier, he gets to still fly his favorite kawaiikouchan. Everything seems to be coming up Milhouse for Isamu.
  14. I hope everyone is ready, because Evolution Toy has rainbow of color variants to do! ♫Riding in your Valkyrie♫
  15. I dunno how much bearing this will have on the VF-2SS toy, but here is my review of Evolution Toy's Big Dai X figure. It's from their Dynamite Action line and features some degree of transformation. Hopefully this will give everyone an idea of what their toys are like. http://www.collectiondx.com/toy_review/2014/big_dai_x Josh also reviewed their Albegas (Gladiator Voltron) which also converts a little bit. http://www.collectiondx.com/toy_review/2014/albegas
  16. here is my panel http://www.animeboston.com/coninfo/schedule_panel/1616 and here is the panel I will a guest on http://www.animeboston.com/coninfo/schedule_panel/1482
  17. Please don't edit CollectionDX photos without giving proper credit.
  18. Here's my full review of the VF-0D. Enjoy the photos! http://www.collectiondx.com/toy_review/2015/vf0d_phoenix_shin_kudo_ver
  19. Yeah this is fresh off the presses so you'll have to give youtube some time to chew it.
  20. Well I don't think a lot of you guys here like Kancolle~
  21. Here's my video review! The full text review is coming soon.
  22. we'll see how the schedules work out
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